
Chapter 92

Damien's POV

I walked into the room only to see my wife crying and immediately Belinda was trying to let me know she's didn't do anything to her,calm down I said and went closer to Rian and cuddled her closer but the she said to me honey see your babies are moving in my tommy,and then I placed my hands on her own hands which was placed on her tommy the exact place where my twins placed their legs,and I smiled so that's when Bel asked again,what's that in your tommy so I replied that's the babies legs they are moving oowww she exclaimed and said I've never seen a baby move in a tommy before is it painful she directed the question to Rian and she said sobbing a little but it's something every mother wishes to see,then Rian faced me and said why aren't you surprised though cause I know you'd be the first to ask what it was,that made bel focus on me as well they are both interested in my actions and answers towards their questions thrown at me,then I brought out my phone and played the video I recorded when she was still in coma,they both used their hands to cover their mouths they're surprised to know I have seen their first movement and even capture the beautiful moment in the video they can hear me talking to the twins and every of their movement was captured as well,Rian looked at me with tears in her eyes and asked this was taken when I was still in coma?then I smiled and said it was taken the very day you woke up I was with you talking to you then I had my hands placed on your tommy that's when they moved and I was also shocked to see that happening so I caotured it all so I can show it to you when you wake up,I explained and Bel just wanted to lighten the atmosphere by making a joke out of what happened so she said that's a big cheating on my girl how can you be the first person to see the babies movement which made Rian laugh and siad that's true though you're only lucky to have seen it before me but I wished we could have seen it together,then I smiled and said well we saw another of their movement together,so I asked her do you know the gender of the twins yet, Belinda was the one who answered yes it's a boy and a girl and Riri has met them already,she blurted the words out already before she realized she shouldn't have told me that,but the funniest part is I don't understand what she meant with all she's said so far,how can Rian meet the kids they're yet to be born when it's not like she has a supernatural power I just couldn't wrap my head around what she's said so I started laughing that my stomach hurts badly hahaahahahhaahahhahahahah hahahahahahahaha you know you just said gibberish right hahahaha and my wife just rolled her eyes at my reaction and Belinda gave her an apologetic look and gave an act of zipping her mouth,after I satisfied my urge to laugh then I faced my wife and said can you even imagine what Belinda just said??she looked at me for some time and even me myself was beginning to think there's more to what Bel said and she may not be lying after all since the look on Rian's face says it all,Is what she said real? I asked her and she looked at bel and said you're just a lousy bitch who can't shut up and Bel said sorry baby it was a slip of tongue she said apologetically and Rian just replied indeed it is and directed her looks back to me and nodded yes it true then she went into the details of her coma,how she was in a beautiful garden and the only people who existed there was she and the kids and she even made me understand the kids where the reason she woke up cause she was enjoying the atmosphere of the beautiful garden and didn't want to return,yet she had to cause they kids would leave if she hadn't return and when she woke up and didn't see any kids around she was sad but then the thoughts hit her and she went ahead and asked Dr Shetty after the scan what the gender of the twins were that's when she found out that the twins where the ones with her in her dreams,and she even went as far as giving them a name already Tamara and Tyler oh how I loved the story and the name she just told me but it's a little unbelievable for me and she must have sensed it so she said I didn't expect you to believe what I just told you but to validate what I've just said I can tell you what the twins would look like once they are born,I wanted to laugh at what she said but the truth is I'm scared ah fuck how's that even possible?? So I decided to know more so I just nodded at everything she's said and asked that she takes her drugs and rest more so I left her in the room with Belinda and when I stepped out I heard Rian tell bel my husband is freaked out with what I told him and I know he didn't believe me but I know what I saw while I was asleep so I'm not surprised if he can't accept what I said yet I'll with till the kids are born