
Web of Dragons

Spider-Man was issues away from making a deal with the devil when he was suddenly transported into a new world of alien threats, martial arts, and Dragon Balls. How will Peter return home, read and find out in the next episode of Web of Dragons!

Daoist_Over_God · Cómic
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11 Chs


They flew to the island, and like Bulma thought, the Royal Army was still nearby. The kids sat back and watched as Bulma directed Peter to follow her.

He dragged the group of Red Ribbon enemies behind him while Bulma talked to a dog person in a army uniform. She pointed to Peter and the guy called more men over to her.

They took the members off Peter's hand while the dog guy in charge carried over a thick box with a card slider in it.

"You did a good job catching these guys. You're friend tells us the webbing will dissolve in a hour or two from now, can't tell you how much a load off that is, we've been struggling to remove it all."

"No problem."

"So, you're a bounty hunter, right?"

"Well…" Peter looked uncomfortable as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Bulma nudged his ribs before saying, "Bounty Hunters can act with a certain level of impunity. IDs aren't needed to take down bad guys."

"Yeah. I'm a bounty hunter,"

"Great! Can we get your Z-Card?"

"Oh, uh?"

Bulma gave him one and said, "You owe me."

"Sure, I'll do what I can," Peter replied while handing the card over.

The army-dog took it and waited for his men to finish identifying the criminals.

"Oh my, you caught a General! That plus the platoons…you're total comes out to 100.56 Million Zeni. It was a pleasure doing business with you…sorry, I didn't get your name."

"Bounty Hunter Spider-Man, just put that down. I don't want the whole Army knowing who it was that brought down so many of their men."

"Right, Spider-Man," The dog smiled as he used his paw to shake Peter's hand.

"Well, damn, I'm in the wrong business. Maybe I could hunt down some bounties back home too," Peter chuckled as he took the money and put it in his back belt pouch.

"Can we go now?! I'm hungry!" Goku groaned.

"Right, I guess since we have the Red-Ribbon's vehicles, we should return the sub to Master Roshi," Krillin mentioned.

"Ooh, that's a great idea!" Bulma nodded her head as Peter held out the capsule.

She happily took it and pulled out a four seated flyer and threw it.

"Hey, this thing should have trackers, right? Maybe we shouldn't fly in something that can be tracked by an army," Peter asked.

"Smart! I knew bringing you along was the right choice!" Bulma smiled as she did some tinkering and threw out a GPS device.

"Do we have to worry about the ones in the capsule?" Peter followed.

"Nah, the capsules compress the space around the object. That includes any waves they might be emitting."

"Good to know," Peter replied as they all got in the ship.

They flew back to Roshi and dropped off the treasure. Launched transformed into her more violent personality and tried to rob them, but Peter webbed up her gun and took it from her.

Krillin promised to give her some of the share and settled that matter before they took off again towards the next Dragon Ball. The bald monk didn't want to miss out on the journey, and since Peter was so strong, he didn't feel like he was in any danger.

They eventually came across a large tower in the middle of a forested area. Goku spotted someone trying to attack the people but managed to stop him in time before he could snatch up a kid from the ground.

After smashing through the Red Ribbon craft, he caught the boy and landed on the ground.

Peter and the rest sat back while Goku chatted with the boy and his father, eventually pointing out that they had his grandfather's dragon ball.

The man then invited Goku and friends to join them for a meal. However, Peter's spider-senses went off and he quickly put his mask on before rushing forward.

He grabbed the kid and his father before jumping back while Goku dodged in the other way.

"Who are you?!" Goku shouted as he looked at the person standing at the edge of a large pillar.

"I am the world's greatest assassin, Tao Paipai and I'm here to kill you boy,"

"Huh? Why?!" Goku shouted.

"I was hired by the Red Ribbon army to obstruct you from collecting the Dragon Balls."

"Those Red-Ribbon guys again! You're so annoying!" Goku fumed.

"I'm not going to let you hurt my friend," Peter said as he moved in to subdue.

However, much to his surprise, Tao was able to deflect his blow.

"Huh, he's stronger than I thought," Peter said as lifted his feet in midair and dodged Tao's kick.

He then kicked out again, this time, forcing Tao to raise his arm. Peter kicked hard enough to easily break through a tree, however, it only managed to knock the assassin a few feet away.

"You're stronger than most villains I fight, but I've fought stronger, let's try a bit harder this time," Peter moved so quickly Tao's eyes bulged.

"What kind of insect are you?" The wicked mercenary questioned as he saw Spider-Man's stance.

"I'm an arachnid thank you very much," Peter replied as he punched at Tao's chin.

Tao dodged and tried to counter Spider-Man with a kick to the waist, but Peter blocked it and grabbed his leg before he threw Tao to the ground, slamming his back into the dirt hard enough to break bones.

However, Peter was once again surprised by how much force it took to keep him there.

"What madness is this, I can't move! No, I'm stuck to you!"

"Okay, now that I have an idea on how much strength to use," Peter punched him in the jaw with enough strength to dent steel, "I know how much it will take to knock you out."

"That was awesome!" Goku cheered as Tao lost consciousness.

"I don't even think we could have beaten that guy," Krillin followed up.

"Uh, guys? He came here looking for the dragon ball, and to top it off, there's a dragon ball in the direction he flew in from. I'm guessing that the Red Ribbon Army found one."

"Great…so do they have a ton of strong guys like that one…this could be harder than I thought it was going to be," Peter sighed.

"He is strong, but there is always someone stronger. I take it you are all martial artist?" The village chief spoke up.

"Yeah!" Goku answered for them.

"Hmm…for some reason, I think you should all climb this tower. If you are up against an army, then you will need more strength than what you have."

Goku scratched his head and asked, "What's up there?"

"Well, I admit that I am most certainly curious about this lace. Any person who sees a big ass tower in the middle of nowhere would want to see what's at the top of this place," Bulma shrugged her shoulders.

"The great sage of martial arts lives on top of the spire. Those that seek him out to learn always profit. However, you must climb with your skills alone. No tools are allowed, and the climb must be made with you body only." The Village Chief said with a stern expression.

"Well, I'm out," Bulma sighed.

"Sounds fun!" Goku cheered at the thought of fighting someone strong.

"A Sage, huh?" Krillin looked interested.

"I don't know, I'm kind of in a hurry," Peter scratched the side of his head.

Bulma got onto her phone and was calling the army to tell them they caught someone else that might have a large bounty on their head, and after checking some files, she discovered that the assassin had a 500 Million Zeni reward.

"This plus the treasure and the previous bounty, you're making some bank, Parker. And you should relax, the dragon can take you back to the moment you left. Maybe you came here wasn't random. Go on a shoping spree, adventure and see this world. Just, take a break, hero boy. Besides, if you're up against the Red Ribbon Army, it couldn't hurt to get stronger."

Peter webbed up Tao and used the last of his heavy duty webbing. Goku pleaded with a pouting expression and made the superhero sigh, "Alright, I hear ya, and I'm not a boy, I'm a man. Spider-Man."

 "Let's go!" Goku shouted.

"Right behind you!" Krillin replied.

"Watch over the kids," Bulma sighed as she saw the two getting ready to compete with each other.

"I bet I'll be the first to reach the top," Goku grinned.

"Hah! You wish!" Krillin replied with a smile.

"I guess I'm babysitting," Peter chuckled as he watched them going full blast up the column, racing each other like it was some game.

"They're going to burn themselves out," Peter said as he started chasing after.

And so, Goku, Krillin, and Peter started climbing.

Peter took it easy as he made sure the boys didn't fall, and while they climbed, the Royal Army visited the area to arrest Tao. They shackled him a compromising position and bared his body with carbon-steel bindings before loading them onto their ships.

Bulma received the money and looked up, wondering how long it would take them get back.

Night had fallen, and both Goku and Krillin had almost fallen off a few times. Thankfully, Peter was able to stay up and keep them from hitting the ground when they needed sleep.

Eventually, they reached the top and climbed into the building from the bottom entrances.

Krillin and Goku were panting heavily while Peter was still in top condition.

"I thought I was gonna die," Krillin said in between his panting.

"We did it, though," Goku smiled.

Peter opened up one of the crates to see some water and said, "Think this is the stuff they were talking about?"

"Nah, that's just plain water," A talking cat suddenly spoke up from behind them, "You all made it up in record time. Not bad for some kids."

"Huh?" Goku looked over, "Hey! It's a talking cat? Do you know where the hermit master is?"

"You're looking at him kid,"

"Waaah, you're the Sage!" Goku and Krillin shouted.

"Eh, I've seen stranger. It's nice to meet you…" Peter gave a polite bow, thinking that this is how he was supposed to greet a martial master like Shang Chi.

"Hmm…I see, you've come to gain strength so you can gather the dragon balls and wish this one home,"

"How'd you know that?" Goku and Krillin shouted again.

"I wouldn't be much of a Sage if I couldn't do something like reading your minds. Come, I'll train you all above."

Korin started leaving and they followed after.

When they reached the second floor, they saw an open area with a pedestal holding a decorative bottle, "There is the holy water you seek. You are free to take it."

 "Thanks Mr. Sage!" Goku chuckled as he ran over and tried to grab it.

While Spider-Man was thinking that this was too easy, the cat made his move and knocked Goku away with his cane.

"Hey, what's the big idea? You said I could take it?"

"And you can, but you must have the skill to do so," Korin smirked.

"You sneaky little, hey what's that?"

Korin looked away while Goku made another go. However, once again, Korin stopped him, this time with a kick.

"Did you really think that would work on a sage that can read minds?"

Korin took his staff and hooked the water onto it before saying, "Come, try and take it."

"Ooh, I've seen this movie before," Peter smirked.

"What is it?" Krillin asked.

Peter knelt down and whispered in Krillin's ear while Goku hopped around the room at high speeds, missing every chance to grab the water.

"It's not the water that's important, it's the training he provides."

"Oohh, then we should join too, right?" Krillin smiled.

Peter rushed forward and tried to grab the vase with Krillin at his side. However, the cat smirked and easily evaded their movements.

"Pretty good for someone that isn't using Ki," Korin smirked as dodged Peter's lunge.

"Don't worry, you can go all out. It doesn't matter how fast you are if I know when to dodge," Korin chuckled.

Peter jumped to the ceiling and sat, waiting until both Krillin and Goku tired themselves out. While the kids fought and tried to capture their target. Korin offered advice to them with every failed attempt.

When it looked like the kids couldn't take it anymore, Peter stood and made his move, jumping as fast as he could, turning into a blur before he snagged the water from his cane.

"Sorry about that, even I don't know how fast I am," Peter chuckled.

"I see, well…there's not much I can teach you other than how to access and manipulate your Ki. I'll keep training the boys," Korin smiled as he watched Peter hand back the water.

"Why'd you give it up?" Goku panted.

"Never you mind that. At this rate, you two will take all year to catch up. You're not reading my moves at all, you're only blindly reacting." Korin hissed.

"Whatever, if I wasn't so hungry, I could easily grab that water," Goku complained.

"Ooh, then eat up," Korin threw a bean.

"Huh? One bean? It'll take more than this to fill me up?"

"People have been beaten for less. That there is the holy Senzu Bean, one alone is enough to heal any wounds and fill a person for 10 days," Korin explained with a hiss in his voice.

Goku ate it and found himself surprised, "Wow! I'm actually full, and I don't feel tired at all!"


"Hey! Could we," Krillin raised his finger.

Korin brought out a small vase filled with beans and said, "You may take some."

"Great!" Krillin took a bean and ate while Peter did the same.

"Wow, these things really work! That kink in by back is all gone!" Peter chuckled as he took a few and placed them in his belt pouch.

"Can I grow these?" Peter asked, "I mean, this could solve world hunger back in my world."

"Sure, it just takes longer than a regular bean and one has to use their Ki to grow it," Korin chuckled.

Peter took around thirty beans and stored them in all his belt pouches, filling it up to the brim.

Korin then began teaching Goku and Krillin while training Peter in the art of Ki control.

They spent around three days and nights. To his surprise, Korin realized that he was training prodigies that are only seen once in a thousand years.

Peter was easily able to feel his own Ki once Korin gave him a sliver of his own. Much to the hero's surprise, he was told that he had a lot of Ki, but it would take time to gain control over all of it.

[A/N: I made Peter's starting PL 280. I got this number by using 5-farmer standard and picked 7 as a peak non-ki-empowered human being. The peak of an Olympic Athlete weight limit is roughly a thousand pounds and I then compared it to Peter's standard 20 ton limit. That makes him 40 times stronger than an Olympic weight lifter. Thus, 7PL times 40 gives our hero a grand total of 280.] 

Goku and Krillin were rapidly improving, and to make sure they maximized their training, they took turns rather than teamed up.

When Goku and Krillin both managed to get the water, three days had passed. After Goku learned it was just tap water, the talking cat smiled and explained how the training was helping them grow, and in fact, they were already several times stronger.

"Wow, now that you mention it, I feel way faster," Goku smirked.

"The thinner air and my training made you much stronger. You can easily beat that army now."

"Yeah! I mean, is there anything else we should learn?" Krillin

"Plenty, but you guys don't have time. It appears more members from that army have arrived. You better hurry, they're attacking the village."

"Grrr, that darned Red-Ribbon!" Goku jumped from the tower while the others followed behind.

They landed to see a group of armed men rounding up the villagers and Bulma.

However, it all ended when the trio landed. They blitzed their targets and took them all out with ease before piling them in the middle of the village.

"You're back! What took you so long?" Bulma shouted with an annoyed huff.

"Glad to see everyone's alright,"

"I'm ending this," Goku turned on the dragon radar and flew off.

 "Wait for me, Goku!" Krillin shouted as he jumped on and held on to Goku.

"Stay here with Bulma, Krillin and me will deal with the army," Goku said as he blasted off on his Nimbus.

"Shouldn't we go after them?" Bulma asked.

"Nah, they got it handled. Besides, someone needs to keep a watch on these guys until the army comes."

"How much stronger can you get in three days?" Bulma titled her head.

"Surprisingly, a lot," Peter responded as he felt his Ki surging and amplifying all of his abilities.

It only took Krillin and Goku a few dozen minutes to tear through the whole army and snag back the dragon ball.

When they came back, the Royal Army was already cleaning the field up and paying Peter for his services.

"Just one more to go!" Goku shouted as he and Krillin jumped from the cloud.

"Did you guys really just destroy an entire army?" Bulma asked with her eyes bulging.

"Yep! They were easy!" Goku chuckled.

"I honestly thought it'd be harder," Krillin shook his head.

"Well, from what I learned, Ki is bull crap. You can make a force field, enhance your physical abilities and senses, and create plasma. Something tells me it can do even more than that since Korin called it basic. I'll have to find an interesting way to use it. Taking down an army sounds pretty easy if Ki-users as strong as us are rare as he said they were."

"How rare?" Bulma questioned.

"Apparently, we're the strongest on the planet now," Goku shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright, let's find the last dragon ball," Bulma cheered.

"About that, I think I broke the radar again. It's not showing up," Goku said as he handed it over.

"Not a problem," Bulma said as she used her capsule to bring out a portable lab.

She took it inside and opened it up, "Huh? Nothing's wrong with it."

"Then why isn't it picking up the last ball?" Goku asked.

"Well, it can't locate the ball if the radiation is being blocked organic matter, meaning something could have eaten it."

"So do we have to wait for it to poop?" Goku tilted his head.

"Ugh, that's nasty," Peter and Bulma said at the same time.

"Why don't we ask Roshi, maybe he knows someone who can find it without a radar," Krillin suggested.

"Ugh, that old pervert again?" Bulma groaned.

"Hey, he may be a pervert, but Master Roshi is a good guy," Krillin replied.

"Alright, let's go see the old man!" Goku smiled.

They went to Roshi's and Roshi turned them to Baba's place. So they all flew over and met the old witch.

When Goku asked for the location, Baba told them it would cost 10 million Zenni. Luckily, Peter had the cash, so the avoided the fight.

Baba looked into her orb and saw the location before Goku took off to get it. Within a few dozen minutes, he came back with a smile on his face and a different outfit.

"What happened to your clothes?" Bulma asked.

"What happened to your tail?" Krillin followed up.

"I met those guys that we got caught by the last time we collected the dragon ball. They pulled my tail out!" Goku huffed.

"Ouch, you okay," Peter winced.

"Oh, it'll grow back," Goku laughed.

"Ahem, I guess…that's a good thing,"

"So this is all seven, right?" Roshi asked.

"Yeah! Let's send Peter home!" Goku cheered.

"Shouldn't we use up the money you earned first? I'm sure there's a lot that you need to buy," Bulma suggested.

"Huh…not a bad idea, I can buy gold and sell it back in my world…and if it doesn't work out, I can just exchange it back into cash," Peter nodded his head.

"If that's all you need, then you can simply ask the Dragon to exchange the Zenni into gold ingots before you leave," Baba mentioned with a knowing smile on her face.

"Well…then I guess this is it," Peter smiled as he looked over the group and gave a kind bow, "Thank you for all the help."

"It's nothing much!" Goku rubbed the back of his head.

"It was pretty cool meeting a genuine comic book hero," Krillin shook Peter's hand.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Bulma declared put down the rest of the dragon balls and summoned the dragon.

Peter whistled as he said, "Now that's a dragon."

"What is your wish?" Shenron called out.

They all looked at Peter who said, "Um…I wish I was back on my world with my original age."

"I cannot grant that wish. The one who brought you here is beyond my power. The One Above All has informed me that he wants you here until you reach your original age. There is something he wishes you to learn about this world. However, such a future has dangers beyond your understanding, so you must prepare."

"B…but what about Aunt May, MJ?!"

"Why don't you bring them here?" Bulma commented.

"Um…can you do that?" Peter scratched the back of his head.

"I can, but the one known as Mary Jane is already here. The One Above all has left her to train with the one Known as the Ox-King."

"Hey! We know him!"

"And Aunt May?"

"Is it your wish summon her?"

"I…no, that would be cruel of me, to rip her away from everything and throw her into this world…as long as I have this bean, I can save her life when I get back." Spider-Man sighed before he questioned, "When I return, it will be from the same time, right?"

"Yes. I have answered your questions on the behest of the One Above All. Now speak your wish!" Shenron demanded.

"Uh...do you guys need anything?" Peter asked.

"No, this is your wish. Feel free," Bulma smiled.

"Right…uh…I wish…my Uncle Ben would be resurrected."

"I cannot bring back someone who has been dead for longer than a Year."

Peter lowered his head and said, "Of course…makes sense, I guess I was right about these wishes having limitations…alright…what could I use, really use…Ooh, how about a Symbiote that doesn't have any of the weaknesses or negatives that come with it. Hey dragon, can you create the type of Symbiote I'm picturing in my head?"

The Dragon nodded his head and his eyes glowed as he said, "You're wish has been granted."

A grey blob jumped on Peter and covered his body before taking the shape of his usual suit while Goku caught his grandfather's ball.

"Sweet, I almost forgot how good it feels to bond with one of this thing. Even better, it doesn't have a conscious and is bonded to me on a molecular level. Let's see…" Peter suddenly made the Symbiote turn into a blue jeans, a white shirt, and converse sneakers.

"Sweeeeet!" Peter grinned, "I don't have to worry about clothes or my suit anymore. I'd hate to have to make a new one every time I get taller."

"Did you wish for a change in clothes?" Goku asked.

"What's a Symbiote?" Bulma questioned.

"Oh, a Symbiote is a type of alien species in my world. It does a bunch of things like boost my abilities a few dozen times over, can change into just about any substance, like the clothes I'm wearing now, and it can even copy powers. However, the ones in my world are…toxic. Bonding with them is usually an issue, especially when they try to take control."

"Sounds creepy…why'd you wish for something like that?" Krillin asked.

"Oh, I didn't. The one made by this dragon is nothing more than a new super suit that solely responds to my mental commands. It can do everything a Symbiote does but several times better. I even added a few perks like a fully functioning A.I, tech I've invented, and an unlimited supply of webbing."

"Cool," Bulma mentioned.

"So you're even stronger now?"

"Yeah, and now I have an A.I in the suit to calculate the output, I don't have to worry about holding back anymore when my suit can do it for me. This bad boy will be able to calculate how much strength is needed for whatever I'm up against. Oh…man, the cool changes to this dragon made Symbiote I made is awesome, Tony's gonna be so jelly."

"So, what now, you sticking around?"

"I'm going to go find my wife," Peter said as he looked to Bulma.

"I can take you to Fire Mountain. If your wife is training with the Ox-King, that's where she'll be," Bulma threw out a jet powered plane capsule.

Peter smiled and said, "Thanks, Bulma, I owe you big time."

"Great! I guess I can go back and train with master Roshi some more," Goku cheered.

"Why don't we go to Korin tower instead? I bet he could teach us a bunch more!" Krillin said.

"Actually, that's a good idea. I can tell I have nothing less to teach you, and Korin is much better than I. We should meet up at the next tournament," Roshi smiled at patted his students.

"I have to go get my wife, first."

"Hey, is your wife pretty?" Roshi asked.

"Very, she's a super model back in my world," Peter smiled before he realized that the man's nickname was pervert hermit, "Don't even think about it. She's probably the same age as me now."

"Aww, well, I can wait to you guys are all grown up. I'm immortal not immoral, all I have to do is wait a few years, hehehehe!" Roshi teased as he started walking away.

"I mean it old man, I'll web you into a cocoon if you try anything funny," Peter shouted as they boarded the

Bulma took them all on her ship and flew over to Fire Mountain to find the Ox-King.

They arrived at a newly built castle with a very large courtyard. When Blue haired genius landed the air-craft, they all exited and looked around at the scattering maids.

"Hey! Is the Ox-King here?!" Goku shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Huh? Who's calling for me? Oh? Goku!" The Ox-King ran over and hugged the kid.

"Heya, Ox-King, how have you been?"

"Holy crap, he's bigger than the Hulk!" Spider-Man's eyes widened.

"Great, it took a while to rebuild, but at least it's not on fire anymore." The Ox-King put the spikey-haired youth back down

"Um, excuse me, have you seen a girl around my age with bright red hair," Peter asked.

"Who's asking?"

"I'm her husband, Peter."

"Oh…oooh! You're Peter Parker! Come on in. Let me take you to her. She's become my daughter's best friend and sparring partner. She said you'd come for her eventually, but a year's a little long, don't you think?"

"A YEAR? I've only been in this world for about a week!" Peter felt very feint.

"Well, that's strange…but I guess it isn't stranger than coming from a different reality," Ox-King felt a sweat drop down the back of his head.

"I…oh god. She's going to kill me," Peter started sweating.

"I adopted her since she's… well, technically a juvenile without an identity, but she's healthy and happy."

"Thank you, for looking out for her. I don't know what I can do to repay you," Peter showed a thankful expression.

"It's no trouble, really. She's already become like another daughter of mine," The Ox-King smiled as they stopped at the entrance to a large dojo-like room.

In it, two girls were practicing martial arts and performing quite well.

Peter smiled as he saw MJ blocking and punching back at a dark haired girl.

"I guess all those self-defense classes came in handy," The hero spoke up.

The girls stopped fighting when the red haired teenager looked over to see her husband.

"Peter!" MJ ran over and jumped into his arms, "What took you so long."

Peter wiped away the tears from her eyes and said, "Interdimensional traffic was the worst. I swear I almost got hit by a train."

"Peter, I have so much to tell you. For starters, I met god. He said that we should train in this world so we don't have to worry about villains when we get back. That this was the best chance we had at having a safe life."

"A god, you met 'A' god. He calls himself the One Above All. He's helped me before when I was in a rut…and you've been training for a year now? I can tell, your grip is way stronger than it used to be," Peter replied as he held back his own tears.

"Goku!" Chi-Chi interrupted the reunion as she finally spotted him.

As she hugged the boy before clinging to his arm, "I missed you, did you miss me."

He wore a confused expression, but put up with it since his Grandpa said to be nice to girls, "Yeah, I see you were training! You're pretty strong!"

Chi-Chi blushed as she slapped his back, "Oh, you."

Peter snorted and said, "I see you got yourself a nice girlfriend."

"Yeah! Chi-Chi's a good person and she's strong! I like strong people!"

Chi-Chi blushed harder as Bulma snorted, "He probably doesn't even know what Peter means by girlfriend."

"So…what happened to you after the flash of light?"

MJ stopped crying into his chest while he held on to her. When she finally managed to calm down, she started to explain.

"You see, it all started here roughly a year ago, when I landed in the incomplete Ox-King's courtyard."