
While Everyone Has Magic Weapons, I Mastered The Art of The Sword!

In a world where people are granted with a magical weapon upon their birth, Aurelius Agravain, was unfortunately not one of them. Living an empty and boring life day by day, his life was on the trajectory of being merely nothing. However, a meeting with an old vagabond who turned out to be the Sword Immortal changed his destiny! For the better? “For the worse,” Aurelius sighed. Gone were the boring and empty life, now under the tutelage of a Sword Immortal, it was time to raise the blade, pierce through the mysteries and slay evil— “No, It's time for me to enjoy myself.” Aurelius smirked. “A hero? A villain? I don't care of any of that. I only do what I want and what's the most fun.” And thus, as he said that under the moonlight, the legend of his very own tale begun! “—Tsubame Gaeshi!” *** I'll try daily updates with the minimum of 1000 words. This story is going to be fun. Its just crazed wish fulfillment and action. This novel is also World Hopping. Also dm me if you have an idea of a magical weapon and want to add it to the story. 

Deathilim_609 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Something Important

In one of Starfoster Academy's dorms. In a dark room, a knock echoed through the sapphire blue door.

"I'm home."

A tired voice resounded from outside the room. 

As soon the voice fell, the door as though it recognized the person, opened automatically, revealing the ruby red haired student standing outside.

"Yeah, right. Like anyone aside from me is in this room."

Arelius chuckled, entering his own dorm room as the door behind him shut.

[I'm also here, kid.]

He ignored that and dropped himself on the sofa, landing his back softly on the cozy furniture as he felt it lighten the soreness he was experiencing all over his body.

'Magic. This is magic… alright.'

Nothing like a cozy sofa to solve a sore back. Aurelius smiled. For times like this, it made him more glad at the fact he spent most of his savings on it.

Some would say that was a stupid and horrible decision, but he begged to differ. He was in a combat school for starsake, that means an always hurt body, consequently a constant sore back!

He wasn't here in this school to get an overworked back that aches constantly.

Good thing he thought ahead of time and bought a good sofa. In contrast to his other classmates.. Aurelius chuckled, fools they were.

But of course, such a cozy sofa wouldn't be so expensive to cost most of his savings if it was just, well, cozy and soft…

"Ruby, turn on the TV and activate the massage function of the sofa."

Aurelius ordered to the air softly with a smirk. 

Better yet, the sofa could massage him automatically and provide pleasure equal to that of sex!

Not that he knew of what sex feels like! But that was what was advertised! 

"As you wish, master."

A feminine responded back to him. Not even a few seconds later, the TV inexplicably turned on by itself and the sofa massage function began to activate.

"Ah, let's see the news…"

Aurelius murmured while looking at the TV in front of him.

Unfortunately for him, it was still in commercials. A group of idol girls called HOP-E advertising a VR headset along with a game. If he has the time, he'll check it out.

'...Ah damn.. Ooh..'

Aurelius whistled, feeling his back be smothered and pressured by the soft and cozy mounds.

At that moment, Valenmist voice suddenly resounded, seeing it fit to ask the question plaguing his mind.

[...Kid, who was the one that  answered earlier..? I couldn't sense it.]

"You mean Ruby?"

Aurelius furrowed his brows, confused. Then he snapped his fingers in realization.

"Oh right. Your home world was probably a backward primitive cultivation world."

[Is that an insult?]

"Depends how you take it. But nevermind that, meet Ruby then. Ruby, introduce yourself."

At that moment, the feminine and robotic voice from earlier echoed once again.

"Hello. I'm Ruby, Master's one and on—"

Aurelius suddenly coughed.

"—My name is Ruby, I am your very professional personal AI."

Hearing that, Aurelius sighed in relief. 

[An… AI? What is that?]

Valenmist asked, curious.

"AI or Artificial Intelligence. I'm too lazy to explain it to you but it's basically a man-made slave you can order as you wish."

[That sounds… unethical.]

"I wouldn't want to hear that from someone who killed people daily,"

Aurelius dryly murmured. He shook his head and explained more clearly.

"But anyways… It's not as bad as it sounds. They're just machines… or maybe in xianxia terms 'artifact spirits'."

[Oh, they're artifact spirits. You should have said that first, here I thought you were enslaving people…]

Valenmist snorted.

"Sorry then,"

Aurelius muttered, feeling tired. He wasn't in the mood for long discussions or explanations right now, but if he must…

Ruby was, as he said, an Artificial Intelligence. But more specifically, a personal AI from the academy installed in his own dorm.

Normally teenagers at his age wouldn't be able to have their personal AI's as of yet, but it was different from combat schools, as the institution provided it to their students.

'One of the good things about this school…'

While the AI stuff sounded impressive, it really wasn't. Nowadays, almost every citizen in the world has their own personal AI installed in their houses, facilities or even gadgets.

It was just natural. As technology progressed, so did the development of AI. And its rapid spread to the population need not to be said.

The convenience of AI in any citizen's daily life was immense, making it a good addition to any house or facility.

Aurelius yawned.

Though… he didn't bother to mention to Valenmist that Ruby was different from the normal AI's. More specifically, Ruby didn't act like a normal AI.

'Of course, who wants to hear a robotic and bland voice in the house anyway?'

Certainly not him. So like any normal person, he modified the AI to his preferences. As for someone finding it out? Aha! He would not even let the principal enter!

After a while, Valenmist's voice never rose once more as Aurelius realised that the man was tired or perhaps thinking about something.

In regards to the man, Aurelius still wasn't sure what to feel about him.

But he had a feeling he would come to understand in time. And he wasn't in any rush to do so. Understanding takes time, bonds take longer.

As time slowly passed away while he watched the TV, he felt drowsiness hit him accompanied by the sofa massage.

Soon, Aurelius fell under the magic of silence and fell asleep on the sofa.





"What the fuck!"

Aurelius shouted as he abruptly opened his eyes wide. Too loud. Too damn loud!

"Ruby, I'm awake!"

As soon as his voice fell, the alarm suddenly shut off and silence reigned the dorm once more. 

Aurelius pinched himself. Sometimes, he doesn't know what gets into his head to put the alarm at maximum volume…

Feeling tired, Aurelius asked with reddened eyes.

"...Ruby, what time is it?"

Not long after, Ruby answered back.

"Exactly 3:00 AM, Master."

Ah, shucks.


Aurelius yawned, unwilling to rise up.  His classes start at 5:00 AM but he usually sets the alarm at 3:00 AM to wake up, prepare and do something.

"Yes, Master."

"That was a rhetorical question, Ruby."

Aurelius sighed, massaging his head. Ow, his head got hurt from that damnable loud noise. While he grumbled to himself, he rose up.

Reluctantly, Aurelius dragged his half-asleep body to the bathroom. While he walked to the bathroom, he realized that he didn't change into his pajamas but fell asleep in his uniform.

'No wonder I feel so sweaty and hot…'

Aurelius shook his head before entering the bathroom. He took off his clothes. Mindlessly, he dropped himself on the bathtub, opening the showers afterwards.

While he bathed, he felt like he forgot something important.

'Something important...'


'Something important…'

As he finished taking a shower, Aurelius changed his clothes and was in need of his favourite coffee.

"Ruby, turn on the computer for me. I'll just brew some coffee…"

Aurelius ordered, his mind troubled. Even after his bath, he couldn't figure out what was troubling him—something important, very important. 

Without managing to resolve it, he entered the kitchen.

Deep in thought to himself, he grabbed a pack of coffee on the fridge, took the heater near the skin and poured water inside.

Flipping the switch, he turned the heater on. 

As he waited for the heater to finish, he felt like he was forgetting something.



Mindlessly, Aurelius took a mug on the table randomly. He cut open the pack of coffee and poured it inside the mug.


Then he grabbed the heater, opening the lid slightly and poured the heated water in the mug, brewing his usual favourite coffee for the morning 

However, due not to not properly paying attention, a drop of the hot water from the heater on his skin made him suddenly flinch.


Aurelius scowled, withdrawing the heater.

[Pay attention to your surroundings, boy.]

Hearing that, he turned to where the voice came from. Behind him, he was looking at the mysterious old hobo that was floating in front of him.

Oh, it was just Valenmist.

"Oh, Valenmist. Goodmorning."

Aurelius shook his head and murmured. It was just Valenmisy. Odd that he was not in his mind. But wait, why was Valenmist behind him? 

Why indeed….

Then, as though realization suddenly dawned on him, he widened his eyes.

"—Wait, Valenmist?"