
When I Wake Up

One day, Camila was just your typical over-stressed, over-worked, and low-key depressed college student in a family of geniuses. One afternoon, She finally saved up enough to buy a brand new gaming console that hooks up your consciousness to their network and allows you to fully immerse into their games! One night, Camila died when her brother came in drunk and spilled beer on her console. Well died isn't exactly correct. Technically her body is in a comatose state while her consciousness was floating from game to game without her even being aware of what's happening in the real world. Super typical right? (Coma patient transmigrates into a DnD inspired video game. Watch as an overly friendly girl uses her genre savviness to the inconvenience of everyone around her! Stare in wonder as she shamelessly sticks to her favorite characters and follows them around like a little duckling. Either way, adventure, and glory await inside!)

Queen_Lioness · Fantasía
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4 Chs

A Blessed Event

The glamorous couple shared a loving kiss as they cut the elaborate wedding cake together in front of the cheering audience. Among the crowd, a lively woman around the same age loudly cheered with a wide smile that seemed infectious. The soft, orange light of the table lamps gleamed off the crystal chandelier above. Even the crisp white tablecloths seemed too luxurious for Camila that she was almost afraid to rest her hands on them for too long.

She was too scared to touch her dress for the same reason. The dress had countless little stars sewn into the thin blue fabric with glittering gold thread. Camilla liked how the fabric draped off her chest and hips but was cinched around her waist, making it look slimmer than it already was. She especially adored the way her slit sleeves bellowed down her arms, with the long gash revealing her creamy skin and the single birthmark on her left shoulder. The low slit in the side showed off her legs more than Camilla was comfortable with but was too pleased overall to be discouraged. It was the only dress that caught her eye when she went shopping with her friend. At first, she was worried that her outfit was over the top but looking at the crowd around her, she was actually one of the plainer dressed women here.

Said friend, Isabelle, was leaning against the table with a cocktail in hand and looked much more at ease than she did. Her sleek black dress hugged her curvy body with bold geometric patterns stitched in matte silver thread. The plunging neckline also showed off her notable bosom in a way that even Camilla found it not to stare. Isabelle's sheer lace sleeves moved with each slow movement of her arms and were almost as seductive as the smooth skin of her legs and thigh that would peek out from the high slit of her dress.

Camilla inwardly sighed at her stunning friend. If she wasn't the main character in this game, then there was a hundred percent chance the title would go to Isabelle instead. Her character was breathtaking, ambitious, and she's even the heiress to her father's billion-dollar company. In short, Isabelle was top-grade female lead material!

Isabelle tsked as she lazily moved her hand towards her head. "You have a pin undone, babe."

Unlike her friend, who kept her red hair long and loose, Camilla's thick dark brown hair was pinned in a romantic tuck with two bouncy curls framing the sides of her face. In the tuck of her bun was a handful of small pearl hairpins, which matched with the delicate pearl necklace and bracelets.

"I don't know why you chose to wear pearls. They're so old-fashioned."

"They were a gift! Arthur was so sweet, and I just couldn't say no to him." Camilla's cheeks turned red at the memory while Isabelle clenched her glass tighter.

"Speak of the devil. Look who finally decided to come over here." Isabella smiled with gritted teeth as a man walked over with two champagne flutes in hand. The man's light blond hair was styled back in short, neat curls and looked as perfect as the rest of him. His black tux pressed and clean of any lint or dust, and his bowtie laid stiff and straight against his pale neck. Even his cufflinks were eyecatching and sparkled once in a while as they caught the light.

"I believe congratulations are in order." Arthur smiled as he sat beside Camilla. "I heard the happy couple was all your doing."

"I always tell her she should start her own match-making business," Isabelle smirked at her flustered friend. "Half our graduating class is married off thanks to her."

"Oh! I didn't really do anything! I just introduced the two of them; they did the rest."

Arthur gave her a soft smile and placed his hand over hers. "According to the stories, I think you did way more than a simple introduction." Camilla flushed at the contract while Isabelle inwardly seethed. An idea popped in her head, and she leaned in close to whisper into her friend's ear while setting down her now empty cocktail glass on the table.

"Arthur is right," Isabelle whispered, her full red lips brushed against the shell of Camilla's ear. "You need to stop downplaying yourself. You know how much I hate when you do that."

Camilla was now twice as flustered and confused.

Isabelle glanced towards Arthur and smirked at the grimace on his face. Her eyes moved the champagne glasses in his hands and, without missing a beat, reached down and snatched a drink away from him.

"Thanks for the drink, sweetie. I thought I would have to get another one myself."

".... Glad to help."

Camilla glanced back and forth between the two before an idea popped in her head, and she quickly stood up. If Isabelle was the true female lead, then Arthur definitely the male lead. He was currently in med student, impossibly handsome, and had an intense passion for everything he held close to his heart. There was just one thing wrong with him.

He was still single! Even Isabelle hadn't had a date in years!

Here were two perfect characters, and yet they insisted on remaining single dogs for the rest of their lives!

Being able to match-make the NPCs had been the main feature for this slice of life game, so Camilla prided herself on how well she could guess who would make the best couples. However, whenever she would try to set her favorite characters on dates they would always end in disaster! But now, seeing the two of them sitting together, she knew what the real problem was.

She kept trying to set them up with outsiders when clearly they belonged with each other!

It made complete sense. Isabelle and Arthur were in a league above the rest, so how could the dates Camilla picked out ever compare? One extraordinary person deserves another, and it was up to ordinary people like her to cheer them on!

"I'll go get you another glass!" She chapped her hands together and smiled down at Arthur, who looked thoroughly confused by this turn of events. A couple needed space to grow, so a third wheel like her needed to detach and roll along! Before the pair could protest, Camilla hurried away with a wink and a warning for Isabelle to play nice while she was gone.

Seeing that she couldn't stop her, Isabelle sighed and waved her friend off. "Fine, fine, I'll behave."

"I'm surprised you even know the meaning of that word," Arthur muttered out once Camilla was out of earshot with a bright smile on his face in case she could still see them.

Isabelle gave him a tight smile in return and took a big gulp of her stolen champagne. "And I'm surprised you can still sit down with that giant stick up your ass."



I'm publishing 4 chapters at once so you guys can get a more complete feel of this story! I'll post 2 more chapters next Sunday and I'll try my best to keep to that schedule!

Enjoy and please leave a comment/review!

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