
Chapter 19

Arianna's pov 

Its been two weeks since I started working at the dior's and my experience so far has been good, oh I almost forgot to tell you myself and my supervisor are getting close we are now friends, I've apologized sincerely for the slap and I've come to understand he isn't that bad as a person but the side of him I try to avoid is his womanizing part, he buys me lunch, sometimes drive me home in his car, this last couple of days I've spent in the same office with him has made me see how sweet he can be towards women but that doesn't change the fact that he's a scum when he wants a woman I can remember the two of us having a conversation on why he came with that kind of approach when  he met me, that's when I realized he's been used by the person he once loved, she lied and pretended to love him, she kept using him for his money, until he found out she's leaving the country with a man she's been married to, the story was like Damien once had a girl he loved whom he will move heaven and earth for, but the lady is married and the worst part is she came unto Damien herself and they kicked of on what he thinks was a romantic relationship, not knowing she's a very good con artist who only wants to robb Damien of all his money, and when the secret was out Damien let her go but made a vow never to love again.... And in the long run he's been having sex with no entanglement and the ladies enjoy it cos he's paying their bills big time.. 

What kind of women has he been meeting? And yes I also got to know damien's parent died in a crash and left him with all they had which the con artist he once loved robbed him off... So he's had to work for money, even tho his car and house says alot about his wealth he insisted that's all he's left with and he needed to maintain his lifestyle so he's gotta work. We confided in me with his past and we both agreed to be friend's even tho he won't stop telling me he wants more than friendship from me but I just don't want to be in his long list of the women he's bought, used and discarded ***********************

What time is the movie premiere starting I heard him say, oh its 7pm I replied, okay its time to round up so you can go home and change and I'll pick you up by 6pm, he said to me, out of no where a question popped into my head, why is it that mr Douglas doesn't come to check up on us and doesnt complain about us leaving the office together, you know that's weird right?? I asked him, he kept mute like he's trying to come up with an answer, he was about to reply when his phone rang, and he smiled and said talk of the devil, he's the one calling   

He picked and I just heard him say okay, when the call ended I asked what's up and he replied he wants to see me in his office now.. You can go home before me I'll pick you up as promised.... We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways