
Death favours no one (part two)

"I am giving you three days to think over the matter. If you wish to learn more, you will do well to visit us before your time is up. Then perhaps you can join our cause. But if you do not, well," he murmurs, trailing off suggestively as he plays with the gleaming golden rings on his finger...

From the darkness, Azrael shoots me a sharp look. Promptly after, a familiar voice sounds in the back of my mind in a series of gruff tones:

"Help me, Serena. I need you to win us her sympathy," it whispers, somehow both desperate and angry at the same time, like a hornet buzzing in a hive. Trying to overcome the urge to roll my eyes, I take a couple of paces forward, joining Azrael where he stands before the soul of death. Her milky white eyes seem almost to gaze right through me

It would seem she too has mastered the art of wilful pretending.