
When I Wake Up

Fantasy Romance
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What is When I Wake Up

Lee la novela When I Wake Up escrita por el autor Queen_Lioness publicada en WebNovel. One day, Camila was just your typical over-stressed, over-worked, and low-key depressed college student in a family of geniuses.One afternoon, She finally saved up enough to buy a brand new gaming con...


One day, Camila was just your typical over-stressed, over-worked, and low-key depressed college student in a family of geniuses. One afternoon, She finally saved up enough to buy a brand new gaming console that hooks up your consciousness to their network and allows you to fully immerse into their games! One night, Camila died when her brother came in drunk and spilled beer on her console. Well died isn't exactly correct. Technically her body is in a comatose state while her consciousness was floating from game to game without her even being aware of what's happening in the real world. Super typical right? (Coma patient transmigrates into a DnD inspired video game. Watch as an overly friendly girl uses her genre savviness to the inconvenience of everyone around her! Stare in wonder as she shamelessly sticks to her favorite characters and follows them around like a little duckling. Either way, adventure, and glory await inside!)

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Aku adalah seadanya dan kau adalah segalanya. Pernahkah kau mencintai seseorang melebihi apapun di dunia ini dan pernahkah kau merindukan seseorang hingga tak pernah sedikitpun terlintas di benakmu untuk tak memikirkannya walau hanya sekejap saja, membayangkannya hadir di hadapanmu memandang teduh wajahmu, melempar senyum dan sapaan lembut hanya tercurah untukmu, bercengkrama mesra sebagai pengisi hari-hari burukmu, menggenggam erat tangan kokohnya seakan kau tak mau kehilangannya walau hanya sedetik saja bahkan kau tak mau berkedip dan memalingkan pandanganmu padanya karena kau takut bila dengan sekejap ia menghilang dari sisimu, menghabiskan waktu bersama merasakan hembusan angin yang bercampur dengan napasnya berbicara tentang hari-hari kosong tanpanya bahkan kau rela melakukan apapun agar kau bisa melihatnya walau hanya sekejap mata. Namun, ketika semua harapan yang kau tulis itu terkabul dan sang takdir membawanya kembali padamu, tapi kau malah memilih untuk menghindarinya, kau tak ingin bertemu dengannya, kau tak ingin dia tahu bahwa kau benar-benar merindukannya di sepanjang hari-hari kosongmu, kau menganggap bahwa semua khayalanmu untuk bertemu dengannya seharusnya tak pernah terjadi dan tak boleh menjadi nyata. Ketika ia menyapamu kau malah bersikap dingin dan acuh tak acuh tuk berusaha menutupi semua perasaanmu, kau membohongi semua rasamu. Bukan karena dia tak berharga lagi bagi hidupmu, bukan juga karena kau telah memiliki pengganti yang lebih istimewa darinya tapi karena... karena seharusnya ia tak berada disini bersamamu. Itulah yang kurasakan ketika aku merindukan seseorang yang selama ini menjadi kenangan terindah dalam perjalanan hidupku, pahit manis semuanya terangkum bersamanya dan hanya dengannya.

Angelenzyy · Fantasía
358 Chs

Dear Cecilia

A/N: This work carries an explicit content warning, due to its portrayal of violence and visceral gore. As the story unfolds, it delves deeper into a darker, more psychological theme. I will make sure that Each chapter will come with its own warning. Hopefully you'll enjoy my work. Reviewing is appreciated. . . . . Caught in the play orchestrated by a man who wants the fall of the world, Elena finds herself with the role of a puppet waiting to be slaughtered. And in a vain attempt to escape the looming danger and death. She finds herself in the embrace of the devil himself. Offering her peace and semblance of solace in exchange for what she believed to be her everything. And her every burden. . . . . Elene's bland and almost boring life as an barista had always played out in a simple yet peaceful rhythm. A rhythm that she came to appreciate and seemingly enjoy. A luxury. With her past buried behind and under her, she chose a life of a simple woman, with a peaceful yet an almost boring life. However, on a fateful night , that rhythm of serenity shattered. when a violent conflict broke out outside her café. A conflict targeting her. By the sick plan of fate, she found herself thrown head first into a world she thought she had forever left behind. Confronting demons she believed are forever dormant. In the heart of that chaos, Elene's sole purpose was to uncover the secrets her past self left behind, and bring the fall to those she saw as a target. The final part of a fool's play is finally reaching its climax, bringing both doom and salvation in a clutch from the depths of hell. Follow "Dear Cecilia" and embark on a journey filled with lies, secrets and betrayals. As our protagonist chases her salvation in a doomed world.

Artiankillerfish · Ciudad
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It is I, a shameless author leaving a review on her own story. What can I say about this book? “Here is a story about a overly friendly female lead who uses her knowledge of tropes to inconvenience everyone around her. Have fun?” ... Actually that’s pretty much sums it up! Enjoy?


Hi author, I notice that you've started on a new story. We are mainly looking for adventurous novels (Fantasy, Sci-fi, Paranormal Urban, Action, Thriller/Suspense, Game Fiction). If you are interested to know whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to email amanda_nl21@*hotmail.com (delete *) for details.


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