

The last thing he remembered before waking up in bed with a waiting maid was Cyril throwing down his cell phone and calling the story he was reading trash. He couldn't believe he was trapped in a story he called trash as a character who would be beheaded after trying to kill the Crown Prince on his wedding day. I am doomed to die? Is that true?

ArgaNov01 · Fantasía
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293 Chs

Official Attire (5)

"Have you thought about what I said before?" asked Jens as he helped Cyril put on the vest. 

Cyril tried to think about his conversation with Jens a few days ago. Nothing serious, he thought, that he needed to remember. It was just about who was supporting Cyril at the moment and Jens would find a noblewoman who was interested in the young knight. 

"There was a noblewoman who was interested after I told her about you! She said she would like to meet you!" Jens continued with the information he wanted to convey to Cyril. 

Cyril wanted to turn around, but Jens' hand kept him in the same place. He jerked the clothes inside the vest and then let Cyril turn around. When Cyril was finally able to look at General Adelman, the man was talking to Deputy General Destin. 

"You're not interested in noble women, huh? You prefer noblemen?" 

"STOP!" Cyril finally shouted because he couldn't take it anymore.