
Chapter 20

Douglas POV 

There's so much news going on in the company that the new supervisor and his assistant are hitting off on a romantic relationship, they've been spotted going home together in the same car and they've both been seen together at restaurants,my PA even told me girls now beefing each other cos of this new guy, infact all the ladies want to be transferred to his office because he's so hot and dashing, to make matters worse Damien didn't even act like he knows what's going on around him, what the hell is this guy up to, for someone who's been hiding from the public all this while is now been seen with Arianna, I thought to myself, when Damien came up with this sick idea of him working as a supervisor in the same company he owns I knew he's sick, but after filling me in on who he wants as an assistant and why he insisted on Arianna I knew Damien has definitely lost it... 

Knock! Knock! Come in I said and my PA walked in and the look on his face says alot, whats going on this time around, i said irritated, boss the new supervisor and his assistant are the company's headline, most of our females wants transfer to his floor so they can have access to him, they said he doesn't like talking to other staff but would rather be seen with his assistant, okay I get it... You may go now, i told Daniel My PA, as soon as he left I placed a call to Damien seeking for his presence... i after  ending the call I kept pacing around my office cos Damien is practically going to expose his identity... Its not like everyone knows who he is in real life, they only know him as the new supervisor I just employed

Few minutes later Damien walked into my office majestically, shut the door behind you please I told him, he did as told but didn't say a word, instead he looked around and was enjoying the view before him, As soon as I heard another knock I knew it was my Pa, then I started with my drama by. saying this words to Damien and raising my voice a bit to make it look like I was angry, i employed you to offer services and integrity to the growth of this company why would you get involved with your assistant??and you're even making it obvious enough acting like you don't care, is that what I'm paying you to do?? Damien on the other side had his hands folded at his back and him staring at the floor, while my pa stood there staring at us both, drop the files with you nd go back to your office I told my pa and he replied yes boss and did as told. Pheeew!! I sighed, Damien just raised his head and looked at me before saying I'm sorry boss but then the look on his face was murderous. He walked out of my office afterwards. See me in my office he texted and I knew he must be angry at the way I spoke to him but he needs to understand I'm doing this for him