
whispers of desire : shadow of power

meeting of soul of a beauty and a royal love.........some haters are there but true love never be changed.there is some our loving people.they love us but only front.....................................can do anything

Mehzabeen_Ansari · Urban
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


Elara one of the mistress of prince Aric hear all these conversation behind the window. She thinks ,"what is in mind of Margrate?, what she wants?O'God , please help me. I want to save this family.I can't fulfill the goal of Margrate."

In the heart of Winsheild Castle, the grand dining hall was a vision of opulence. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ornate ceiling, casting a shimmering glow over the long, polished banquet table. The room resounded with the symphony of laughter and conversation as the royal family of Winsheild Country gathered for a sumptuous feast.

Merina, the elegant and radiant wife of Prince Aric, sat at the head of the table, her presence commanding the attention of all. Her gown, a cascading masterpiece of satin and lace, adorned her like a regal cloak. Prince Aric, her dashing husband, was her loyal companion, his eyes never straying far from her.

Margrate, the loyal servant who had been a fixture in Merina's life since childhood, moved gracefully among the guests, ensuring that every dish was served with precision. She was known for her unwavering dedication to the royal family, a trait that had earned her the trust of those she served.

But Margrate held a secret, a hidden agenda that had brought her into the palace's inner circle. Her loyalty to the royal family was a carefully constructed façade, a mask that concealed her true intentions.

Years ago, when Margrate had first entered the castle's service, she had arrived with a singular goal—to bring down the very institution she now served. The royal family had been responsible for a grave injustice that had forever altered her life, and she had vowed to seek revenge.

Her plan had taken shape when she had discovered a poor, orphaned girl named Merina, living on the outskirts of the kingdom. Merina's story had tugged at Margrate's heartstrings, and she had seen in the young girl an opportunity to exact her vengeance.

Margrate had watched Merina from a distance, noting her grace, her intelligence, and her innate goodness. She had seen the potential for Merina to capture the heart of Prince Aric, the heir to the Winsheild throne, and thus gain access to the royal family.

Under Margrate's guidance, Merina had been transformed from a humble girl into a vision of grace and charm. She had been introduced to court life, trained in etiquette and refined in manners. Margrate had become her confidante and mentor, guiding her through the complexities of the royal court.

As Merina blossomed into a captivating young woman, Margrate had orchestrated a chance meeting between her and Prince Aric. Their connection had been instant, and their courtship had quickly captured the attention of the entire kingdom. It wasn't long before Prince Aric had fallen deeply in love with Merina, and their engagement had been announced to great fanfare.

The royal family, including Prince Aric's parents and siblings, had welcomed Merina into their fold with open arms. Margrate's plan had succeeded beyond her wildest dreams, and she now had a front-row seat to the very heart of the family she intended to destroy.

As the feast continued, Margrate couldn't help but marvel at the culmination of her years of careful plotting. She watched as Merina and Prince Aric shared loving glances, their happiness evident to all. But beneath the surface, Margrate's thirst for revenge still burned brightly.

It was then that she overheard a snippet of conversation between two courtiers seated nearby. They spoke in hushed tones, unaware that Margrate was within earshot.

"I can't believe how perfectly this all played out," one of them said, a sly grin on their face. "Merina's marriage to Prince Aric has solidified her place in the royal family. She's practically one of them now."

The other courtier nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's as if she was always meant to be here. It's a shame she doesn't know the whole truth."

Margrate's curiosity was piqued, and she discreetly moved closer, pretending to tend to a nearby guest's needs while eavesdropping on the conversation.

The first courtier continued, "The poor girl has no idea about her true lineage, about the secrets that the royal family has been keeping from her. If she only knew the depths of their deception."

Margrate's heart raced as she listened intently. What secrets were they referring to? Could this be the key to her revenge?

The second courtier leaned in closer, their voice dropping to a whisper. "It's said that Merina's parents were not the simple villagers she believes them to be. They had ties to a powerful faction that the royal family sought to eradicate. That's why they were silenced."

Margrate's breath caught in her throat. This was the information she had been waiting for, the ammunition she needed to unravel the royal family's carefully constructed facade.

As the feast continued, Margrate began to formulate a plan. She would discreetly investigate Merina's true lineage, uncover the secrets that had been hidden for so long, and then use that knowledge to bring about the downfall of the royal family.

But she knew that she had to tread carefully. The stakes were higher than ever, and any misstep could lead to her own undoing. Margrate was prepared to do whatever it took to achieve her goal, even if it meant risking everything she had worked so hard to accomplish.

Little did she know that her quest for revenge would lead her down a perilous path, one that would test the limits of her loyalty, challenge her own morality, and ultimately force her to confront the true nature of justice and forgiveness.

As the grand feast continued, Margrate's heart burned with determination, and she silently vowed to see her plan through to the end, no matter the cost. The fate of the royal family of Winsheild Country hung in the balance, and Margrate was prepared to be the catalyst of their downfall.