
whispered promise of love 16


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail!

Episode 16

Diego walk towards living room and sit opposite his father on the sofa; and say hey dad; while his father is watching TV

Diego father) hey you are here, and Diego say let play game! And they switch to game mode!

The next day in Sammy place, Diego Walk in and sit on the couch, and Sammy walk from upstairs towards him and sit opposite him;

Diego) wassup! How are you doing?

Sammy) I'm good, and about Elisa case; her ex boyfriend is blackmailing her with, some pictures and videos;?

Diego) what kind of pictures is that?

Sammy) Marcus; has record video of Elisa nodes and some naked pictures. and he is threatening to release them out if ,she didn't pay him!

Diego) that bastard, I will kill him if such thing happen and Sammy said, be calm, we have to do this low key;

Evening time in Diego room! Elisa is on call with Marcus, while Diego is in bathroom bathing after which and Diego return back from the bathroom and change his clothes and say, let go downstairs, but Elisa was thinking about how to get the money and pay Marcus! for him not to release the pictures and Diego walk towards her on the bed and sit opposite her, and held her hand and Elisa, say you have finish bathing and she stand up and say let go!

Diego) please sit; we need to talk; and Elisa sit while staring at him, she doesn't know what Diego wants to talk about;

Diego held her hand with his both hand with care and say! We are husband and wife now; if there is a problem, let share it, why are you hiding things from,

Elisa) what? I didn't hide anything from you; why are you talking like that, you know; I love you and I will never do a thing that will hurt you!

Diego) ok then tell me; what is bothering you! you have change this two days why?

Elisa hold Diego hand back and stared in his eyes with care and say; I'm fine, there is nothing to worry about!

After which on downstairs and Diego received call from; Sammy and Diego went outside and answer the call;

The next day

Elisa call Marcus and they discuss to meet afternoon time when Diego is off to work

After which in Marcus house, someone knock on the door and Marcus rush towards the door and open it! And the person delivered some package to Marcus;

Afternoon time Marcus is from town to home and bump up to some girl!

Marcus) am so sorry; I didn't; see you and the girl say; it my fault, I'm sorry for bump up to you; after which and they talk and introduce themselves and went to coffee shop and have coffee,

After Marcus left and the girl call Sammy on phone!

Sammy) wassup; and the girl say; everything is going according to our plans; and Sammy; said be careful, don't let him know who you are! And the girl say ok sir and they hung up and the girl walk away

After which the girl reach at Sammy place and enter the room, while Sammy and Diego sitting in the living room; and the girl sit opposite them;

And Sammy brought his laptop and the girl give him Marcus contact and Sammy hack the contact and breath out and say now we will be able to see what ever he will do on his phone;

After which and Diego return to home, in the living room and Elisa hug him and kiss him

Diego) I hope everything is ok; and where is mum?

Elisa) she is upstairs! I have surprise for you! And they went to upstairs in Diego room! Elisa have arrange a delicious meal, in the room, waiting for him

Diego walk towards the table and sit and said; wow I can't wait to taste this food!

Elisa) nope, you have to refresh yourself first, just walk towards the bathroom and refresh first and she walk Diego towards the bathroom!

And she return back and change her clothes to night wear and sit on the bed waiting for Diego to come out from the bathroom



I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail!

Episode 17

In Diego room Elisa sit on the bed in her night wear, with her sexy eyes, waiting for Diego to return from the bathroom! After which and Diego walk from the bathroom to the bedroom, just the moment Diego saw Elisa sitting on the bed; he was so attractive to her beauty and walk towards her on the bed; reach out to her and touch her cheeks gentle while moving more closer, Diego wanted to kiss her and Elisa place her finger on Diego lips and say, we have to eat first;

Diego) but we; he didn't finish and Elisa said shhhh and she walk towards the table and pull seat and stretch her hand and tell Diego to sit and Diego sit and Elisa serve him and sit opposite him and stared at him with her sexy eyes; after which and Diego stand up from the chair and grab Elisa and carry her in his arms towards the bed, while Elisa said, put me down, while laughing!

The next day morning Diego wake up and kiss Elisa and went to washroom and Elisa too wake up and went towards downstairs in kitchen!

After some hours, in Marcus house; Elisa knock and walk in towards the couch and sit; and Marcus walk from kitchen while holding cup of coffee and handed it to Elisa, but Elisa didn't take the coffee and he put it down on the table and sit opposite her on the couch, trying to touch her while talking and Elisa move backwards and give space between them and say; don't try that!

After which Elisa brought out a hand bag and give it to Marcus! Just when Marcus open the bag and smile and Sammy knock on the door and Marcus said come in; just when Elisa saw Sammy and Diego and she stand up walking towards them and say, please I can explain and Diego say shhhh; and he pass by her without a word!

Sammy walk towards Marcus and pull card out from his pocket and say, I'm dictator Sammy! You are under arrest for blackmailing people; and Marcus get panic and Diego smile while stared at him

Marcus) please can I take look at your card, while Diego sitting on the couch near Marcus phone; and Sammy give the card to Marcus; after few minutes and Marcus laugh and say; you think you can fool me? this card is fake, and again you don't have evidence to, what you are accusing me about!

Marcus grab the money and turn towards Diego and say; I thought you are smart, but you are dumb; than I ever think;

Just when Marcus said; now leave my house before, I call the police on you;. and Diego smile and say, you think so! please have your phone; sorry but I just flash everything on it,

Marcus grab the phone in a hurry and saw Diego has flash everything on it! he get angry, and rush to punch Diego and Diego grab his hand and push him towards the couch; and the phone fall down and Diego step on it and the phone break;

After few seconds and Marcus grab the phone on the floor and Elisa pick the money; back

Just when Diego grab Elisa hand and turn to walk out; and Marcus said; I will be stupid if I keep those pictures and videos on one device! I can get my hacking system and the pictures somewhere else and he laugh evilly; and the girl who bump up to Marcus; the other day! walk from upstairs and say; oh you mean you can get everything back on your laptop! Ops but am sorry, it too late and the girl walk towards Diego and Sammy; with the laptop piece piece; and said, some of the pieces is inside the toilet

Marcus) you! while he is so angry and Diego said you are the most, foolish guy I ever meet! She is our team mate and they walk out!

Marcus punch the wall and say shit and hold his hand; while it hurting him! And sit on the couch!

After which in Diego room; Elisa walk up and down, just when Diego enter the room and she rush towards him and grab his hand and say; am sorry for not inform you about it; but I can explain to you, and Diego say; shhhh and tell her to sit on the bed; and he sit opposite her, and grab her hand;

Diego) I know you didn't want to stress me! but don't you think, it will be better for us not to keep secret from each other?

Elisa) I will never keep anything from you again; I promise and Diego pull her close and hug her;

Diego) wait, where did you get that money from;?

Elisa) I withdraw it from the bank card you give to me!

Diego) anytime you need such amount of money, ask me; I will give you my personal card to get it; because the one I give to you is family bank account; and all the family has access to it, and Elisa smile and say thank you and Diego kiss her and they smile

In Marcus place, he sit on the couch while drinking and talking to himself with anger; and say, I can't lose both of them to you, Diego wait am coming and he stared towards the wall with evil eyes and smile

Sammy house the girl hug Sammy and say, I have to return back to Dubai tomorrow; my holy days is over; and Sammy said; I will miss you so much, and the girl push Sammy head in a playful way and say, I thought you hate me, and Sammy said, what? you are my cousin; how can I hate you? and the girl hug him again; and Maria arrive; and saw Sammy and his cousin hug and she shout Sammy name and start shed tears and return, and run towards the taxi man who drop her and sit inside the taxi and tell the man to move and the taxi move

Sammy try to call her on phone but she keep decline the call; and Sammy return to the girl, and the girl ask; who is she?

Sammy) my girlfriend, and the girl said, oh; we can go to her place to explain to her; and Sammy said, don't worry you have a lot to attend to, just arrange your things, I will handle it, do not worry; and the girl punch Sammy shoulder in a playful way and say, got you and return inside,