

Kiran a boy who was so happy with how him and his family was living a normal life without any trouble and hardship over many years, couldn't help but feel grateful about everything, but when he finally got to the age of sixteen, his prospective about his family changed as his long lost power finally awaken at the day of a full moon. At first he was scare of what he has become, he couldn't accept the fact that he was a werewolf, because he never really believe they were real, but he later accepted what he was as he found out that his current parents wasn't really his biological parents, the fact that his biological parents were dead and they might be the ones who pass down this powers to him, made him want to know how they died. He spent month searching for a clues consigning the death of his parents, and that was what led him to encounter some of his kind and also the people who killed his parents... But even with his new found power will he be able to avenge the death of his parent. Join me in a journey of defeat, anger and revenge, as Kiran face those who took his parent away from him.

Man_Marvel · Fantasía
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70 Chs

Twelve years later

With an hurried step, Jenny quickly walked into principal Sarah office, she couldn't stop herself from increasing her step the moment she heard that Karin got into trouble by fighting with some of his classmates.

"Sweetie, what's your reason for fighting?" asked Jenny immediately she saw Karin sitting on a chair at the corner of the large office.

Karin on seeing his mom, couldn't help himself as he hid his face in shame, he remembered she clearly told him not to fight but he just couldn't help it this time around.

"Take it easy Mrs Hendrick, let's wait a little so the parents of the other kids can get here before solving this issue" said principal Sarah.

It didn't take long before the parents of the other kids started walking into the office.

"This way please" said principal Sarah as she direct them to one side of the office where chairs and table were arrange for meeting.

"I don't really have time for formalities, I was in the middle of something very important before I received your text, so let's just get down to the point" said one of the parents who was in the office.

"Your important matter can wait Mr Bruce, I can't believe you are trying to say there are other matters more important than that of your son" responded the principal.

"I didn't say anything of such" replied the man.

"Okay then, let's start, Mrs Hendrick, your son has always been one of the most brilliant child in Brilliance High, but seeing him fighting today was what I didn't expect at all, and the most shocking thing was that, he started the fight" said the principal.

"With all due respect principal Sarah, I have every reason to believe that my son didn't go around asking for a fight, unless someone provoke him into one" said Jenny.

"Even if he was provoke or insulted, that doesn't give him the right to take law into his hands, he should have reported and let me or his teacher handle it" said principal Sarah.

"I understand" replied Jenny.

"You should take your son to a anger management class, so he can work on his temper" said one of the parents in a sarcastic manner.

"Why don't you give your son a proper home training before sending him to school, I can clearly tell that you are those type of parent that would let his son do whatever he want" retorted Jenny in anger.

"Your son clearly took his unorthodox character from you" said another.

"Aren't you all ashamed about the fact that your son's gang up against mine, you still have the face to talk about character" said Jenny to all the parents in the room.

"You and your school are no different, it's people like you and your son that go out looking for trouble, you and your son would have clearly been thrown out, if I was in that position to do so" said another.

They kept on throwing words at each other for about six minutes, untill principal Sarah couldn't take it anymore and slammed her hand on the desk in front of her, making everyone to stop their ranting.

"I can see that you guys don't want to solve this matter amicably, so you guys gave me no choice than to give each one of your kids a week suspension from school, you all should carry your son's and leave my office right now" said principal Sarah with authority.

Brilliance High was know as one of the prestigious and best school in the whole country, so getting into any trouble might warrant you to be expelled right away, therefore the word "suspension" was a sign of mercy to them.

The moment principal Sarah finish her words, everyone just stood up from their seats and walked to meet their kids, so as to carry to carry them home. They all knew that principal Sarah won't change her mind even if they pleaded with her. When they all got to their sons, they could see their faces filled with bruises.

All the parent in the room couldn't help themselves as they turned to look at Karin whose face was also bruised but not as much as their kids.

Some were looking at Karin in a curious way, thinking that how come such a boy was able to handle four kids his age, while others were looking at him with hatred for what he has done to their kids.

"Mom I'm really sorry, I don't know what came over me when they started throwing insults at me, my mind was clouded with anger that I didn't even know when I rush at them" said Karin with tears in his eyes as Jenny approached him.

"Don't cry sweetie, it's not your fault, I don't blame you in the slightest" said Jenny while hugging him, "come on, let's go home so I can get you treated.

"Thanks mum" said Karin.

"I do forgive you son, but you are grounded for fighting, let's go meet Layla so we can all go home" replied Jenny as she and Karin walked to Layla class.

On their way to Layla class, Jenny stop and turn to face Karin, the fact that he got into a fight still haven't left her mind entirely.

"Karin, I have a question to ask you, why do you think I register you to learn martial art?" asked Jenny.

"So I can protect myself and not get bully" replied Karin.

"You are right sweetie, but that's not everything, I register you to learn so you can protect the weak and not only yourself" said Jenny.

"I know mom" replied Karin.

"Then you should also know that it isn't right to fight just for some trivial things, you should learn to control your temper, don't let some minor things easily trigger you" said Jenny.

"I understand" replied Karin.

"Good, I want you to apologise when you get to school next two weeks, because you have been suspended for a week" said Jenny.

Thanks to all my readers out there, please vote and recommend this book to your friends so I can get the strength to continue writing, Thanks once again.♥️

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