
When Blood Runs Cold

[MATURE CONTENT] A vampire's love is a dangerous thing. Beautiful and fiery, dangerous and domineering. A perfect lover, and, a perfect killer... 'A vampire is the world's perfect predator,' I was once told. 'Seduce you with a smile, a wink, a caress of your cheek, a kiss on your lips. Then they will rip your wings off with their bare hands, leave you flightless; yet in their tight embrace of death, enchanted, you would not even struggle. Not even as they drained each thick drop of blood from your pulsing veins. Vampires are as masterful as they are cruel, they would like nothing greater than to play the overlord in a game of life and death, of love and lies. To them, you are a trifle, a plaything to tempt and toy with. If you think you are anything more, then you have already fallen for their trap.' If this is true, it would take him little under an hour to have me dead. I should have been dead weeks ago. Maybe, I already am.

Wolfgirl1215 · Fantasía
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289 Chs

How to sway a crowd

Upon learning that Ithuriel had the ability to not only sense, but equally manipulate emotions, I was first gobsmacked by the sheer unused potential of his magic. But then shortly after, an idea had come to me.

(A day ago)

"So you are telling me," I say with a mild disbelief, chewing over the tip of my pen with an aggravated fervour. With only a day until the angels arrive, I have to prepare a speech compelling enough to move crowds, to sway the three thousand year war into peace and unite our people under the banner of amity. To put it lightly, I have my work cut out for me.

"You are saying that you can... influence peoples emotions?"

"And sense them too," Ithuriel adds as he sits down on one of my couches, tapping his fingers together nervously as he glances warily around the room. Perhaps this place looks like a prison to him. Alas, my study certainly isn't the most pretty of places by angel standards.