
Chapter 17

I woke up with a smile on my face and stretched. Last night had been amazing and I laid there and thought back to the end of the night. Loki had given me many experiences last night and the good night kiss he had given me at my door was tender with a hint of passion. I knew that when we did finally come together it would be explosive. I heard a knock on my door. I frowned as it was still early. Who would be knocking at my door at this hour?

I opened the door to find Wanda and Nat standing in the hallway. I arched an eyebrow.

"Hey what's up? Is something wrong?"

"Can we come in? Is it safe?" Nat peered over my shoulder at the bed. 

I grinned as I took in her meaning. She wanted to know if I was alone or... entertaining someone. 

"Come on in. I'm all alone."

Nat gave a disappointed look. Wanda looked at her. "Told you so."

Nat and Wanda came in and sat on the bed. Nat grinned up at me.

"I waited as long as I could. Alright, dish girl! I want details! How was it?"

I laughed at her enthusiasm and sat on the bed with them. 

"Why the interest?"

Wanda answered me. "Well, we like you and want to see you happy. And we have NEVER seen Loki act like this. He has never taken an interest in anyone and we want to know more because you are seeing a side of him we never have."

I cocked my head at the knowledge that I was a special case. Loki had seemed like the aloof type, except with me it seems. 

"Well, we had dinner, danced, and went on the Ferris Wheel. All in all, it was an amazing night."

Nat gave me a disgusted look. "That's all well and good, but those aren't the deets we want girl. Anything sexy happen?"

I blushed, which gave away that something had happened. Nat and Wanda both started laughing and I soon joined in. 

"We kissed... a lot. He didn't want to go farther than that which I was grateful for."

"Grateful? I knew him when he was a villain and even I recognize he is a fine hunk of man flesh. So why grateful? And why would he want to wait? I would have thought he would have been the type to quickly get down to business." Nat looked curiously at me.

Wanda answered before I could. "Because she isn't ready. I get the impression there was some damage from this Dean character. Makes you gun-shy to give something that personal. Correct?"

I nodded. 

"And I'm going to take a leap here, especially since I could never get a read on Loki, that he is waiting for a few reasons. He likes to draw out his pleasures. He also cares for her. He doesn't want to push her and possibly drive her away. He knows she isn't ready and is willing to wait until she is. All this attention means she is special to him."

I stared. This was a revelation to me. Did he really feel that way? Did he really understand me so well that he knew and understood I needed time? I was already well on my way to falling for this man and this just pushed it a little further along. 

"So... more deetz then. How was it? I can't even imagine what kind of kisser he would be."

I shook my head. "Nope. I think I will keep those details just for me."

I had a gut feeling Loki wouldn't appreciate having those moments discussed with anyone else. It was something I understood. He had a reputation to uphold. I knew he wouldn't want anyone to know he had a soft side, although I was sure that Thor knew since he was his brother, and now the others were beginning to suspect.

Wanda laughed and Nat looked disappointed. "Fair enough girl. I can understand the want for privacy. So, on another note, breakfast?"

"Absolutely. Let me get dressed."

I walked to my closet and pulled out my favorite pair of jeans. They were well worn, the denim soft and comfortable. They did sling a little low on my hips, but I didn't care. I pulled on a new green tank top. I decided to for-go my socks and boots this morning and followed Nat and Wanda to the kitchen barefoot. 

"So, what's for breakfast?"

Wanda gave me a sly look.

"Why, whatever you are cooking Ariane."

I stared at her in shock. "Uh, I don't cook."

Wanda gave me a stern look. "Liar"

Groaning, I gave in. It was hard trying to argue with someone that can read minds. But what to make? I was not making eggs benedict for that many people. Fuck that. I went to the fridge to see what we had to work with. Hmmm. Eggs, butter, strawberries, and heavy cream. Yes! I knew we already had flour from when Wanda made pancakes, so I can make crepes topped with strawberries and cream. I checked out the pans in the house and was amazed to find almost every pan you could want. They even had an actual crepe pan. I grabbed the pan and my ingredients and went to work. The smell of the cooking crepes seemed to bring everyone in. Steve walked in and saw me cooking and grinned. 

"Wow, you cook too? Is there anything you don't do?"

"Oh, plenty. We don't have time for that list. Food is ready when you guys are. Thor, you let everyone get theirs first, got it? These are easy to make so I can keep you fed at the end."

Everyone laughed and grabbed a plate. I did a quick scan and was a little disappointed to not see Loki. Maybe he wasn't a breakfast person. Now that I was cooking I kinda wanted to show him what I could do and find out if he liked it. I gave a small sigh and went back to cooking. I jumped when someone touched me from behind. I had been so focused on cooking the crepes right that I hadn't sensed anyone come up behind me. I spun around and grabbed them by the arm and throat, kicked their legs out from beneath them, and pinned them to the ground with my hand at their throat and my knee compressing their chest. It was all done in a matter of seconds. It was out of reflex, and I did it before I could even think about where I was or who it could have been. I stared down at calm blue eyes that I knew in a heartbeat. I was livid as I stood and let him up.

"God damn it Loki! I've told you over and over to not sneak up behind me like that. That someone could get hurt and it wouldn't be me." I looked at everyone as they were frozen, just watching the scene. "I've already started to care for you guys in just a couple of days. Even Mr. Sullen Metal Arm over there. I just don't want to hurt anyone!"