
whispers of desire : shadow of power

meeting of soul of a beauty and a royal love.........some haters are there but true love never be changed.there is some our loving people.they love us but only front.....................................can do anything

Mehzabeen_Ansari · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
46 Chs


In the heart of Winsheild Castle, the opulent dining hall gleamed with the soft, warm glow of countless candles. A symphony of clinking silverware and hushed conversations filled the air as the royal family of Winsheild Country gathered for their midday meal. Merina, the graceful and beautiful wife of Prince Aric, sat beside her husband at the center of a long, ornately carved table. Her presence exuded regal elegance, her eyes reflecting the happiness of her newfound role in the royal family.

Margrate, a devoted servant who had been by Merina's side for years, moved silently among the guests, her eyes constantly flickering towards the princess. She had been with Merina during her most challenging times, including a grave illness that had nearly taken her life. Through Margrate's unwavering care, Merina had made a remarkable recovery, and the experience had bound them together even more strongly.

As Merina observed the joyous faces of her royal in-laws, her heart swelled with a sense of belonging. She had married Prince Aric not just for love but also to unite two powerful kingdoms. The Winsheilds had embraced her with open arms, showering her with affection and respect. They had come to appreciate her wisdom and grace, and her happiness was their own.

However, amidst the harmonious celebration, there was a shadow that clung to Merina's conscience, a secret that she had harbored with guilt ever since a fateful day months ago. She had thought that by confessing her terrible deed, she could cleanse her soul of the poison that had seeped into her heart.

Margrate, the loyal servant who had been there for Merina through thick and thin, couldn't help but notice the turmoil that danced behind her mistress's eyes. She had seen Merina's pained expressions, heard her restless whispers in the dead of night. She knew that Merina was still tormented by the events of that ill-fated day.

It had started as a moment of desperation, a fiery rage that had driven Merina to commit a terrible act. In the midst of her distress, she had surreptitiously mixed a tiny dose of poison into the dessert that the royal family would consume during their lunch. Her intention was not to harm anyone but to create a distraction, an opportunity to reveal a hidden truth.

But her plan had gone awry. As the poison took its toll, Merina had suffered the consequences herself. Her illness had been severe, and she had teetered on the brink of death. In the end, the family had rallied around her, showing her unwavering love and care, and she had recovered.

Margrate, who had witnessed Merina's pain and self-reproach, had also sensed a growing unease in the castle. Whispers of discord among the royal family members had reached her ears. She couldn't bear to see Merina suffer any longer, and she knew it was time to reveal a truth that would reshape their lives.

One evening, as the castle basked in the gentle light of twilight, Margrate approached Merina with a look of resolve in her eyes. She knew the confession she was about to make would change everything, but it was a necessary step towards lifting the burden of guilt that had crushed her mistress for far too long.

"Princess Merina," Margrate began, her voice trembling with both fear and determination, "I can see the torment that haunts you day and night. You must know that you were not wrong in your actions that day."

Merina turned to Margrate, her eyes wide with surprise. "Margrate, how can you say that? What I did was unforgivable, even if I didn't achieve my goal."

Margrate shook her head gently, her eyes filled with compassion. "You were not wrong in your intention, Princess. You wanted to uncover the truth, to bring justice to those who had wronged you and your family."

Merina's brows furrowed. "But the poison, Margrate, . How can you say ?

Margrate took a deep breath, summoning the strength to reveal a long-hidden secret. "Princess, the truth is that the poison you used was not meant to harm. It was meant to reveal. 

Margrate nodded. "Yes, Princess. I knew you were desperate to uncover the secrets of your in-laws, to find out if they were responsible for the tragedy that befell your parents. I couldn't bear to see you suffer any longer.

Merina's guilt began to ebb away as understanding washed over her. She realized that her actions had not been in vain, that she had indeed been on the right path. Her gratitude towards Margrate swelled in her heart.

"Margrate," she said, her voice filled with emotion, "you risked so much for me. You were willing to sacrifice your own safety for the sake of justice."

Margrate smiled softly. "I would do anything for you, Princess. You are like a daughter to me, and your pain was my pain. But now that the truth is known, we must take action. We must confront your in-laws and seek the answers you deserve."

Merina nodded, her resolve firm. "You're right, Margrate. It's time to uncover the secrets that have haunted me for so long. I will not rest until justice is served."

Together, Merina and Margrate began to devise a plan to confront the royal family with the truth. As they delved deeper into the mysteries of the Winsheild dynasty, they would discover secrets that ran far deeper than they had ever imagined, secrets that would challenge their loyalty, their love, and their understanding of the world they inhabited.

Little did they know that the journey they were embarking on would lead them to a reckoning that would reshape the destiny of the entire kingdom, a reckoning that would test the bonds of love and loyalty, and ultimately reveal the profound power of forgiveness and redemption.