
whispered promise of love 17



I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail!

Episode 18

Maria get inside the car and the driver drive away, even when Sammy was calling; she tell the driver to keep moving;

After which the driver drop maria at some point for her to walk home and Sammy car arrive; Sammy get down from the car and run towards maria, while calling her to stop and listen to him!

Maria) you; bastard, you call me; just to show me your girlfriend!

Sammy shout at her; can you stop and hear me out? And he stop chasing her; and Maria too stop and return towards him and say; what do you want to say? That it's a mistake; how could you do this to me? You know I love you with all my heart but yet you choose to cheat! she was talking and yelling at Sammy and Sammy yelled; at her back! That she is my cousin!

Maria) what? You mean, before she could finish and Sammy said yes, she is my cousin, she is the one wanted to see you, that is why I call you over, but because of that stupid behavior of yours ruin everything! While maria doesn't know what to do or say; she was so confuse and sorry;

Maria move towards close and held Sammy hand and starting to beg him to forgive her; while tears almost rolling down; after few minutes of apologizing and Sammy said is ok! And she hug him

After some hours in Sammy house; in the sitting room! Sammy cousin laugh and say; if I where you! I will think dey same, because men of nowadays; change girls like clothes!

Sammy) what? But not everyone does that, some are honest, and sometimes as humans we like to jump into conclusion than; been patient and hear others out!

Maria) am sorry I didn't wait to hear him out and Sammy cousin held her hand and say; Sammy here has told me a lot about you; and I wish both of you stay happy forever!

In some ghetto; Marcus walk towards some gangsters and they shake each other hand and one of the gang members introduce him to they're boss, and the boss and Marcus go aside and have conversations with each other in private, after which and they return to the boys; and Marcus thank them and look around and walk away,

Diego room;

Diego is on the bed while having conversation with Sammy on phone and laughing and Elisa walk in and walk towards him and give him peg on his cheek and drop her hand bag and return to downstairs

Diego)📞 then you have suffer today! that thing call love! sometimes is not sweet at all; but all the same, and where is she?

Sammy)📞 she is in my room! And Diego say; bad guy,

After which and Diego mum call him from downstairs and he said; am coming mum;

After which in downstairs Diego sit down and Elisa start serving everyone after serving them and she serve herself and sit;

Diego father) I and your mom has decide to make; Elisa CEO of the mall! what do you think?

Diego remain quiet while his parents are, stared at him waiting to hear his opinion: and he smile and say I thought that mall is mum favorite thing?

Diego mum) yes; but now am no longer strong like first; and if I handed over to Elisa, still is not in wrong hand! She is my daughter in-law!

Diego father) I will step down soon! So prepare to become; president of all the companies, we have!

After which Diego room,

Diego) are you sure; you will be able to manage, that mall? and Elisa say; mum has been take me to the mall this days! she has teach me a lot of things about, mall management! And she pull close towards Diego and put her head on Diego chest

After two weeks! evening in B. P. R mansion Elisa return from work and greet Diego mum and went to upstairs and change her clothes and return to kitchen with Diego mum,

After which all the family meet in downstairs having dinner, and Diego mum said; Elisa; your assistant called me today; she said the mall is getting more customers than ever; and the everyone smile and congratulate Elisa for her hard work!

Elisa) am; my siblings are coming to visit my parents tomorrow and I will want to meet them!

Diego father) they're your parents, you can visit them anytime you want; no one is going to stop you from visiting your parents

The next day in Diego company; Diego was in his office and police car arrive in the company, and the police men's walk inside the company; and ask the workers, where is their are boss; and Diego come out from his office; and the police men give him his card and say; we from Sentra police station! We were informed, your company deal with drugs; and Diego shut what'?



I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail

Episode 19

Diego walk from his office towards the police men's; and the police officer greet him and say; we were informed, your company deal with drugs, and we are here to investigate about it!

Diego) what? is this a joke? This is wrong accusation; and the police officer said; can you allow us do our work and Diego tell them to go on; and the officer tell his boys to search everywhere in the company! if they will see something!; and the police start their searching after which and they return to the; police officer in the reception room and say; sir we didn't see anything

The police officer look at Diego and say; can you allow me search in your office by myself! and Diego say; oh, go on and the police officer walk towards Diego office and Diego and his staffs follow him up!

In Diego office; the police officer search everywhere in the office but he didn't see anything; he turn to go out and stop on the door and return in the office again and walk towards Diego office table and bend down and saw a brown envelope under the table and brought it out; and ask Diego what is this?

Diego) I don't know, and I have no idea what this is doing here; and the police officer open the envelope; Diego was shock when he see cocaine in the envelope; and all the staffs was shock too; and the police officer smile! Diego try to explain to them that he don't know how the cocaine get into his office and the police officer tell his boys to put handcuff on Diego and they handcuff him and drag him out and lock the company and took him to police station

In Elisa parents house! Elisa and her siblings and her parents are talking and laughing and Elisa phone ring and she answered the call; after few seconds and Elisa shout, what; and the phone drop from her hand; and her mum walk towards her and ask what is wrong?

After which in the police station; Diego held Elisa hand while they have lock him in the jail; and say; I swear, I don't know how that thing get into my office; I have no idea about it; and Elisa tears started rolling down on her cheeks and say; I believe you, as Elisa is still talking to him! And Sammy rush in towards them;

After which Sammy and Elisa walk out, from the police station; while thinking about how to get Diego out from jail and Marcus walk towards them while smiling, holding three cups of ice creams;

Marcus) sorry, I heard your friend has been arrested for selling drugs; please cool down! have this ice cream; and he handed the ice cream give Sammy and Elisa while smiling; and say; they say; birds with same long fly together, that could mean, you also deal with drugs or?, Sammy get angry; he almost punch him And Elisa hold him and shake her head; and Marcus said; hey man chill and he smile and say; is time for pay back and walk away;

After which in B. P. R mansion Elisa walk in and go up and down; and Diego mum tell her to sit and be calm, the lawyer will take care of everything; but still Elisa is worried;

Evening time and Diego father return back to the house and Elisa and Diego mum ask him what happen; and Diego father sit on the couch feeling tired and worried and say; they refuse to grant him bill today!

Elisa) what, how? And Diego mum held her shoulder and confront her to be calm,

In the police station; the police officer call the old prisoners and tell them something and went back to home!

After which in the prison, one of the prisoners walk towards Diego, and start, making fun of him; he walk too close to Diego and Diego tell him to let him be alone; and the prisoner said, so you want to fight, and he push Diego, and rush towards him and push him again and Diego fall down; and all the prisoners rush towards Diego and start beating him;

The next day in B. P. R mansion, in Diego room, Elisa received call from, unknown number after which and Elisa rush towards downstairs! just when she get to downstairs and Diego mum ask her! where are you going that you are in a hurry like that?

Elisa) I just received call from the hospital; they said Diego is in the hospital; and Diego mum shout what;

After which in the hospital; Elisa and Diego mum rush inside Diego wald and Elisa sit opposite him on the hospital bed

The prisoners has beat him, till all his body is paining him; Elisa stared at Diego; she couldn't hold her tears anymore

After which Sammy and Elisa meet!, Sammy; how can this be true; right now we have nothing to do because, we don't have anything to prove he is innocent and we only has three days to provide proof or he go life in jail; just when they are talking and Marcus; walk towards them and say; don't disturb yourself, there is nothing you can do; Sammy stared at him with anger and he held Elisa hand and they walk away from that place

In the police station, Diego family lawyer try all his possible best, but because of that police officer, he didn't get bail for Diego!

The lawyer and Diego have conversation and he tell Diego to be careful,

After three days; in court; the judge entered and they start the case

Diego lawyer) my Lord, my client, here, is innocent, because; he doesn't have any idea how that cocaine get into his office; there most be; the other lawyer did not let him finish and he say; do you have proof to that? and Diego lawyer said, no but! and the other lawyer say; you have to get a proof before saying something;

After which and Diego lawyer beg the judge to give him a one more chance to proof Diego is innocent and the other lawyer said, my Lord there is no proof anywhere, Diego is a criminal, and the judge said; ok I have give you from today to tomorrow if you didn't get any proof then, I will have to judge this case how it is! And the police take Diego back to police station while Elisa stand aside watching but can't do anything about it

Marcus walk towards Elisa and say; three days, you couldn't proof he is innocent and do you think you can get any proof before Tomorrow? and he pass by her!

The next day

After which in some place; Sammy was walking up and down; and say yes yes; and Elisa rush towards him and say, did you get something or?

Sammy) Diego has secret camera in his office; if we could get there we will be able to see how the cocaine get into the office! But the police has lock the company

Elisa) Diego has another spur key in the house and Sammy look at his watch and say; we have only one hour to get to the court, let go grab the keys and they enter the car and Sammy drive away!

After one hour, the polices arrive in the court, and Diego get down while the polices are following him, Diego look around in the court and everywhere; but he didn't see Elisa and Sammy; after which and they start the case; still Sammy and Elisa is not yet in the court, and Diego, lose hope;

After which and the judge said; according to the proofs and evidence, you both lawyers have brought before this court! I will like to pass my judgement and Diego close his eyes, while tears are rolling down

Just when the judge open his mouth to judge and Sammy and Elisa arrived and Sammy scream from the door, that; please wait, and everyone turn towards them, and Sammy walk towards the judge and say! You ask for proof, i have a video which will prove that Diego is not guilty and he give his phone to the judge,

After which and the judge, connect the phone to laptop and show everyone in the court the video

In the video the police officer and Marcus sneak into Diego office with the brown envelope and put it under the table, and they shake each other hands;

It was a plan work, just when the video end; and Marcus turn to run out in the court room and the police grab him and handcuff him and handcuff the police officer too

And the judge said; Mr Diego, you are innocent, and they took Marcus and the police officer to jail!

And Elisa rush towards Diego and hug him tight while tears is rolling down, after which and Diego hug Sammy too and his parents hug him; and they went home ,

After one week

Elisa is going to work, and Marcus meet her on the road, and say; hi, Elisa was shock, when she turn, she didn't see him; just when she turn to go and Marcus pass by her with moto bike; and smile with evil face



I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail!

Episode 20

in the mall, Elisa is in her office, while thinking! In Elisa mind; how can this be possible, how did he manage to get bail so quick? And one of the mall attendant knock on Elisa office door; but She was thinking, and remember how Marcus smile evilly towards her, on the road, and the mall attendant walk towards her and tape her, on her shoulder and she get panic and turn towards the attendant, and breath out,

The mall attendant! Ma,am! I'm sorry; I have been knocking, but you didn't respond that is why; I come in!

Elisa) what is the problem? And the mall attendant, handed an envelope give her, and say someone left this for you!

Elisa) and where is the person? And the attendant, said, he didn't wait, he drop it and return; and Elisa take the envelope and thank him; and he walk out!

In some restaurant; Sammy and Maria is having drink feeling happy; after which; and maria turn to talk to one of the waiters and Sammy knelt down holding diamond ring in his hand; just when maria turn to talk to Sammy again and saw him on his knees while holding the ring and she stand up from the seat, and cover her mouth, while shed tears of joy! And Sammy said! I was incomplete before I meet you; but you make my life complete and bright, and I want that light to remain in my life forever! Please will you marry me?

Maria jump while shed covered her mouth from shouting and say! yes I will and Sammy put the ring on her finger, and Maria hug him after which and she let it go of the hug and kiss him passionately; and people in the restaurant start clap for them! And they stop kissing and turn towards the people and thank them and smile and hug each other again

B. P. R mansion in Diego room; Diego is on call📞 with Sammy laughing and congratulate him; and Elisa walk in worried; and sit on the bed while she seems to thinking about something! And Diego say; ok Sammy let me call you back after which and they hung up the call? And Diego turn towards Elisa

Diego) what is wrong? Why are you worried?

Elisa) I saw Marcus today, on my way going to work in the morning! And Diego touch her forehead and say! Are you ok; Marcus is in jail, how did he manage to get bail?

Elisa) please Diego trust me, I know what am saying, I saw him! And he even brought me some later in work; talking about Mr randy; he said he will make our life hell for us

Diego held Elisa gentle and say; please be calm, just breath out and in; I think it a too much of stress! you have to rest! And Diego walk out towards kitchen to get her some juice for her! after Diego walk out and Elisa phone ring; and she answer the call;

The caller) hey hello sweetie, I hope you are doing great?

Elisa) please who is this?

The caller) oh baby girl I didn't expect you to forget my voice so soon! But all the same; is Marcus your first love!

Elisa) what? why are you doing all this huh? and Diego said from the door; hey the juice is ready and Marcus hung up and put the number on black list;

In Mr randy house; Marcus and the police officer walk in and sit on the couch and Mr randy walk from upstairs and sit on the sofa

Marcus and the police officer, greet Mr randy, and Marcus said; thank you so much for bailing us; and Mr randy said! I'm happy you are free now!

The police officer) so; sir what is the plan for now? And Mr randy said! Marcus! you want your love back; and I want to take revenge on Diego for snatch that land from me! what about we got Diego killed! and I will have my land and you will get your love; after which and they shake each other hand and Marcus and his co police officer walk out;

In Mr randy mind! Diego you have the mind to make me go to jail; because of that poor inlaw of yours; wait for me, and he smile and walk towards upstairs

The next day in some restaurant; Diego and Sammy just finished having lunch and turn to walk out and the police officer walk in while holding gun in his jacket, a gun with slight mouth; and he sit on; one of the tables and turn towards Diego while holding the gun pointing on Diego, just when he is about to press and shoot Diego and one of the waiters walk towards him and say, sir what can we serve you; and he turn to the waiter after he finished talking to the waiter and turn towards the door; but Diego and Sammy has already walk away and he chase them out, just when he got out and Diego move the car and drove away! And he said; shit and put the gun back in his pocket and return into the restaurant and press his airpud and tell Marcus that; Diego has escape the first attack

After which and Diego and Sammy, stop on road side, to buy something and some car from they're back side! just when Diego saw the car coming towards them and push Sammy from the road and move backwards small and the car scratch him, and he fell down and get some scratches on his hand; but the driver didn't stop!

After which in hospital; and Elisa rush towards Diego, wald while Diego sit on the bed and sit opposite him, while the doctor is treating the wound!

Elisa was worried, and say, are you ok? And Diego say; is nothing serious, is just a scratch and Elisa get angry and stand up; and shout at Diego; I told you Marcus is out!

Sammy) calm down this is hospital!

After which in B. P. R mansion; Elisa try her possible best to convince Diego and Sammy that; Marcus is out and he wants to kill Diego! But Sammy and Diego, didn't believe her!

Diego) please my love; I don't know why you find this difficult to understand that; Marcus is in jail, there is no way he can escape;

Elisa was tired of explain to them and she keep quiet!



I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail

Finally, one

Episode 21

Elisa was tired of explain to Diego and Sammy; why she say Marcus is back and she sit on the couch while rubbing her forehead slowly and thinking about a way to get prove for them to believe her;

After which Elisa went to upstairs in the room to pick the letter Marcus give to her, the other day but the letter was no where to be find; Elisa try to remember where she keep the letter; but still she don't remember where she keep it!

The next day evening 6: 30 pm to 7

Sammy has build a new mansion, where he wants to live with his wife to be; maria

Diego and Sammy went to the place he build the mansion to show Diego! after which and they reach, Sammy new mansion and they get down from the car

Diego look around and say; wow men this house is classe and Sammy punch him in a playful way and say; you have many houses, don't evy this; and they all smile; after which and Diego phone ring and he answer the call; and Sammy said; am going upstairs to check something, when you finish come upstairs there and he walk towards upstairs

Diego; walk towards front small while talking to the person on phone📞

After which and Marcus and the police officer arrive in some uncompleted building opposite Sammy new house; and they fix their gun and put slight mouth on it; while Diego walking around and talking on the phone;

The police officer; try to shoot but ; Diego doesn't stand one place! it was hard for him to get the target; after which and Sammy return back to Diego in the yard!

Sammy walk towards Diego and, Diego, hung up from the call and say; I'm sorry, it's a business call, let go in, just when Diego wanted to move and Sammy saw a blue light pointing on his chest on the left side;

Sammy) wait bro and Diego stop, Sammy look at the Blue light and turn towards the direction, and saw a touch light in the uncompleted building; after which and Sammy; remember his cousin show him, how gun with telescope work and he drag Diego towards him force; just when he drag Diego towards him and the police officer shoot and the bullet hit some tank and they run inside the house; and pass trough back door;

After which in Sammy house! Diego walk up and down while ask; and who will want to kill me? I don't have problem with anyone!

Sammy) it true yes;

Diego) what is true?

Sammy) what Elisa said is true and Diego stop and stand quiet and said shit; I was so stupid for no believing her;

Sammy) we have to do something fast before things get out of hand; and Diego sit on the couch

After which in B. P. R mansion, Diego walk in towards his room and sit on the bed, while Elisa is arranging her clothes on the closet and say; welcome; but Diego didn't respond and she turn and walk to him on the bed and sit opposite him;

Elisa) what is wrong? And Diego held Elisa hand and say; you are right, Marcus is back; and he wants to kill me! but am confuse, I don't know what to do!

Elisa confront him to be calm;

The next day morning and Sammy called Diego and ask him to meet him! and he stand up from bed and dress up and go to meet Sammy, while Elisa is still in bed

After which; some secret place; where Marcus and the police officer live; mr randy went to meet them; just when Mr randy is about to walk in and he heard Marcus; say! we have to get ruined of Diego first after that we will face that idiot and the police officer said; poor randy; do you think we are going to work for you? just wait till we finish with Diego; you will regret ever helping us;

Marcus) we have to be careful; till we finish Diego; then we will make him. lose all his money to us after that! He will end up like Diego, then we travel out of the country!

And they laugh and make toast to each other; and Marcus said! Smart move and Mr randy return back smoothly, without making noise; and went home!

In randy house

Mr randy sit on his couch while thinking about what he just heard! and say, I swear, you guys will pay for this; and pick his car keys and went out

After three days in Sammy new house; Diego and Sammy plus Elisa; walk out; while smiling; just when they walk out and Marcus and the police officer arrive with guns; and pointing on Diego;

Marcus laugh and say; you think it over; and you are enjoying life; I'm here to take what belongs to me, and Elisa come stand in front of Diego,

The police man try to shoot Elisa and Marcus stop, him; just when Marcus is talking to the his partner; and police start coming out from every corner in the house! And they tell Marcus and his partner to drop they're guns; and Mr randy walk towards them!

Marcus) randy what are you doing here? And Randy took his phone out and play the audio; for them and say; I heard everything you guys, have plan about me; and I Know you will follow, Diego here! while Mr randy walking around him; and Marcus turn towards Mr randy and shoot him on his shoulder; and shout at the police to drop they're guns, if not; they will kill Diego and Sammy, and the his partner grab Sammy and point gun on his head while Marcus too hold Diego pointing gun on his head; and threatening the police to drop they're guns; or they' will kill Sammy and Diego

The police refuse to drop their guns and Marcus shoot mr randy again; and the police inspector order his boys to drop they're guns after they drop they're guns and Marcus and his partner, take mr randy car key and walk towards the car while holding Diego and Sammy, and the gun point on their head;

Just when Marcus open the car back door and push Diego inside and turn to open, the front door and someone shoot him on his left side on his chest; from the house gate! And he fall down; and his partner, walk towards him to see what happen and another bullet entered him too and he also fall down; and Diego and Sammy get out from the car; and Sammy cousin walk from the gate with her shoulders dress; towards them; she is army in Dubai;

After which inside the house;

Sammy) I thought you said your holiday is off; and she smile and say, I ask permission; because I know what that boy is up to! And Sammy hug her; after which and Diego thank her for saving them

The police took Marcus and his partner to hospital after that and court sentence them to death

After two months Diego and Elisa renew they're wedding vows as new couples; on the wedding vow renewing party; Mr randy walk towards them and congratulate them; and hug Diego

After which

Sammy hug Diego while smiling and Diego whispered to him; is time for you to get married, and they smile;

After the wedding, vows renewing and Sammy handed two plane tickets to Diego and Elisa and say, you are flying with my cousin to have romantic moment in Dubai! And they hug Sammy and thank him for the support

After which in Sammy house; Sammy and Maria walk in and Sammy turn towards her and grab her tight and pull her close and say; what, left is for us to get married, and Maria smile and they start kissing each other!

In B. P. R mansion Elisa and Diego has park things, they will need in Dubai and, they enter the car to go to airport! while Diego parents stand in the compound wave them! And Diego dad hug his wife; and they return inside the mansion


Our story ends here;

The Name is Benjamin Prince Ramzey; +233245987849