
15 On Your Mind

"Prove it."

The words seem to slip from my mouth in a challenge that excites me as his eyes go wide and then narrow at me.

The look says, 'Challenge accepted.'

He covers my body with this own, taking my lips in his mouth, kissing me hungrily and swiftly stealing my breath in the process.

I feel his cock slide against my opening and I have to push him back, "Condom." Is all I say, before he gets up and grabs the box and quickly slides one on. He's back on the bed and lifting my hips up, playing with my clit, as he presses himself into me. My jaw drops open, feeling him fill me and loving it.

He does a few strokes before he groans, "Are you okay with bondage?" He asks, gripping my ankles.

"Like handcuffs and stuff? I've never tried it." I tell him honestly, gasping with each rock of his body into mine.

He softly chuckles, "There's so much more to it than that, Lita. I just know I want to tie you up in positions and make you scream my name until your voice is hoarse."

His thrusts distract my mind and it takes a moment before what he says actually registers. My eyes widen at the thought of not being able to move and him actually fucking me like that. I've heard mixed experiences about it all so I don't know what to say.

He grins as he brings his lips back down to mine, "I want you to be able to trust me to take you like that though. That you know you are safe with me."

I bite my bottom lip and Jackson shakes his head, "Give me that lip."

I let it pop out from in between my teeth and he sucks it in between his lips, before releasing it. His eyes rake down my body, stopping at where our bodies are joined. I see him battling himself, like he's wanting to say or do something.

I push myself up on my elbows, and begin lifting my hips to meet him in sync. He feels amazing inside of me, each time our bodies meet it's like little fireworks of pleasure exploding under my skin. All I want is to keep feeling this.

He grips my hips and begins to ram into me harder, "Oh fuck yes!" I toss my head back, losing my self to his intense need to take me like an animal.

"Yeah, you like it when I fuck that beautiful cunt of yours."

"YES!" I cry out. I've never had a man talk like that to me during sex before and it's fucking hot.

"You want it harder don't you?"

"YES!" My rough bouncing tits are begging to be touched so I grab them both and rub them as he watches. His eyes go wide and they darken even more so than I thought possible as a grin spreads showing his canines in a predatory way.

Oh... fuck... this image before me sends me into overdrive and I'm tossed off a cliff into oblivion. Bliss erupts from my core as a scream gets caught inside of me, only escaping once my muscles release.

"Oh my fucking god..." Jackson grunts, moving his cock slower inside of me, feeling my body reacting to my climax. He bites his bottom lip, eyes rolling back into his head, as I quiver under him.

"Jackson..." I breathe out as my body still tremors.

The grin he gives me could eclipse the sun, it's so dark with desire and it's a primal desire. He pulls himself from me, lays on his back next to me on the bed and smacks my legs gently, "Ride me, Lita."

I get up on shaky legs, but still I straddle his waist and mount him, bouncing my self on him. I use his sturdy chest to keep me balanced, wanting to see him come undone under me this time.

It takes me two more orgasms before I'm able to make him cum, but when I do, god it's worth it.

Laying in his arms, totally spent, I consider everything that has happened and can't help the rush of embarrassment that overwhelms me again. I can't believe I've held onto my disappointment for as long a I did. Why the hell did I never realize, we were kids. It was selfish of me to hold him to such expectations. I should be angry at all the adults who saw the bruising and the ones I had confided in about the abuse who either didn't speak up or spoke to my father and made it worse. Those are the ones who deserved my anger the most.

However, I still can't continue staying at my job. If they think they can whore me out to get the jobs they want so badly, they are fucking idiots. I've saved and made that company more money than they ever spent on my education. I don't owe them anything anymore. It heart breaking though at the same time. I've spent so much time and energy to get to where I am, for the position, the salary, the security and peace of mind. My team is amazing, all of them. They've helped make my life so much easier taking care of all the tedious work that I used to do from nine to five just like them.

I release the heavy breath knowing that I'll be saying goodbye to it all. At least I can rub it in their damn faces that I got them the damn contract.

"What's on your mind, Lita?" Jackson combs his fingers through my hair as I shrug.

"I hate that I've worked so hard for a company that was willing to whore me out. I'm still resigning but I since you faxed them the contract with the note that you'll sign it as soon as it's done being fixed, I might be able to use that as leverage so I can find a job at a different company. I like my home and don't want to move if I end up not being able to afford it anymore." I play with his happy trail, tracing my fingers along it's path and around his belly button.

"What if I offered you a position at Morgan Corporation? You know how to write and make great contracts from what I've seen so far. Hell, I'd probably be paying you more than what you make now."

I pause my trail teasing and close my eyes, "I'm grateful for the consideration, but do you think that is a good idea?"

"Yes, I think it's a great idea. No one will ever disrespect you in that manner there. Not if they like working for me at least."

I push myself up to look at him, "That's nepotism though. I do not want to work some where that people will think I fucked my way to my position."

Jackson rolls his eyes, "Fine. Submit your resume to HR and you can go through the proper channels. I won't say a word, you're still going to end up in the position I'm offering and when people realize we're together they're going to think that anyways, whether you did it the right way or not."

I groan knowing he's right. "Well I guess I'll just need to keep my job and get proof of them coercing me into a form of prostitution or something so I can blackmail their asses with it when I find a job somewhere else."

"Would working for me be that hard to handle people talking like that? I mean from what you told me, you jumped up in your position pretty quick. Nobody has tried to say that about you there?" Jackson shifts a little moving to lay on his side, keeping my head elevated on his chest.

I grimace at the memory and nod. "Yes, there were a few who did, who I ended up reporting to HR because of their antics."

Jackson cocks a brow raising his hand to cup the side of his face in the crook of his thumb and two fingers. "What kind of antics and when?"

I start playing with my bangs, "When I jumped four departments after I got my masters that the company paid for to earn it. A few older woman and men who'd worked there a lot longer and puffed up with their own ego and pride thought that it would be great to give me a hard time. The women would leave bad food somewhere in my cubicle, like rotting fish to gross out me and everyone around me. One time they 'tripped' and threw a fresh hot cup of black coffee all over me." I pause, feeling Jackson tense under me.

He takes a deep breath, his eyes closed as he releases it, "Continue please."

"They would switch out my printers toners with empty ones, so everyday I was forced to request it from the supply room and was pulled into my managers office for stealing company supplies. I told him what was going on and he set a camera and found out who was doing it. Everyone who had done something to my cubicle was publicly fired. So then the ones that were left just started spreading rumors about me. I had all kinds of coworkers not even in my department start showing up at my cubicle to 'talk' to me about 'helping them out'." I grit my teeth remembering Noah.

"One in particular, Noah, was a real piece of work. I was in the cafeteria getting lunch, about to sit down, when a group of women I used to work with, started harassing me. He stepped in and at the time, I thought he was just being nice and kind, making them go away and asked if he could join me for lunch. He started meeting me at lunch, acted like he wanted to get to know me and after about a month, he asked me out on a date."

I dop my hair and look away from Jackson, "I thought.. I thought he actually liked me. By the fourth date, he showed his true colors and got a black eye and couldn't walk right for a few days until the swelling went down in his balls. I went to HR after that, reported him and those girls. It had been a set up the whole time." I sit up and let out a heavy breath, "Then my manager brought me up to the CEO and told him, my talent was being wasted as a draft lawyer and pushed for me to join the main contractual team. He helped me get to my position I'm in today. Now, I'm his boss."

"So you went through all that for your position there where your boss is willing and coerced you into doing anything to get a contract. Yet, you're not willing to put up with whispering, because that's all that they would do, to work for a company who would never do that to you and the owner would treat you like the queen you are?" Jackson gets up and shakes his head.

"Jackson.. it's... ugh..." I struggle to find the right way to express what I'm feeling. "I am having difficulty trying to process everything still. I am not saying anything for certain yet! I was merely expressing what I went through and how I do not wish to replicate those scenarios in any shape or form."

"They would not be replicated though. I can promise you. I mean you'd be coming from another company with manager of the contractual law department. You'd be coming with your own laurels that could be used to easily defend your position at Morgan Corp. All I'm asking is don't brush off my company just because of situations that occurred at DD Corp. Morgan Corp is not DD Corp."

"Ugh...Alright." I groan, running my hands through my hair, "Can we please go back to being comfy and not debating about something I obviously need time to consider before making my decision?"