
Chapter 142

'Yes. I'm scared, Loki. I hurt her…'

'I am sure you were under the influence of something. Do not hate yourself, Barnes. Someone used you. Let me see if I can see anything that helps.'

Bucky closed his eyes as Loki searched through his recent memories. He respected Bucky's privacy and didn't go farther than my collapsing. He saw as they had all waited by the med bay. There was a woman that came by with a drink, but he couldn't see exactly who she was since Bucky hadn't noticed her. He saw the drink placed on the table next to Bucky. After a few minutes Bucky absently drank the water.

As he was sitting worrying about Ariane, he saw Bucky's temper start to build. He was mad that this was taking so long to find out what was wrong. Then when Bruce drug out telling them, it built higher until it snapped when Bruce revealed it was a joke. Loki was stunned at the amount of rage Bucky had in that moment. He had wanted to hurt anyone, everyone. He just wanted to fight.

I tagged along with Loki and saw everything. I looked around horrified. "Dad, there's some woman in the Tower. Someone new. Who is she?"

Tony looked puzzled. "There isn't anyone else in the Tower, Kid. Why?"

"Bucky was drugged. Loki, he set the glass down. Go grab it. Bruce, I want you to run tests on that glass. Whatever was in it made Buck go into a killing rage. Someone wanted him to hurt someone. Buck, this isn't your fault at all. I don't blame you and I know you weren't in control." I hugged his body. "Wanda, I think we can let him go now."

Wanda had tears in her eyes and nodded. The energy bands faded, and Bucky tried to scoot away from everyone, terrified he would hurt someone else. I scrambled and stopped him by sitting in his lap and wrapping my arms around him.

"Doll… please. I need to get away from everyone. What if I hurt someone? What if I hurt you again? Or the babies."

I kissed him and used my tongue to open his mouth. He froze but as my tongue stroked his, he relaxed, and his arms came around me. I kissed him thoroughly. When I ended the kiss, he gave a small groan and hid his face in my shoulder and just cried. I was furious with whoever had done this. They had preyed on his insecurities, his nightmares. His fear of hurting people again, his fear of me being hurt. 

My eyes widened. Me being hurt… "Buck, let me look again. Please. I need to try to see that woman."

"Do whatever you need, Doll. I have no secrets from you. See anything you need to."

I kissed his shoulder as his head was still buried in my shoulder. I closed my eyes and focused on the scene where he had noticed the woman in his peripheral vision. Blonde… shapely… as she turned, I got a blurred look at her face but it was enough. I gasped and my eyes flew open. Rage filled me and I scrambled away from Bucky and raced through the Tower and out the front door. Everyone ran after me. In the yard I dropped to my knees and screamed in rage. Power burst from me and streamed into the sky. Everyone backed up and ran for cover as purple lightning rained down. I had too much anger built up and had to let it out. That bitch would pay for this! Oh, how she was going to pay. I screamed again and the stream ended but power blasted from me outwards, bending trees and knocking everyone to the ground.

I slumped and panted. I was still furious, but the rage had calmed when I let it out in power. She was a dead woman walking. I would find her, and she was going to see my dark side. Beyond the dark fuck you side. I was out for blood, and I would have it.

I felt Loki, Thor, and Bucky tentatively kneel beside me and everyone else circled around me. I sat up and I saw everyone take a sharp breath. I could see from Loki's eyes how I looked. My eyes were lit with purple light, much like Wanda's when she used her power. I had purple lightning streaks across my cheeks and face. I noticed they raced down my arms too. I knew I needed to calm down but didn't know how. I was hurt and I was so beyond done. 

"Pet, you need to breathe. Calm down." He moved closer and took me in his arms and cuddled me. "Feel my heart, my wife. Listen to the steady beat."

I leaned against his chest and breathed in his unique orange and sandalwood scent. I closed my eyes and just sat, listening to his heart. I felt his love wrap around me. Then Thor's and Bucky's love wrapped me tight. I started to relax against Loki. I turned my face to his chest and cried. They were tears of rage and sorrow. Sad because of the harm this had done to Bucky. Rage that the bitch still never learned. 

Loki stroked my hair and held me close. I felt a hand on my back, just rubbing. I could feel it was different from Thor or Bucky. Loki sent me the thought that it was Tony.

"Hey. It's going to be ok, Kid. Whatever's wrong, we can fix it."

My tears tapered off and I raised my head to look at Tony. The purple light in my eyes was gone and so was most of the purple lightning. I still had them streaking down my left arm.

"She is a dead woman walking. I am going to hunt that bitch down and she will know pain."

I saw Tony swallow. I knew I was scaring everyone. Well, most everyone. My guys were concerned but not scared.

"Who, pet?"

I clenched my jaw. "Sharon fucking Carter."

I felt the rage flare in my guys. Tony looked surprised then his eyes narrowed. 

"I completely forgot about her after we put her in that cell. I haven't checked on her in months. F.R.I.D.A.Y give me the status on Carter."

"Sharon Carter is no longer in the cell or the building. Unable to give full status as subject is no longer in custody."

"Son of a bitch. Was she here in the Tower earlier?"

"Affirmative, Mr. Stark. Sharon Carter accessed the front door by code. She then exited approximately 10 minutes later."

I saw fury across everyone's face. Steve was so pissed his face was red. I saw the danger in Nat and Wanda's eyes. Wanda's had turned red. I was shocked to even see anger on Vision's face. He normally was always so calm and stoic.

"You figured out what she was planning, didn't you, Angel. That is why you ran out here so fast?"

I nodded, still cuddled in Loki's arms. "Yes. I made out just enough of her from Bucky's memory. I could focus in even though she was more of a glance since he didn't really register anyone being there. She drugged the water, purposely set it by Buck knowing eventually he would drink it. She was trying to hurt ME. She used Buck to try to hurt me. She tried to do the most damage she could. He would physically hurt me, mentally tear me apart since it's one of my men hurting me, mentally destroying him by being the one that hurt me."

I looked at Loki and Thor. "I'm assuming she picked Buck since he isn't a God, and she probably didn't know if the drug would work with you or not. I just raged. I hadn't felt power like that since my magic and I knew I couldn't contain it. I didn't want to hurt anyone or destroy something, so I ran out here."

Loki looked at my arm. "This is the Asgardian marks of vengeance. I have seen them a few times when a personal feud escalates out of control."

"That makes sense. This is so way beyond my dark holy fuck side. This is my 'I'm going to fucking kill you slowly and painfully' side. She tried to hurt someone dear to me, and unknowingly tried to hurt or kill my babies. She is a fucking dead woman and I mean that literally. And if you can't stomach that, well tough shit. Don't be around for it. If it costs me my home here, then it costs me my home here. I won't take this anymore. I thought she would've learned from the last time when she kidnapped me. I guess she didn't and there won't be another time."

Most of that was directed towards the rest of the group. I knew my husbands were with me. 

"It's not going to cost you, Kid. You'll always have a home here. And like I said before, I know how to hide a body. I'm in."

"Oh, you bet I'm in. No one hurts my sister." Nat looked like she was ready for murder.

"Me too. She will not enjoy her time with us." Wanda was still glowing red.

I heard everyone else agree but Steve. I looked at him. "I understand if you can't handle this from me, Steve. You have the same morals I have about right and wrong, but you don't have a dark side. It's ok."

Steve shook his head. "She's a dead woman."

I looked at Steve sadly as my heart broke. I stood up and went and hugged him and just held him a minute.

"I'm so sorry Steve. So so sorry I brought this to you."

"Ari, you have nothing to be sorry for. This is all on her."

I looked up at him. "But because of me, you now have a dark side. You were always the bright one, maybe a few small grey areas but still someone that shone so brightly. But with everything she's done, your dark side was created. If it wasn't for me coming, this wouldn't have happened. The Capsicle I met when I got here wouldn't have made this decision and I grieve for that."