
Chapter 64

"But… that's what you would call the boss right? I mean he told me not to call him Daddy, but I never was much at listening to orders." I grinned at everyone.

I felt a swat to my ass and looked over at Tony surprised.

"That's what you get for almost getting me killed. Hold up there, Reindeer Games. I didn't do anything to her to make her call me that." Tony backed up a little as Loki moved forward. "Loki, seriously, I would never do that to her. All she said was she sees me as a father figure, and I said just don't call me Daddy. That's it."

I giggled and hugged Tony then skipped over to Loki. 

"No throwing him out the window, Lokes. I don't wanna pay for a new one. It was a joke. Besides, I wouldn't let you hurt him anyway."

He looked down at me. "I wasn't aware I needed your permission, my pet."

I narrowed my eyes. "If you want fun later or for a while, you won't hurt him."

I could see him struggle with not wanting to take orders and wanting to have me later. Having me won.

"As you wish, my Queen." He even bowed.

I heard stifled laughter from the group. I went back over to Tony and cocked my head, looking at him.

"What now, Kid?"

I nodded. "Yep. I was thinking of calling you Tin Man, but I like Daddy better. So henceforth you are known to me as Daddy. Clint is Robin Hood. Thor is Sparky. Buck and Lokes are obvious. And Cap over here... well... still debating on which I like best... Capsicle or America's Ass. Working on the rest of ya. I like giving nicknames. Gives it a personal touch to have something no one else can get away with calling you." I glanced at Thor. "Yes, that means I am the ONLY one that can call Loki Lokes unless he says you can. Well, I guess Buck could if he wanted as we are kinda in a special relationship. Doubt he will but he gets permission from me."

I saw Thor and Clint roll their eyes at their nicknames. Tony cringed and Cap looked put out.

"My vote is for Capscicle. Never thought I would say that but it's better than America's Ass." 

"Please, Kid. I am perfectly happy with Tin Man. Normally wouldn't be, but I prefer it over Daddy. I don't want people to think I'm doing something creepy."

I giggled. "Okay okay. Tin Man it is." I looked at Cap. "I guess I can live with Capsicle. But if you act like an ass, I'm changing it."


Tony sighed in relief. "Thanks, Kid."

I headed back over and stood between Bucky and Loki and took their hands and pulled them closer to me. I gave them both adoring eyes and sent Wanda what I was doing. She choked trying to hold back her laughter.

"I will save Daddy for Buck and Lokes then. I can call you that out of the bedroom... right Daddies?"

Laughter rang through the room. I sent a quick mental explanation to Loki of why everyone was reacting to the Daddy thing the way they did. Both he and Bucky looked offended.

"Doll, seriously?"

"I do not think we dominate you as such, pet."

I giggled again and put my arms around both of their waists. "You don't Lokes. I'm just teasing. I think you were right. I needed to share all that. I never expected to feel so light or want to laugh right now." I squeezed their waists. "You guys are amazing."

"Well, of course I am my sweet. I am a God."

"Yeah, with an ego the size of Texas." Bucky shook his head with a grin.

"You are just jealous, Barnes. You know you envy my Godhood."

"Whatever. As long as you know I have the better manhood."

"I beg to differ there. My manhood is quite impressive."

"Compared to Mickey Mouse maybe."

 I knew Loki would have no idea about who that was, so I sent Loki a mental picture of what Mickey Mouse looked like. He looked shocked. 

"You dare compare me to a small, animated creature?!"

I was laughing so hard at their banter that I fell to my knees and then ended up on my back on the floor. My ribs hurt from laughing so much and everyone else wasn't much better. I loved seeing my guys this comfortable.

Loki advanced on Bucky and lunged at him, taking him by surprise and tackling him to the floor. Before Bucky could react, Loki rolled him over and sat down right on his back. 

"You dare much today, Barnes. You must be schooled on what it means to dare insult a God."

I read Loki's intention and I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Loki reached down and started to tickle Bucky. There was a moment of shock then Bucky lived up to his name and started to try to buck Loki off. When that didn't work, he reached back when Loki wasn't looking and tickled Loki. Sadly, Bucky wasn't ticklish. I crawled over to them and just collapsed on top of both of them.

"Okay, enough Kokoro no Yokubo, Kokoro no Kiseki. No one can breathe anymore."

Laughing they both rolled, and I ended up cuddled between them both. 

"Was it worth the show, Doll?"

"Oh, worth it and then some. I love you both so much and I love seeing the two of you being so playful and knowing it's not forced for someone's benefit. You are just having fun and it is the best sight in the world. Well, I take that back. Second best sight."

"And what is the first my pet?"

"Well, it's a tie. There is seeing yours and Buck's eyes first thing as I wake up."

I heard Nat and Wanda give a quiet "Aww, that's so sweet."

I grinned. "It's tied with the sight of both of you naked."

"Ari, seriously? Why? Just why?" Sam sighed.

Nat and Wanda just snickered. 

"TMI, Kid. Please remember we don't need that image."

I gave the guys a wink. "I don't know Tony, it's a pretty impressive image."

"Ew, Kid."

I laid back and just enjoyed the sound of my family. I had never felt this happy, this accepted, this loved. I sent Wanda a quick mental message. 'Let Nat know the guys gave the go ahead for deetz. So, we will need a girls night.'

I heard Nat give an excited squeal and I knew the message had been given. Nat grabbed my arm and dragged me to my feet. I felt so comfortable here I didn't even flinch and got to my feet laughing, 

"Sorry boys. We are claiming her tonight. Girls night. No boys allowed."

Both guys just blinked and looked surprised. 

I giggled at their expressions. "Nat at least let me give them a good night kiss since they won't see me till morning."

"Alright, fine. But make it quick. I want my girls night."

I shook my head and watched as Bucky and Loki stood. I never got tired of watching them move. Knowing how much power was held in those bodies, their skin moving over their muscles. I knew tomorrow I wouldn't leave my bedroom for anything. 

I walked to Bucky and reached up and gave him a long, thorough kiss. I felt his arms come around me and hold me tight.

"Have fun tonight, Doll."

"I will. I plan on having more fun tomorrow cause I don't plan on wearing clothes all day long." I whispered the last part in his ear. I felt his lust roll through my head and smiled.

Bucky let me go and I turned to Loki. He was a little taller so I grabbed his shirt and pulled him forward and down so I could kiss him. I made it heated and nipped his lip to the whistles and catcalls behind me. 

His eyes were glittering as he looked down at me when I let the kiss end. "I will leave you to your girls tonight but tomorrow you are mine."

"Without a doubt, Lokes." I pulled his head down farther so I could whisper in his ear. "Don't worry, I don't plan on wearing anything other than you two tomorrow."

I felt his hands tighten on my hips and I knew he got the message. I stepped away. Wanda and Nat grabbed me and started to lead me away. 

"Don't miss her too much, boys!" Wanda called back over her shoulder as we headed to her room.