
While Everyone Has Magic Weapons, I Mastered The Art of The Sword!

In a world where people are granted with a magical weapon upon their birth, Aurelius Agravain, was unfortunately not one of them. Living an empty and boring life day by day, his life was on the trajectory of being merely nothing. However, a meeting with an old vagabond who turned out to be the Sword Immortal changed his destiny! For the better? “For the worse,” Aurelius sighed. Gone were the boring and empty life, now under the tutelage of a Sword Immortal, it was time to raise the blade, pierce through the mysteries and slay evil— “No, It's time for me to enjoy myself.” Aurelius smirked. “A hero? A villain? I don't care of any of that. I only do what I want and what's the most fun.” And thus, as he said that under the moonlight, the legend of his very own tale begun! “—Tsubame Gaeshi!” *** I'll try daily updates with the minimum of 1000 words. This story is going to be fun. Its just crazed wish fulfillment and action. This novel is also World Hopping. Also dm me if you have an idea of a magical weapon and want to add it to the story. 

Deathilim_609 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


The world of Insignia is a vast and beautiful place with many mysteries, accompanying it is a long and timeless history. 

Humanity has progressed and developed through the passing of years, raising their power and technology to huge heights.

The current society of Insignia is ruled by the Schultz Empire and the Ten Great Families and under their rule, humanity is at peace and thriving.

—But it wasn't always like that.

Throughout its history, Insignia had changed and developed a lot. Once it had been remembered and acknowledged by everyone as a cruel place fraught with wars and world ending dangers.

In contrast to its current state, the past Insignia was a place of hopelessness, despair and death. 

However a bright hope shining of light descended on the world. Akin to the blessing of Heaven, the Will of the Stars blessed humanity of power.

According to some, that time was the biggest turning point for humanity and the World of Insignia.

Without them, humanity wouldn't have managed to survive in the world and Insignia would've fallen prey to the Ashurins.

That major turning point was—the emergence of the Miracleborns.

Miracleborns are people blessed by the Will of Stars, or in other words, chosen by the heavens above themselves.

Upon a Miracleborn's birth, the Will of Stars grants them a magical weapon with a unique and special ability.

Each person's weapons usually differed with one another, but there were cases where very similar weapons appeared.

The weapons, on the other hand, were called by the people of Insignia as [Volund] the righteous weapons wielded by humanity against the dangers.. 

Through humanity's newfound power and persistence to live, the World of Insignia managed to rapidly develop and pave a way for progress and hope despite the world ending crisis.

But what exactly is the crisis that needed magical weapons and supernatural power to overcome?

The Ashurins, as "They" called themselves.

An extraterrestrial force that came from a superior world. They came unannounced to Insignia and became an incarnation of a nightmare for humanity as a whole.

Their innate existence is to plunder, destroy and slaughter everything of the universe, and Insignia was merely a pebble of its way.

They held immense power that brought humanity to its knees. The Ashurins occupied Insignia for a time, enslaving and slaughtering humans as they pleased.

They were "evil" at its truest form.

Cornered like rats and flattened like mere insects, For the first time, humanity at that time has found that there was something above them in the food chain.

The people of the present call that time or era "the Dark Ages" when humanity was mere sheeps to be slaughtered by the Ashurins.

But obviously enough, something changed. A significant event that completely turned the tables.

Through the passing of years, the Ashurins grew to neglect their duties. They became arrogant to the point they treated humanity as nothing but an inferior species to be played with.

In Irony at its greatest play, that was humanity's greatest advantage.

And soon enough such arrogance came to bite them in the back. The Will of Stars through a long way managed to reach Insignia.

And it descended, quietly, silently and deadly, it created the first five miracle weapons and gave them to humanity.

The weapons held power beyond nature. Magic beyond comprehension and a weapon that even humanity could harness.

Ever since then, whoever wielded similar miracle weapons or volunds, were called Miracleborns by everyone.

And if it isn't obvious enough, only the group of blessed Miracleborns could fight against the Ashurins.

And yada, yada… it resulted into today's present society.


"That sums it up, do you have any questions?"

Aurelius asked, stretching his hands while his body was laying in the dark space. 

…Never in a million years did he think that he would find the history lessons of teacher number 3 useful, he mused.

[Unexpectedly, you summed it up nicely. I'm not from this world at all. It seems like upon my death something transported me to your world.]

"Well, I don't know. What are you going to do about it, old man?"

Aurelius shook his head and sighed. Great, there were other worlds. Then again, the Ashurins did say they were from another world.

After a long and heavy silence of deep thought, Valenmist replied:

[Hm, I'm going to find who's responsible.]

"Goodluck for that endeavor old man."

[And you're going to help me with it.]


Aurelius fell silent, unable to reply. He opened his mouth seconds later, in disbelief.

"... You're not serious, are you?"

[What do you expect me to do? I'm stuck here in your mind. You're my only hope.]

"I'm not going to do that. I'm going to die."

[You have no choice, you rather want me to live in your mind?]

"Fine by me. That's better than dying."

[Now, now, just because you're fine with it doesn't mean I'm fine with it too. I have a feeling I was transported to your mind for a purpose.]

"I'm sure some-kind of grand purpose like that isn't related to me. Goodluck."

[Won't it be annoying if a person is inside your head?]

"Oh so you understand. Respectfully, and kindly, begone from my mind."

[I would've gone away at this instant if I knew how to, kid.]

"Have you tried killing yourself?"

[...Are you telling me to kill myself? What a rude bastard! That does it. I'll annoy you constantly that you have no choice but to help me.]

"I'm not even a Miracleborn and you expect me to do something about… whatever-magical-shit? You're just asking me to die. Why not just grab your sword and stab me instead? Not just stab me, pierce me into ten different holes to show how desperate you are to kill me."

[That's your concern?]

"What else? I'm 99% sure whatever purpose there is… I'm going to fight against some godly immortals."

[Heh, atleast you're smart enough to realize that. But relax, kid. Don't worry, I didn't say I'm just going to put a burden on you. Naturally, I'm going to help you. You think I'll just rely on you knowing you're weak and useless? Of course I'll offer some help.]

"How can you help exactly when you're stuck in my mind?"

[Oh, so you accepted it. No taking back now, kid.]

Valenmist chuckled.


Aurelius massaged his forehead and deeply breathed, restraining himself from turning mad.

"Fuck my life. Just tell me how you can help exactly, you're damned stuck in my mind."

[Well, I can't exactly turn you into a Miracleborn but I can teach you some little techniques of the Sword and give you strength to beat one.]



'Wait… little techniques of the sword? Isn't he the Sword Saint or something? In webnovels, that should mean… like the best of the best.'

Aurelius looked at Valenmist with a strange expression, his eyes glowing as he realised something.

'Normally, it's impossible to beat a Miracleborn without external aid… but… if i remember correctly in the dream. Enemies far stronger. Far more powerful than Miracleborn's were slaughtered under his sword…'

'Imagine if I can learn that… Not even Grandmasters would stand a chance.'

That's right. How did he not think of that—? He was too focused on the fact that the old man was going to watch his life until his death. But…

"Huh? That can… actually work. I'm surprised you thought of that. You can actually teach me to get stronger. "

His dream was right under his nose. No, above his nose. His mind. He couldn't help but feel exhilaration and joy at that thought. But he restrained it for the moment…

Aurelius deeply breathed before speaking:

"...I can accept it, but in two conditions."

[Alright. What's the condition?]

Valenmist raised his brows, curiously looking at the kid beneath him. 

"First. I'm the one who gets to decide how we do things."

Aurelius nodded and raised one of his fingers. Subsequently, he raised another one.

"Second. You can't possess my body."

[I told you, I won't do that… sigh, nevermind. You're making me crazy. Fine.]

Valenmist said in frustration before sighing in resignation. He waved his hands and agreed.

Hearing the deal be made, Aurelius slowly smiled,  before uncontrollably laughing in glee, whispering to himself.

"This is going to be fun!"


In the clinic room where Aurelius was unconscious and asleep.

The door opened as a figure strode across the room, stopping at Aurelius bed.

The new figure was a beautiful woman with chestnut hair and white skin. Silver rimmed glasses hung on her face, reflecting her ruby red eyes.

"Patient Aurelius… an everyday visitor of the clinic room."

Elysa hummed.

"How silly… I did tell him to stop interfering. Though, I can't say I'm not impressed. Being beaten up and yet still standing for himself. But now he has brain damage…."

"Uhh… I dont have brain damage."

An awkward voice echoed.


Elysa raised her brows curiously. She looked at patient Aurelius, formerly asleep, but now awake.

"You're awake… I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"

"No, not at all. Dr. Elysa. I'm fine."

Aurelius straightened his back and waved his hand in dismissal.

Elysa observed him for a moment before nodding. She asked:

"I see. How are you?"

"I'm fine, especially now you're here, thanks for asking. Not like that other doctor who just straight up shot me up…"

Aurelius suddenly winced, recalling what happened.

"Dr. Francis told me you were acting crazy and insane,"

Elysa said, raising her glasses slightly.

"No, not really. I just remembered I missed Geography Class in my sleep, that's why I panicked."

Aurelius chuckled, scratching the back of his head. In hindsight, it did make sense why the doctor shot him.

But who said he cared about the reason?

"I didn't see you as one who loves Geography, Aurelius."

"As the saying goes, "don't judge a book by its cover" Dr. Elysa."

"Uhuh? Pray tell what's the largest mountain?"

"Easy. Mt. Forevermore. Don't flatter me, alright. It's just simpl—"

"It's Mt. Foreverlore."

Aurelius paused before looking directly at Elysa. He flashed a brilliant smile.

"Did I stutter?"

Elysa sighed before she shook her head with a smile. At the very least, patient Aurelius was still himself.

"Alright. I know you're itching to go back to your dorm—"

"You jest. I love to be in your company, Dr Elysa."

"—I'll conduct one last test before you can go to your dorm."