
whispered promise of love 2


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail

Episode 2

Elisa went to bathroom and refresh herself;

Diego bedroom, Elisa open the closet and took duvet and sleep on the floor while Diego sleep on the bed

The next day morning in kitchen; Elisa walk towards Mrs B. P. R. And greet her!

Mrs B. P. R.) Mr daughter how was your night; I hope Diego didn't, do anything stupid?

Elisa) everything was great! What are we making for breakfast? And Mrs B. P. R. Tell her to come near, after which they prepare breakfast finish;

Elisa return to upstairs to pick something from the room; Diego just finished dress up to go to work

Just when Elisa stretch her hand to open the door; and Diego open it from inside; and they bump up to each other; Elisa almost fall and Diego grab her! They stare in each other eyes small while Elisa is in Diego arms

Elisa push Diego chest and say! Let it go of me and Diego leave her and she fall on har back!

Elisa) ash; are you out of your mind! why did you let me fall?

Diego) first; if you want to say something; connect your Brian with your mouth! You are about to fall and I catch you; but you ask me to let it go of you! What was you thinking! I just do what you ask me.

Elisa) you are just good for nothing; before she could say another word and and Diego walk out and shut the door

Elisa stand up while her waist is pain her; because of the way Diego let her fall down and she seat on the bed;

In downstairs; Diego walk towards his mom and give her peg and say mum am off to work!

Mrs B. P. R.) Wait have your breakfast before! and Diego say; mom I'm late; evening; and he rush out

In Elisa parents house!

The person who sale the house for Elisa parents arrive with some rich man in the house

Elisa father welcome the man and say; how is your wife doing? And the man respond and start showing the rich man the house and the land

Elisa father) ah; what is going on; why are you showing this man our house and the land?

The man) your land; I have sale the house for this man here, and he wants to build a company on this land; I will refund your money back to you!

Elisa mum) but we bought this house like one year ago; and we have the papers; why do you sale it to another person again? and the rich man tell Elisa parents to get ready and pack out; he will start his project next week!

evening in Elisa parents house

Elisa father held his wife hand and say; please don't tell Elisa about this! She just got married; yesterday; we can't bother her with our problems

In B. P. R. Mansion

Diego return from work and went upstairs and change his clothes and return to downstairs for dinner

On the dining table;

Diego) Elisa tomorrow we will go to my workplace; the workers wants to organize party for us!

Elisa) I will go to work tomorrow;

Mrs B. P. R.) This is opportunity to meet your husband's workers! and besides I will not allow you to work in where you were work before, we have business around the town; you can be manager in one! and Diego father say, yes my daughter; don't worry about working in someones company while you can have your own!

After the dinner in Diego room; Diego walk towards Elisa while Elisa walk backwards; till she get to the wall;

Diego) I have work as my father personal assistant for two years before I could become C. E. O. But you just came here and they are ready to give you such position; are you using charm or?

What ever you do remember my eyes is on you

In middle of the night Diego wake up and saw, Elisa shaking because of the coldness of the weather and he close the window and carry her in his arms on the bed and cover her with the duvet and sleep the other side of the bed with her

The next day morning; they flip on the bed and face each other! face to face: after which and Elisa open her eyes and see Diego facing her like he is about to kiss her; and she scream and get down from the bed

Diego) what's wrong? Why are you shutting?

Elisa) how did I get into the bed huh? I hope you didn't touch me?

Diego) it was great night; I really enjoyed the moment a lot; and you were so gentle and soft! Idiot, do you think I will touch someone like you? I only make you a favor;

Elisa stretch her finger towards Diego, while feeling angry and Diego went to bathroom and leave her in the bedroom!

In Elisa parents house! The man Elisa father bought the house from; come back to them and say; I told you yesterday that I have sale the house to another person; you have to get ready and pack from here;

Elisa father) this house and the land is for me, and I have the papers; I will not leave the land! If you want return that man money to him! Not mine

The man) you want to die inside here? ok!

After a week; Elisa is from shopping and someone run towards her while breathing heavy and say! Elisa your parents house!

Elisa) what happen to my parents) and the boy say! Some rich man has bought your parents house and he is with excavators wants to break the house and build another one!

After which Elisa left everything and rush towards her parents house

Elisa parents stand in front of the house holding each other hands! And the person who drive the excavator, speak on microphone to them that! they should get out from the road for him to break the house down; or he will kill them and pass while the excavator go towards them and Elisa arrived

Elisa rush towards her parents and ask them what happen and her father explain to her and the excavator driver stopped;

Elisa) did you report it to the police and her father say; yes but the police didn't do anything about it!

The rich man who bought the land walk towards them and say; it will be better; to go inside there and took your things out before everything spoil.

The man tell the excavator driver to scatter the house; the excavator go towards the family to break the house and and Diego Lamborghini arrive in front of Elisa and her parents and the excavator driver step on break and stop

Just when Diego step out from the car and the rich man; shake and say, Diego son of Mr B. P. R.

Diego rub his hair gentle and walk towards Elisa and her family; Elisa stared at Diego while walking towards them