
What it means to be OMNIPOTENT

After winning the lottery, he lived the life he always wanted. that was until he died from a heart attack

Sage_Of_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


After what felt like hours of relaxing Kiba reluctantly decided to get up and do what needs to be done. after opening his eyes he started to freak out because all he could see was darkness.

just as he was about to shout he heard something, deciding it was best to hear what it was he kept quiet and listened closely to see if he would hear it again.

after a few minutes of waiting he heard it again but this time it sounded like the voice of a woman, while he couldn't understand what was said he still felt warm inside his heart. taking that as a sign that it's safe wherever he is, he tried to feel around to get a better feel of his surroundings.

after a few minutes, he concluded that he's a baby and is still in the womb for around 4 months from being born.

after getting his thoughts in order he started thinking about what's he wants right now.

after 3 hours of deliberation, he decided on a system.

after a lot of consideration of what type of system he wants, he decided to go with one that only has a shop and status page.

with that in mind, he said

Kiba: I wish for a system according to what I have in mind.

after that, he felt like something got attached to his soul.

Even though it's a new experience he knew it's the system he wished for.

Kiba: from now on you will be the Omnipotent system since you will be using my power of wishes to make/get whatever I want.

after that, you could hear the voice of a young female answering him

system: understood.

with that little dialog between them, he found out that his power has no restrictions what so ever.

Kiba: hey, since I created you does that make me your creator or father?.

it's only after getting the system did he think about this.

system: yea you're both my father and creator but I would like to call you father.

he doesn't know why but...he could have sworn he heard a bit of nervousness and embarrassment? finding the situation a bit funny said

Kiba: hmm...if that's what you want then sure, also your name will be Hinata. I can't have my daughter's name be system now, can I?.

he said the last part with a little bit of amusement in mind.

Now with all that settled, he started to think of his next plan of action.

although he is OP in a sense he doesn't want to become the next Saitama destroying all of his enemies in a punch unless he needs to.

Kiba: Hinata give me the OFA and take off all limiters that come with the human body.

at the end of his words, his body gave out a sound of a chain being broken, as if that sound was the cue for his metamorphosis. his body started changing on a subatomic level.

if before he was a fish, then now he could be called a divine dragon in all but a physical and mental sense.

Kiba: Hinata what just happened?

that was the only thing he could say at the moment because he was extremely confused.

right now, not only did he feel different but he also knows a bit of information that he was sure he didn't know before.

Hinata: dad it's because you just evolved to an entirely new race...and that's not all, now that you evolved you should be able to recall the name of your race along with the abilities they have.

after getting enlightened on the matter he started to go through the information he got.

Kiba: I see...so I'm a perpetual being now huh.

Hinata: so what abilities did you get dad?

she started feeling excited because everything going on now is a new experience for her.

Kiba: it seems like I could boost anything I want to an infinite degree but my body needs to be able to handle it or I harm myself from boosting to much...also it seems like I'm eternal now meaning I can't be killed under any situation and if I'm sealed I will get a power boost big enough to break the seal if I'm not strong enough.

it may sound stupid but he always wanted to live forever and see if there is an end to time and still live to tell the tale.


The next chapter will be out tonight. ENJOY THE CHAPTER!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I am currently editing all my chapters before posting new ones so stay tune peace

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