
What it means to be OMNIPOTENT

After winning the lottery, he lived the life he always wanted. that was until he died from a heart attack

Sage_Of_Chaos · Cómic
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15 Chs


Kiba: I have no clue

after saying that the middle-aged man looked at him for a bit and said

unknown: I see so you died and your astral body ended up here instead of reincarnating hmm...

Kiba: ohhh...so I died ~sigh~. ok, so what now?

the only reason he asked, is that he had no idea what to do or where to go

unknown: hoho you are things pretty easy even after hearing you died.

Kiba: well I mean I'm dead and have no clue what to do so instead of panicking I choose to just go with the flow.

unknown: that's some deep stuff you have going on huh, well let's just get this over with. my name is *%*&^* and I'm the strongest being in the universe.

when Kiba registered what he just heard he was so shocked that even his mouth was almost touching his chest.

Kiba: a-are you for real!?

Even though Unknown said it himself he still wanted to make sure it's true

unknown: of course I am, now what do you want? I could send you back to your world or reincarnate you in another world with a gift of choice.

'so I can reincarnate huh...WAIT!!!'

Kiba: can you tell me what happened to my parents after my death?

unknown: sure why not...they were sad for a few weeks until they moved on but we're still sad about your death. now, what will you choose?

when Kiba heard they moved on he was happy he didn't want them to grieve to death and meet him so soon.

now with that off my mind, I can go over my choices again. mulling it over for a while I chose the most obvious and said

Kaiba: I want the power to grant myself wishes.

when unknown heard what he wanted he was shocked then said

unknown: even though that requests hard it's still a very good choice, now off you go and enjoy your second life.

Kiba: thank you I will see you soon but next time it will be on equal footing.

unknown just laugh a bit after hearing that and waved his hand and the next thing I know my world turned black and felt myself being surrounded by a warm liquid that made me feel relaxed.

(A/N edited)

The next 2 chapters are coming tomorrow.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Sage_Of_Chaoscreators' thoughts