
When I Was Reincarnated As a Goblin

After getting hit by a truck, A 30 year old Shut-In gets reincarnated in another world, hunting for food, fighting hard to beat monsters, and humanoid creatures that despise goblins.

thelazywriter_3wq7 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Fighting Monsters as a Goblin

While Goranu was sleeping. he was dreaming of how to defeat the chimera. As he was dreaming, he was waked up in the middle of the night by the system voice. "What the !?"

[Skill: "Strategist" obtained. Job: "Strategist" obtained.]

Goranu then asked himself, "How did I get a new job, was it because of my dream?" He then went back to sleep.

As he slept, he dreamt of the same dream as earlier, but this time, it felt realistic in his dream, he dodged almost every attack except the last one, and this would happen every single time. "What can I do to defeat him?" Then something went across his mind.

"Let's hope this works." He then faces against it in his dream once again, dodging every attack except the last one like last time, but this time he was prepared. The chimera jumps towards him, with its claws out and teeth prepared to bite, Goranu then uses "Muscle Manipulation, Muscle Regeneration" and "Pain Nullification".

He then grips its arms strongly, and punches it with all his strength, he grabs his knife and slits its throat, letting its blood flow like a river.

He then wakes up in his cell. The guard bringing bowls of food. The guard opens the gate, and throws the bowls inside. Some of the monsters rush towards the gate, but the guard kicks them. "Stay back you filthy monsters!" The guard shouts.

Goranu then grabs a bowl and eats it. "Ugh, its disgusting... I need to eat to save my strength, but still, its disgusting." After Goranu finishes his food, he sits at the corner of the cell, he then asks one of the monsters, " How long have you been here?" The monster, a kobold, then says. "Two months, but it felt like an eternity."

Goranu then tells the kobold his name. "What's yours?" The kobold says, "I'm Naxhia, it means "The brave" in kobold language." "Hey Naxhia, do you wanna escape this hellhole?" Goranu says. "Of course, everybody wants out."⁷

The guard then opens the gate and grabs Goranu, he was then taken into a gladiator type ring and thrown into one of its cells. The cell was then opened, Goranu saw a huge crowd of knights and soldiers. "Why am I here?" He wondered. He then saw a lizardman with a sword infront of him. Goranu was then given a sword and shield. "Wait!"

The lizardman then started to run towards him. it swung its sword at Goranu, Goranu blocks it, but the lizardman used its tail to make him fall. It then tried to stab him and Goranu rolled away from him. "That was close." Goranu then stood up and raised his shield.

Goranu swoung his sword, but was thrown down by the lizardman, he then kicked its leg and that threw it off. Goranu then slashed it, making a big cut in its stomach. "Why am I not feeling any remorse for him? Is it because he's trying to kill me?"

The lizardman then made a his sword bigger with MP and made a big swing towards Goranu, breaking his shield. His ears ringing from the noise. The lizardman then cuts his chest. But Goranu not wanting to die, decapitates the lizardman. Goranu falls down almost about to lose his conciousness.

"Ha.. Ha...,I need to use Muscle regeneration to at least keep me alive a little longer." He then heals his cut, and he passes out.

Thank you everyone who made it this far. I apologize for taking too long for another chapter. My school just started face-to-face so Im really sorry.

!!Another character has emerged "Naxhia"!!

Thank you and please support this book if you like it. Bye.

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