
What? A Group Chat?

Blake a guy who has been betrayed by the person who he thought, his future yet she was nothing more than a selfish bitch. After being betrayed he caught a second stage cancer, and when he thought all hope was gone all of sudden he was invited to be the administrator of a multiversal Group Chat! Where he could interact with fictional characters! Group Chat Members (Currently) : Counter Guardian EMIYA (FGO) Jaune Arc (RWBY) Satan/Lucifer (Helltaker) Echidna (Re:Zero) Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from my OC's

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82 Chs

Slap Of The Year!

( Chat )

Lucifer "Finally, I've been waiting for this."

EMIYA "Hoh? What good timing, I've been bored lately."

Echidna "Demon Slayer? Interesting…"

Jaune "RWBY?! As In Ruby's team?"

Jaune's reaction wasn't that surprising after all, it would probably have the same reaction of seeing a universe named after you're familiar with!

Blake "Mission is finally here…"

Jaune "Yeah, honestly I'm a bit nervous.."

Same, I'm nervous too but right now is the time to confess my knowledge about these universes. Information is very important. I don't want our mission to screw up because I didn't share the knowledge I have.

Blake "Alright guys, may I have your attention?"

Echidna "Yes."

Lucifer "You have this queen's attention.*

Jaune "Yeah!"

EMIYA "Oi, oi are you going to give us some information about the missions? Because if you don't, getting our attention is pointless."

Well, he has a point but that's exactly what I'm planning to do anyway.

Blake "Yes, it's about some information about our missions, so it's hardly pointless so listen here because I don't want to repeat this."

Then I remembered that what I'm about to say is going to be a text message. I felt a bit embarrassed.

Blake "So I'm going to start explaining about Demon Slayer."

I started explaining the foundations of the Demon Slayer based on what I read in the manga.

I talked about Demons that are praying to humans and Demon Slayers who slay them so that they wouldn't cause other casualties to the other humans.

I've also explained about the Demon Corps and Pillars (Hashira), just in case because I have no idea which timeline they would get sent to. Hopefully, it's close to the canon.

I mean who wouldn't want to meet the main cast of the story?!

And I've also explained about RWBY and Fate by not much because EMIYA is more familiar than me in his universe.

Lucifer "Demons? They dare to call themselves Demons when they are not in hell?!"

Blake "I can see your logic but 'Demons' doesn't necessarily mean they gotta be from hell."

EMIYA "I agree with that, I've been called Demon from time to time."

Ah.. he's been called that because of the nature of his job, well not surprising indeed.

Echidna "Now, now let's talk about the missions rather than this,"

Blake "She's right now that I told you about these universes. I'd like you guys to vote which mission we're going to pick and Fate Universe is off-limits for now."

EMIYA "That's right, so it's either Demon Slayer or RWBY."

Something feels off about this, cause he immediately agreed with me that Fate is off-limits.

Ah, I think I know he wanted to go to another universe without Alaya's influence, yep that's totally the case all right, not that I blame the guy I could sympathize with, knowing what kind of shit that Alaya is forcing him to do for the sake of 'humanity'.

Lucifer "I vote for Demon Slayer, I'm very interested in meeting these fake Demons."

Echidna "Same, after knowing that they are immortal in some way, I'd like to catch one and experiment on it."

I shuddered after seeing her comment because I can only imagine can kind of inhumane torture that the poor demon's going to experience after being caught by Echidna.

Jaune "W-well... I'd like to pick my own Universe and other reality.. but I'm pretty sure the rest of you guys are going to vote for Demon Slayer."

EMIYA "Good thinking, because I'll also vote for Demon Slayer."

It's been decided, even if I vote for RWBY the majority for Demon Slayer wins, besides I also choose Demon Slayer for various reasons.

Blake "So, it's decided then! Our first mission is going to be in the Demon Slayer Universe!"

-( Mission #1 Demon Slayer Universe Type FFF )-

As we accepted the mission, a bright light covered my entire body like Jesus was calling me to heaven...which is not.

The next moment. I opened my eyes and I saw a forest in front of me, it was very green and the air was so fresh because it wasn't polluted.

I inhaled the air and it felt refreshing to a city guy like me, then I felt something appear in my hand.

It was a pack of chocolate pocky, I wasn't sure what to do with this but my question was immediately answered as I saw detailed information about it inside my brain.

So this was a support item that only the group administrator can get, this chocolate pocky was far from being useless it's so OP that many people would die to have it!

Because this cheap-looking junk food could boost your learning capability 10 times than normal, while it's not permanent it still lasts a year!

If you're an idiot, you'd be normal, if you're normal you'd be a prodigy if you're already a prodigy you'd be a monster.

It's just too bad that you can only consume it once, plus there are only 5 pieces inside the pocky's container which is obviously for the rest of my team.

I fear what's going to happen after my team consumes these pocky's because some of them are already monsters.

Then one by one, people appeared beside me.

A blonde with mop-like hair with an average build, who has a sword with a white sheath and some light protective armor.

Jaune Arc

A handsome silver-haired man with steel-like eyes, tanned and wearing a red suit.

Emiya Shirou A.k.a EMIYA/Archer

A beautiful woman in her mid-twenties, with white hair along with a jade butterfly hairpin on her left side, black eyes that shone with intellect, and wearing a mostly black outfit.

Echidna A.k.a Witch of Greed

A girl with pale skin, red irises, a black arrow-tipped tail, and silvery-white hair. Her hair is long and worn tied at the end, with bangs kept in place by a black, spiked hairband. Her horns are white and jagged, she has narrow eyes, underneath her left eye is a mole, as for what she wore a black suit with a red collared shirt underneath, complete with white gloves, a black-tie showing her high status.

Lucifer A.k.a Queen of Hell

The silence was the first thing that happened after we met each other. Every single one of us was observing each other from head to toe.

After a full minute of silence, Lucifer was the first to say. "I'd say some of your appearances aren't what I have in mind, but it's a trivial thing, aside from that. You!"

Her voice was filled with venom as she laid her eyes upon the E ranked luck Archer, she instantly recognized the person who constantly annoyed her for the past month!

"I've waited for the day I'd meet you and now is the day. It's time for me to beat your sorry ass!" As if she teleported in front of EMIYA.

She delivered the slap of century toward the counter guardian, it was too sudden that EMIYA couldn't dodge despite having an Eye of the Mind (True) Rank B.


EMIYA's body flew a hundred meters away from his original spot with just a simple slap from Lucifer, she didn't just stop there she continued slapping him while she bound him with blood-red chains.

Each time she slaps EMIYA a loud boom! I heard and the audience couldn't help but sweat drop at the scene but they didn't do anything to stop or help EMIYA because getting involved is like digging your own grave!

I just stood there trusting Lucifer that she wouldn't kill EMIYA, since I'm pretty much aware that this was bound to happen ever since EMIYA pushed her buttons and this was the result it was his fault.

Honestly, I expected her to be strong but to think she was so powerful that a servant level like EMIYA couldn't even do anything to stop her!

All of us continued to watch this cruel punishment that was happening to EMIYA.

Truly a first meeting that everyone won't forget!


Lucifer was finally satisfied with slapping EMIYA and went to our location as nothing happened in the first place, she said.

"Sadly I can't kill the pest, but I'm satisfied for now, any way you may call me Queen."

"Yeah...how about a no?" I smiled wryly at her words.

Lucifer looks at me and replies. "So, you're our leader, you don't look like what I have in mind, you're pretty average but that's how you want us to see."

"No, look I'm really what you think I am."

"Oh, of course, forgive me for my blunder, you don't want anyone to know about it." Lucifer smiled knowingly.

I couldn't help but groan a little and thought. 'For someone so strong... she's stupid..'

Then again Jaune and Echidna were thinking the same thing as Lucifer. I didn't bother to correct it anymore.

Then I saw EMIYA who has a disfigured face, it was damn weird to look at making my mental image toward EMIYA break into pieces.

"M-man...are you alright?"

"Nhu, obusly em nut (No, Obviously I'm not)" EMIYA said with his broken jaw.

I couldn't help but pity him, but it was his fault you reap what you saw after all.
