
Where Were You

I never thought I would ever see him again. Jackson... We were best friends from five to twelve. Who was I kidding? He was my only friend. The only one I could rely on, the only one who was there for me... Until he suddenly was not, when I needed him the most. Now, after all this time, we've both made something of ourselves and now my job was asking me to be friendly with him again to try and secure the contract that was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If I fail, I could lose my position and my job, something I've worked harder than anyone I've ever known to work for. I can do this. I can swallow the resentment and put on a smile until we get the contract. I will not lose everything I've worked for because of him. He has already caused me enough pain and suffering, he's not going to give me anymore. Not if I can help it. *R-18* WARNING PROFANITY, ADULT CONTENT BOTH SEXUAL** AND NON, ADULT SITUATIONS, PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ABUSE DOES OCCUR. PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THESE TOPICS AND SITUATIONS* **Lots of it ALL SCENARIOS AND CHARACTERS ARE FICTIONAL

Mara_Heller · Urban
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90 Chs

16 Oblige

After we finally snuggled back up to each other, we lay there talking about little things, safer things, like what food we enjoyed now and movies that we've enjoyed lately.

"I noticed you have an eye for fashion as I was putting your clothes away. I remember you always looking at the clothes in some of the magazines we'd read together in the clubhouse, how you always liked how the models were dressed." Jackson breathes against my neck, kissing it softly.

"I remember that. I did always swear if I ever made enough money that I would wear clothes like that all the time." I smile, feeling proud of myself for achieving that goal.

"Yeah you did. I have to admit, I'm very fucking proud of you, Melita. You've done amazing for yourself. I wasn't sure what had happened to you after you graduated. I thought for years that you were married to someone with rug rats by now and had forgotten all about me." He pulls me closer against his chest and breathes a deep breath through my hair. "I'm so fucking grateful you're not though. I've loved you a long time Lita and I didn't look for you after finding my letters to you because I knew that if you were in fact married it would have crushed me. I would have been happy for you, as long as you were happy, but I don't know what I would have done with myself. "

I turn in his arms so that I'm facing him, my heart swelling with emotions that I didn't know I could possess in such quantities that it felt like I would burst.

My voice comes out shaky, "You really mean that, Jackson?"

He's fighting back emotions too as he croaks, "I do."

I touch my forehead to his as we nuzzle each others noses.

His eyes seem unfocused before he asks, "How did you become hypoglycemic? You're not a diabetic are you?"

"Hmm.." I stretch out a little bit before I let him know. "No, I'm not a diabetic. I became hypoglycemic because of my poor nutrition growing up. I don't normally have any issues, I keep hard candy and dried fruit in my purse and at work if I feel like I need it. I just had too much going on and didn't take care of myself like I normally would." I shrug, "It's really not a big deal."

"Okay, if you say so. It scared the shit out of me though. I wasn't sure what had happened. I called my driver because he knows first aid and CPR."

My heart swells with his concern and I know I reacted inappropriately to his actions.

"Thank you for doing what you thought was right." I slide a hand to cup his cheek. I'm in awe that this is Jacks. My Jacks. I never thought I'd see him again honestly. I have to blink back tears because I am so grateful and overwhelmed with these different emotions I'm not familiar with. They're good ones though.

"Hey.." His thumb wipes a tear that's escaped, "no need to cry."

"They're not sad or guilty tears." I shake my head and blink, a couple more escaping.

"What kind are they then?" His brows pinch in confusion. searching my eyes for an answer.

My voice quivers as I respond, "Good ones."

His eyes show me so much warmth as he groans, "Oh.... My Lita..." He pulls my lips down and meets them halfway between us. His warm soft lips caress mine tenderly. He slides up and rolls his body to hover over mine, his lips becoming more desperate as they tasted me. His hard cock presses against my thigh, as he grinds against me.

"Again?" I'm barely able to ask the one word question as his tongue dives back deeper into my mouth, like I had the fountain of eternal youth hidden in there. My answer is a grunt and thrust of his hips against mine before he releases my lips.

"Roll over on to your stomach, Lita." His eyes search mine as I nod and his body weight disappears so I can roll over.

As soon as I do, his weight returns to my back his legs pressing my own apart. His cock pressing against my folds.

"Jackson, condom." I remind him, even though feeling his velvety shaft against my skin is exhilarating.

He leans over, his cock pressing against me as he reaches for the roll of condoms hanging off the headboard of the bed. I bite my bottom lip, trying not to moan, feeling his cocks spread my lips apart and almost enter me like that. I'm breathing hard as I feel his weight lean back and the sound of the condom being opened and slid on.

He spreads my legs apart just a little farther lifting my lower body up on to his thighs. He takes my ass cheeks in his hands and spreads them apart as he starts to work his cock into me.

"Ah.. ah... Oh...yes..." I whimper as my sore lips adjust to accommodating him again. Once he's in all the way he holds himself there a moment as I breathe heavy, gripping the sheets. He still has my ass in his hands, his thumbs caressing the the edges of scars. My body tenses when I realize he's looking at my scars, making me self conscious.

"Jacks..." I look over my shoulder, "Please fuck me..." I whine, lifting my ass to tempt him to start moving.

"Oh I will, I'm just enjoying the view of my cock buried deep inside of you." He pulls back and pushes forward back into me, shoving my face into the pillows in front of me.

That simple movement has my senses going haywire with the mixture of light pain that is accompanied by pleasure.

"Oh... yes..." I moan as he moves himself back and forth inside of me again. I'm pushing my upper body up off the mattress, giving him some resistance instead of being shoved forward. His grip on my ass holds me up on his hips, his grunt with every thrust vibrates through his body into me.

His hands move to my hips, pulling me back higher onto his thighs. "Fuck, Lita. You feel amazing. I can only imagine how good you'd feel without this condom on." He thrusts harder, "Come on baby, I want to hear how much you love this."

I'm focusing on keeping myself from being shoved into the headboard, but at those words, I give up and drop my upper body to the mattress. He slams into me and I cry out, a mixture of equal pain and pleasure is forced from my lips.

He shifts his legs, leaning more over me as my hips slide off his thighs onto the bed. His hips grind against mine and I whimper in bliss. I'm not going to last long the way his cock strokes my inner walls, sending pleasure out from my core.

His body weight is comfortable on top of me, his lips leaving a hot and cool trail of kisses up my spine.

"Oh my god..." I moan, his cock hitting that spot he was hitting earlier with his fingers. I pant as he hits it again, one of his hands intertwining with mine as he strikes it again.

"Fuck, Melita. I love the way my cock makes you tighten on me, the sounds that erupt from your lips." He grinds himself against my body again eliciting a shrill cry to escape me. "That's right baby. Mmmm.. Let me hear you cry out. Let's see how loud I can make you sing for me."

He rams into me again, and again, my cries becoming more frantic as he continues to hit that spot.

"Fuck.. Jackson.... Please...please..." I don't know what exactly I'm begging for. Stop? Don't stop?

Yeah, definitely don't stop.

His whole body is on top of my back, his heavy, warm breath sending shivers down my spine as he breathes down my neck. I feel his own gasps as my body writhes underneath him, the coil in my belly tightening beyond what anyone has ever made me feel. I feel the trembling in his hand that holds mine, he's barely holding on by a thread too. I turn my head so I can look over my shoulder at him and I find his lips right there.

Sharing a breathy, kiss our lips caressing each others as I feel the difference in his movements to kiss me, start pushing me to the precipice.

"Oh, yes. yes.. Kiss me, Jacks." Our kiss becomes frenzied, my whimpering sounds between our lips meeting sounding incoherent as it becomes higher in pitch.

"Cum for me, baby. Cum on my cock, mmm... make me cum while you cum on my cock." He pants, his hips grinding me into the bed, his lips still laying desperate kisses on my own.

"OH YES, OH YES, OH YES... YES...YES..." I squeal as the coil in my core tightens and the grip becomes so intense, I can't help but scream.

"YES! OH YES!!" I scream before the pulsating waves of pleasure start rapid firing straight from my core.

"Dear fucking sweet girl... Yes.. Melita..." His breath catches and he moans out my name again, his own body twitching and jerking his hips deep into me, making me cry out even more.

"Jacks, fuck yes!" I squeeze his fingers in between mine, my body shaking and shivering in bliss as Jackson continues to thrust out his orgasm.

His movements become sloppy, jerking with his own waves of pleasure being sent through him.

His body rests on top of mine, his weight still being held up by his shaky, free arm. He lays soft, lapping lips on my shoulder, his teeth grazing my skin as he starts to push himself up and carefully removes himself from me. I hear his shuddering breath once he pulls himself free of me and his whole body shudders at the sensation.

He stands on shaky legs and removes the condom and throws it away before going into the bathroom. He comes back out with a wash cloth and gently begins to wipe me.

"Damn.. Melita..." He says, awe in his tone.

I start to move and feel coolness on my bedsheets. I move to get up and notice the large wet spot under me.

"Oh my god?!" I cover my face in embarrassment. "How? Why?"

It's huge. Like I took and popped a water balloon under me. A wet spot a foot in circumference is right in the middle of the bed.

Jackson quickly comes to my side and grabs my hands, "Hey, it's okay. That's fucking hot as hell. Trust me. It happens sometimes."

"How is that hot?! I wet the bed from my orgasm?!" I want to die. What the hell.

Jackson snorts, "No, you didn't. Not really. Sometimes a woman may ... well squirt. There's sometimes some urine in it too, but it's the female form of ejaculate coming from a gland down there. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I promise." He tries to soothe me.

"Oh my...." I start pulling the sheets and the protective cover I use to keep my mattress from being ruined by sweat or if my period starts. I thank my foresight for using the water proof kind of cover. I hurry the bedding to the washer and dryer and head back with a new protective cover and sheets.

Jackson helps me make the bed as I die inside of embarrassment. After we make the bed, Jackson wraps me up in his arms again and walks me to the bathroom.

"Hey it's really not a big deal, Lita. Let's take a shower and get some sleep. I want to start tomorrow off right by you having a good night's sleep and then I'm going to take care of you all day tomorrow." Jackson whispers against my neck, sending shivers down my body.

Oh my... why is he so damn charming?

"If that's what you want to do, I think I can oblige you." I respond as my heart beats faster at the thought of what taking care of me would include.