
White-Haired Template System

DxDverse, also known as Draconic Deus, is a world full of wonder. The story of this place follows a young man trying to fulfill his dream as Harem Protagonist. It is light-hearted and full of service. However, beneath all that light-hearted story, there is darkness. Humans are the race known as nothing but weaklings in this world. The race looked down upon is used as cannon fodder and even as cattle for the other race. And I reincarnated in this world as a human. I want to change how others see humans. With this power given to me, I will change humanity's fate and reach the stars! I shall make humanity conquer the stars!

LuxVonDeux · Cómic
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55 Chs

Chapter 48: RWBY World and a Vault

"Eeeeeh?! You find another new world?! What kind of world is that?!"

I look at Byakuran and say,

"It is a Death World, as in sooner or later, that world will die unless something big happens. It is a world where humanity is already pushed into the corner by a dark creature called Grimm. Can you imagine a planet the size of Earth full of humans and another race called Faunus, I will tell you about them later, but the population cannot pass through two hundred million people? That is Remnant."

Byakuran looks at me and says,

"A very fitting name. A planet that will soon be a remnant of civilization."

"Exactly. This place is dangerous. It is not as dangerous as this one, but it is dangerous enough to kill us if we are not careful."

"Even then, I want to come with you!"

"Fair enough. Just make sure to bring your guardians with you. Oh! Before I forget, can you help me contact Viper for me? Mist Arcobaleno."

"Are you sure? Viper is expensive to hire, you know?"

"Don't worry. I want them to gather some information about this new world for me. They are masters of information gathering, right?"

"That is true. However, Viper needs something to start their work, you know? I suggest hiring Verde, the Lightning Arcobaleno, as well. Verde and Viper have one interest, and that is gold. Verde will use them for his experiment, while Viper wants to fill their vault so they can swim on it like in the cartoon."

"And get their bones broken from jumping into a pile of gold."

"They know a technique that can turn all the gold into a liquid-like state."

"Right. Anyway, when you return home, can you inform me about Verde and Viper?"

"Sure! I can do that. Just prepare a large amount of gold."

"Oh, don't worry. We have a large savings of gold."

We raid a lot of dead worlds, and boy, do we get a lot of gold.

"Then I will contact them."

"Thank you, Byakuran. If you want something, tell me."

"Don't worry about it. Traveling to a new world is already enough payment for me."

I give him a smile and say.

"Very well. When you are ready to go, you can visit me."

"Sure~ See you next in three days!"

I wave my hand and watch him enter the portal back to his world. As for me? I look at the portal in front of me. This is the portal to the RWBY world and the place I want to explore to increase the progress of my current template.

Hunting Grimm is the most effective way to increase the progress of my template. The more powerful the Grimm, the more progress I will make.

I take a deep breath and step through the portal.

After I enter the portal, my body winces a little because this world does not produce mana. The mana in the air is so thin that it feels like I can absorb the entire thing without a problem. However, there is one thing that makes me happy.

The nature of this world is happy.

The nature of this planet is still clean because the people of this world do not pollute it like the people from the DxD world. My Senjutsu has an easier time absorbing the natural energy of this world because there is no hatred in it, only knowledge of happiness and pity for humanity.

It is happy that it can finally help humanity and pity because it knows that humanity will die sooner or later.

I happily absorb the Natural Energy passively and strengthen my body. However, the more I absorb natural energy, the more I hear a call from the massive city floating in the sky. It is not like a literal call but rather a nudge to go to the floating city.

That city is Atlas City and the capital city of Atlas Kingdom. A template will give me basic knowledge regarding their world but nothing else, and Winter's Template gives me knowledge of the geography of this world.

However, what makes me worry is the nudging that tells me to go to the Atlas Academy. That place is more secure than any maximum-level prison in the DxD world, at least on the mundane side.

And you are telling me you want me to go there and do something?

Urgh. You know what? I will do that. I am curious about the nudging I feel. I look at the indigo ring on my middle finger and use my sky flame to activate it. A second later, an indigo mist from the ring covered my entire body.

"Let's do this."


|3rd POV|

The students and army of Atlas walk around the academy without knowing there is someone who walks among them who should not be there. This person is Valerian, and he is currently invisible using the power of Mist Flame, which creates an illusion around him that lets him blend with the background and fool any camera.

He is following the nudging in his mind as he walks through the corridor of Atlas Academy. After a few minutes of walking through the corridor, he arrives in front of an elevator that needs identification to use.

He decides to wait for someone who looks like they have a high clearance card in their person. Lucky for him, he does not need to wait for long.


The soldiers who wait in front of the elevator move their bodies when they see someone arrive. The man waves his hand and uses the card to open the elevator. Vale follows the man and carefully tries not to touch him. He expands the mist flame to steal the card he has before the man can notice.

After the captain leaves the elevator, the nudge in Vale's head tells him to go to the deepest floor. He used the card, and it was lucky for him; it let him do it. Unfortunately for him, ten people are waiting for him. They do not see him, but the one leading the group quickly shouts.

"Check the camera! Search for any heat source!"

Vale takes out a grenade from his pocket and throws it to them.


Sadly for them, it is too late as the grenade explodes and releases a thick flame of Rain Flame. The Rain Flame does its job and makes all of the soldiers unconscious.

However, that explosion causes the alarm to go off, and Vale releases a sigh. He canceled the mist ring and took out four small devices with green jewels on top of them.

He put the device around the elevator and created a dome made of strong Lightning Flame. He also activates his Glyph and creates seven thick walls around the elevator to block anyone from reaching this floor. After that, he walked toward the massive steel gate. Vale uses the card, and to his disappointment.

However, he expects this and points the Storm Ring on his finger at the gate. He activates his sky flame and uses all the Storm Flame inside the ring. A torrent of dark red flame disintegrates the wall, leaving a wall for him to walk through.

While walking, Vale takes out his weapon box and summons Shiro and Kuro.

"Defend this place. Make sure no one follows me."

The two dragons nod and get bigger to cover the entire gate. Vale, on the other hand, walks toward the door at the end of the room, and as he gets close to the door, a floating platform appears that lets him get close to the door.

When he touches the door, light covers his vision, and suddenly, he appears in the middle of a green meadow.

"Where the hell am I?"

If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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