
When I Was Reincarnated As a Goblin

After getting hit by a truck, A 30 year old Shut-In gets reincarnated in another world, hunting for food, fighting hard to beat monsters, and humanoid creatures that despise goblins.

thelazywriter_3wq7 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

The First Time Talking to Humans as a Goblin.

Goranu wakes up in a hospital type tent with an IV dripping water to his arm. "Where am I?" Goranu thought. He then sees that he grew a bit taller, now reaching a height of 6.2 Ft. and now has long silver hair.

A nurse then goes inside the tent. "So you've finally woken up!" He notices the nurse is carrying a box, the nurse puts it down and grabs a stethoscope inside. The nurse then holds Goranu's chest and puts the stethoscope on.

" Two fractured ribs, I need to know about how he breathes." The nurse then puts the stethoscope on him. "It's cold!" Goranu thought. "He's having difficulty breathing! I need to treat this now."

The nurse's hands then glows, she then says "Cellular Manipulation" Goranu's ribs then revert back to normal. "The.. There's no more pain!" Goranu thought. The doctor (from chapter five) then goes inside of the tent. "Mary, how is the goblin doing?" The doctor asks. "He's doing fine, I just healed him with "Cellular Manipulation"." The nurse, Mary answers.

Goranu sees the doctor for the first time, long green hair, a white coat and a shirt that has pockets vials and other things, tall, has glasses and looks like she hasn't slept in days. "The doctor, is a GIRL!?" Goranu thought.

"*yawn* I need him for a moment Mary." The doctor says. "Yes, doctor." Mary then stands straight. The doctor raises her hand and touches Mary's cheek. "You don't have to call me doctor Mary." The doctor then kisses her. "Since were married and all." The doctor then looks at the ring on Mary's arm. Mary then blushes. "Ye.. Yes, Korina!"

The doctor, Korina then takes Goranu to her lab and makes him sit on a metal chair. Korina then puts a mask and gloves on. "Now, let's see what makes this goblin different."

Goranu then freaks out. "Wait!" Goranu shouts in human language. Korina then puts on a big smile. "The goblin talked! now I'm more motivated to experiment on him."

Korina then straps Goranu to the chair. "Wait, wait, wait, wait! Please don't experiment on me!" Korina then makes a questioning face. "Huh!? Why should I do that!?" Korina says.

"Why are you doing this to us? Experimenting on us?" Goranu aks. Korina then sighs. "Huuugh... It's because I need to make more chimera's." Korina says. Goranu then thought. "More" chimera's? Does that mean she was the one who made the first on?" Goranu then asks her. "What do you need chimera's for?" Korina then holds her face. "It's because we humans waged a war on elves, they have a sacred relic that can heal our sickly princess, she has an illness, and we have no cure for it."

"Wait a second, why am I telling you all this?" Korina then grabs a knife and tries to cut Goranu's chest. Goranu then breaks out of the straps and pushes her to the wall. (since Korina's lab is the only solid building)

"Let me go, you goblin!" Korina shouts. "I'll let you go, on one condition." Goranu says. "What is it?" Korina asks. "You let me and my friends go." Korina considers it. "Fine, I'll let you and your friends go." Goranu then lets her go. "One last condition." Goranu says. "You've already let me go, you have no advantage over me." Korina says.

"I can always kill you, right here, right now." Goranu then appears behind Korina. "Ok! What is it!?" Korina asks. "You let me be a guard here." Goranu says. "Fi.. Fine, but we have to go somewhere first." Korina says.

Korina then takes Goranu to the commanders tent. "So from now on, this goblin will be a guard here." Korina says to the commander. The commander then crushes the cup his holding. "I can't let you turn a monster into a guard without good reason." The commander shouts.

"Huuugh, if I don't let him be a guard, he will kill everyone here, when I touched him I used "Appraisal" and he has the "Strategist" skill, and he already knows how to fight a swordsman, because of that stupid gladiator fight." Korina says.

"Fine, bring him his sword and armor." The commander says. Goranu then bows. "Thank you very much." Goranu says to the commander. "It talked! Maybe he could be useful against monsters." The commander thought.

As they were talking, an army of elves ambushed the camp. A injured guard was running towards the tent. "Commander! The elves have ambushed us." The guard says. "What!?" The commander then looks outside. "It's a massacre!" The commander says.

Thank you everyone who have been reading my novel. This time, I will keep to my promises and never be late at publishing again.

!! Three new characters have emerged!!

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