
White-Haired Template System

DxDverse, also known as Draconic Deus, is a world full of wonder. The story of this place follows a young man trying to fulfill his dream as Harem Protagonist. It is light-hearted and full of service. However, beneath all that light-hearted story, there is darkness. Humans are the race known as nothing but weaklings in this world. The race looked down upon is used as cannon fodder and even as cattle for the other race. And I reincarnated in this world as a human. I want to change how others see humans. With this power given to me, I will change humanity's fate and reach the stars! I shall make humanity conquer the stars!

LuxVonDeux · Cómic
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55 Chs

Chapter 53: Helping and Heist (III)

"Who are you?"

I give her a smug smile and say.

"Me? Nothing that you need to know. You only need to know that I come here to kill you and destroy that dragon."

"Hahahahaha! You want to destroy my dragon?! Dream on!"

I snap my finger, and Shiro and Kuro appear from my clothes. They fly, return to their original size, and slam their body at the flying Grimm. Shiro and Kuro will take care of the Wyvern, and I can focus on Cinder.

"So! Your pet is taken care of, and now it is you and me."

I can see her grit her teeth and flare her power. I can see her eyes covered in orange flame before she creates a massive ball of fire. I smile at it and activate my own Maiden power. With a snap of my finger, her fire is gone.

I laugh a little at her shocked expression.

"Oh, my~ Have you ever seen someone using magic? Well, as your Senpai, I will teach you a couple of lessons!"

After saying that, I dash forward with my sword. I appear in front of her before she can even snap from her shock and swing down my sword. She raises her hand to block the attack using her aura. However, my attack was above her grade, and her knee almost gave up from that single strike.

She grits her teeth before my eyes see something, and I jump away. I see a bunch of glass shards fly past me and explode when they hit the wall behind me.

"Not bad. However, I don't have much time to play with you. Let's end this."

I flare my aura, and my Sword of Damocles appears above me. The sword is five times taller than the tower itself, and it shines with power, empowering all of my clan members. I look at Cinder, make her float, and throw her away from the tower.

Before she can even get up, I appear above her and make sure she cannot move from the ground by increasing the gravity around her. I can see her grit her teeth and try her best to move.

"I pity you, you know? I know that you are someone who experiences the bad side of humanity. I will be a hypocrite if I say I will not do what you have done to get some power so the others will not kick you around because you are weak. However, you are choosing the wrong side, and you play a dangerous game. May the Gods have mercy upon you, for I have none. Goodbye"

I condense a large amount of Sky Flame into my pistol and press the trigger.

"No! Stop!"

A massive blast of beam comes out of my pistol and hits Cinder. The beam continues for a few seconds; after it is gone, Cinder has nothing left behind. She was reduced to nothing.

I look to the side and see Pyrrha look at me in shock.

"Y-You kill her."

I look at her in pity and say.

"Sometimes, you need to take extreme action, Miss Nikos. That woman is the reason why a lot of citizens of Vale died. Killing her is something that needs to be done. She is nothing but a Grimm."

Before she can say something, an orange flame appears next to Pyrrha and enters her body. Ah, the Fall Power chose its next host, huh?

"Congratulations, Miss Pyrrha. You are now Fall Maiden."


I let my Winter Maiden loose, and a ring of blue fire appears around my eyes once again.

"This is maiden power. Something so ancient and strong that many people want to have it, and now you have one. Train it and become something so strong the other will hesitate to attack you."

Before she can even say more, I jump into the air and look at Shiro and Kuro battling against the Grimm Wyvern. I take a deep breath and aim my pistol at the dragon. I keep pushing my sky flame into my pistol until it reaches the limit and press the trigger.

A beam made of Sky Flame comes out of my pistol and hits the Wyvern. Seeing the Grimm is not dead, I fly at it and push my King Aura into my sword. I swing it with all my might and release a white ball of light.

When the ball hits the dragon, it starts to suck the dragon inside the ball. After a few seconds, the Wyvern Grimm is losing half of its body. I clap my hand and rain upon the remaining body of the wyvern when I see it does not disappear into a mote of light. Shirou and Kuro also release their flame at the wyvern, burning it into nothing.

With the Wyvern Grimm gone, we can start the second stage of the plan.

"Who are you?"


|3rd POV|

"Who are you?"

Ozpin looks at the man floating in the air with a frown on his face. As much as he is thankful for rescuing him from the brink of death, he is still suspicious of the man in front of him. Especially when the said man uses a power that should be impossible for him to use.

There is a reason why it is called Maiden Power. It can only be used by women, but here, a man can use it. He cannot help but find it suspicious, as the last time he knew, the Winter Maiden was still Fria, who lived somewhere in Atlas.

"Hmmm? Ah, you can stand up. As for your question, my name is Valerian Millefiore, the Boss of the Millefiore Famiglia. We came here to help Vale after getting info that Atlas' Tin Army got hacked."

"And why don't you tell us this?"

"And let the enemies notice our presence? No. We cannot let that happen. Our plan might still have casualties, but it is the best outcome compared to not helping."

Ozpin cannot argue with that. He knows that if they tell him or James, the enemies will create a new plan when they learn about this information, creating even more chaos. Ozpin takes a deep breath and says.

"Thank you for helping us. We are indebted to you and your people. If there is something we can do for you, please tell us."

Vale slowly grins and makes Ozpin uneasy at the sight of his smile.

"Then I will take the Relic of Creation as the compensation for my help."


Before Ozpin can say more, a magic circle appears underneath Vale. He smiles at the headmaster of Beacon and says.

"Don't worry. Atlas will land safely, and no one will die from its landing."

"Wait! No!"

Sadly, because of his injury, Ozpin cannot do anything to stop Vale from disappearing. Ozpin curses his luck and quickly takes out his scroll. He calls James, and lucky for him, James accepts his call.


"James! We have an urgent situation!"

"I know. The battle at the tower is broadcast to the world. We know we need to repair the CCT tower."

"No! Not that. That man is the Winter Maiden and is coming for the Relic of Creation!"


"Do you have anything we can use to catch up to him?"

"All of my airships are on duty, and my fastest airship gets stolen by that bastard Roman Torchwick. I will prepare an airship to take us to Atlas."

"You do that."

And now, it is a race to Atlas.

If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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