
whispered promise of love 3


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail

Episode 3

Diego rub his hair gentle and walk towards Elisa and her family; while Elisa stared at him quietly; till Diego reach to them and say; what is going on here?

Elisa father explain to him and Diego walk towards; the rich man and say; Mr randy, you know this land belongs to someone this family but because of your money; you are trying to take it force! Let me reminds you something; never in your life get into trouble with my family and he turn towards the man who sale the house for second time and say; and you, I will get you arrested, because is act of scamming to sale one property twice;

The rich man walk towards Diego and say; am sorry for my actions, please forgive me sir; I didn't know they are your family,

Diego stared at him and smile and say; I promise you, if you ever try to hurt this family or to take this house; you won't like what you will see,

After which and police arrive and they arrested the landlord that sell the land to the rich man

After which Diego ask Elisa father and he gives him the house papers and he shows everything to the rich man and say! I don't want my father to hear about this; if he heard; you know what will happen to you right! And mr randy beg him not to tell his father about it

After some minutes inside Elisa parents house

Diego seat on the sofa and ask Elisa father that! Why you didn't inform us early about this;

Elisa father) I didn't want to bother you, you just married not long that is why?

Diego) but that is not excuse, we are family; how do you think my father will feel if those people Break your house;

In B. P. R mansion

Diego walk towards his room direct and enter bathroom; after which he come out with only boxer short; and start dancing in the bedroom

After which and Elisa enter the room without knocking; Diego look at Elisa and look at his body and scream, ahhh, and Elisa too scream and Diego jump into the bed and cover himself with the duvet

Diego) are you out of your mind, why you didn't knock before come in?

Elisa) are you dumb, don't you know we are two in this room; you don't have to misbehave around!

And they start fighting with exchange words

After which Elisa walk towards kitchen while talking to himself! He is just annoying; I only wanted to thank him for helping my parents; but he is so arrogant, I wish I can just punch his mouth and she bump up to Diego mum

Mrs B. P. R.) What is wrong, why are you talking to yourself? I hope Diego is not the one makes you this angry

Elisa) who else if not him!

Mrs B. P. R) huh

Elisa) I mean not him; I'm fine and she enter kitchen

After which Diego dress up and went to town

In Diego room Elisa received phone call from her, boyfriend and her boyfriend ask her to meet him, in they favorite place

Elisa change her clothes and walk towards downstairs and tell Diego mum, she have something important to attend to in town and rush out

After few minutes Elisa reach the coffee shop, at the road side and walk towards her boyfriend;

Elisa boyfriend stand up and hug her

Elisa) look around and say; please stop that we are in public

Her boyfriend) Elisa what is wrong? You have change why?

Elisa) you know I'm married, now! Not everything we can do in public like first

Her boyfriend) but you said you don't love Diego; just find an excuse and divorce him;

In some restaurant, Diego and his boys are having fun and one of Diego friends say! Diego why you didn't come with your wife

Diego) nothing; she is busy at home that is why

After which Diego and his friend are driving home and one of Diego friends saw Elisa and her boyfriend seating in a coffee shop, while Elisa boyfriend has held her hand and say; don't worry if you face any difficult in that house, don't hesitate to tell me; I will always b support you! While Diego and his friends is the the car look at them from distance, how the boy held her hand and stared at her and touch her cheek

One of Diego friends; is she dating that boy or?

Diego) I don't know; and I don't want to know; can we move and he drove away

After few minutes

Elisa) I have to go home before someone saw us and report to Diego parents

They walk towards B. P. R. Mansion and her boyfriend hug her light one; and went home and Elisa too go to B. P. R mansion

Elisa enter the mansion and hug Diego mum and greet her, while Diego seat on the sofa look at her quietly

In Diego mind; this girl is actually an actress; see how she behave as if nothing happen; wow

Elisa) turn and saw Diego stared at her quietly

In Elisa mind; I hope there is nothing evil in his head, why did he stared at me like as if I have done something wrong;

Diego breath out and went upstairs