
Chapter 63

The illusion dropped. I couldn't take facing more. I sobbed into Loki's chest, my tears soaking his shirt. He held me tight, and I felt his tears on my hair and Bucky's on my lap. 

"Oh, my precious love. I... I had no idea. You had said... but watching... I am so sorry to put you through that. It was so much worse than I had imagined. Please, my love. Forgive me for having you relive that horror."

He held me tighter as sobs wracked my whole body. I felt Bucky move and felt his arms around both of us. I could feel his tears on my neck as he touched his forehead to the back of my head. 

"Oh Doll. I'm so sorry you went through all that. I never knew people could be so cruel. I knew Hydra was bad, but they were angels compared to those people."

We sat there, the three of us. I felt their love surrounding me, inside my head and around my body. Gradually my crying stopped but I still wouldn't bring my face out of Loki's chest. I didn't want to see the realization that I was a monster on everyone's face. That they had let a monster into their home and their family.

I felt someone move close. A hand touched my knee and a thought sent to Loki let me know it was Thor. Hesitantly I lifted my head to look at him. All I saw was rage and disgust. My heart broke. I had been right. He thought I was a monster. He hated me and was disgusted by me. Tears filled my eyes and spilled down my face. I looked down and struggled to untangle myself from Loki, but he wouldn't let me go. 

"I'm sorry Thor. I know you are angry at me and that I'm disgusting. I shouldn't have ever approached your brother, should never have dirtied your family that way. I promise to leave..." I whispered.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. I looked at him in shock.

He gave me a small smile. "It was the only way to shut you up. You would not let me get a word in. I am not angry at you, Ari. Nor am I disgusted by you. I am angry at those fools who tried to destroy a beautiful treasure. And I am disgusted by the horrors they treated upon you. And don't you dare leave. I am quite sure Loki would never let you go. And even if he did, I wouldn't let you leave."

I looked up at Loki's face. He looked at me with soft eyes filled with love. I wiped the tears from his cheeks. I stared at him and finally got brave enough to look around the room. Everyone had tears on their faces. I was shocked. Were all these tears for me? I couldn't understand why. I was nothing. If I was anything it was something... bad, something dirty. I always knew I could love someone if I could trust them enough, but to receive it? I didn't know what to do with it really. I just kinda went on a wing and a prayer with my guys. I just stared. I didn't know what to say. I had no idea that my face was pale, hurt, haunted. My eyes sunken and dim even with the tears. All I knew was I felt... lost, scared, and alone.

"We're right here, Doll. You aren't lost and you aren't alone." Bucky tightened his hold on us. "Sorry Loki. I don't swing that way, but she needs us both and it's the only way." A small smile played on his face. 

Loki batted his eyes at Bucky. "Are you sure, Barnes? You might enjoy it."

The shock on Bucky's face was priceless. I snorted and then started to giggle and then just laid back and laughed so hard. I wasn't sure if getting me to laugh was the plan or if just poking fun at Bucky was the plan but whatever it was it broke the hold on everyone. Suddenly I was swarmed with everyone trying to hug and hold me. I squealed in surprised delight when Hulk swept everyone up in a group hug. 

"Hulk love Ari. Ari no hurt no more."

I wiggled my way to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks, big guy. How can I hurt when you're around?"

I giggled to see Hulk actually blush. I saw Nat and Wanda just gape at him. Hulk set us down and sat down happy. Slowly he retreated back into Bruce.

"I'd seen the healed breaks but always assumed it came from being a Hunter. I'm very sorry to find out I was wrong."

Tony managed to grab me away and just held me.

"I would kill them if I could, Kid. I have never seen anything like that. And I will do everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen again."

I hugged Tony back. "Thanks Tony. I kinda look at you as a dad figure so that means a lot."

He looked touched and surprised. "Well, I'm honored to be your dad." He laughed. "Just don't call me Daddy. Not my kink and I wouldn't wanna get Reindeer Games over there mad at me. He threw me out a window once. I don't want a repeat."

I looked over at Loki and then back at Tony. I raised my voice so Bucky and Loki could hear, which meant everyone could. 

"I could see that happening... DADDY!"

 I gave an impish smile to Tony who laughed and swatted at me.

"If he throws me again, I'm sending you the bill and I won't be paying that one for you, Kid."

I felt Bucky and Loki come up behind me.

"What is this Daddy business, pet?" Loki looked confused.

"Doll, why are you calling him Daddy?" Bucky glared at Tony.

I looked around and everyone was looking over interested and had gotten closer to hear better. Thor looked like he wasn't sure if he should get angry or not. I got bitten by the mischief bug and blinked innocent eyes at Bucky and Loki, and I grabbed Tony's arm and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"That's what you call someone in that position right? Daddy?" I looked up at Tony with wide adoring eyes and a smirk. I had blocked my intentions, so the boys didn't know if I was kidding or not. "I mean you like being my Daddy, right?"

"Kid, you are going to get me killed." He was actually red in the face from embarrassment and was looking at everyone a little nervously. 

"Tony... why is she calling you Daddy? What did you do?" Nat said very slowly as she edged closer. She was starting to look like she was going to start kicking some ass soon.

I decided to rescue Tony, especially as I saw Wanda's hands start glowing and the murderous looks from both my boys as Loki figured it must be something bad from how people were reacting.