
We Were Humans Once

In the end, we humans were the ones who caused this. In a world where humanity began to fall. The Gods appeared and saved the world, but at what cost?

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5 Chs


Humanity fall and the Gods saved them all.

They were gifted tattoos that gave them magical abilities to create or to destroy, build a paradise or hell, and follow the natural laws of the world or break free and follow your desires.

Humans were able to adapt to this new change. They were able to make their own food and shelter, remade a small community, and started to rebuild humanity again. It is truly a blessing of the Gods until...

One day a mysterious child appeared with its tattoos covering its face.

"Whose kid is that"

A man when up to the kid.

"Hey kid, where are your parents?"

The kid ignored the man and murmurs.


The man gets closer to the kid.

"As life granted you by dust, all of you will also return to the soil. Soon grow to create barriers to life. Disappear and life will sprout."

The tattoos on his face shine and everyone disappeared without a trace. The cries of the children can be heard in the forest they felt the disappearance of their parents. After the light diminished and the tattoos on its face disappeared, the cries also stop as they feel the warmth of the mysterious kid.

"Tsk, those adults will hinder all of you."



50 years have passed and humans? Only children were left.

Somewhere in the Waiting Forest.

"That's how the Hero kid defeats the monsters and saves the children and whenever you cross the borders of this village you will hear the cries of the monsters of the forest. They will wait for that moment."

"Chief, who is the Hero kid?"

"Ye, who?"

The children chants.

"Tell us! Tell us!"

"What if the cries weren't monsters but our parents?"

Eligio is known to be a tattooless kid that sometimes counts as an outcast.

"What parents? Chief Paner is our only parent."

"True! True!"

"But who's the kid, please tell us."

"If the chief doesn't want to tell us don't force him."

Nato, a kid who's right beside Eligio that appears to be more mature than the other children. His tattoo is on top of his heart.

With bubbly eyes, the children really want to know who is the Hero kid that saved the day.

"Puhaha, ohoho. It's time to sleep, children."

A teenager named Paner with tattoos on his hands seems to be the one taking good care of the children in this village.

"Remember do not..."

"We know, we know do not go outside the forest or we will get lost and be eaten by the monsters."

Paner laughs.

"Ohohohoho. Now go to your beds."

"Hey Nato, thank you..."

Eligio felt it was the first time someone stood up for him even though it wasn't direct.


As everyone went back to their respective homes, Eligio stayed.

"Chief Paner..."

Eligio walks up to the chief. The chief seems to be agitated.

'What is up with this weird kid? I need to go to other... Ack, nevermind'

"What is it, Eligio?"

"I had a dream..."

'Is it time for that already?!'

"This is great! This is great! Now go to bed first and I will handle it tomorrow. Sleep well my little one."

He forgot to contain his excitement, as soon as he realized that he needed to do go somewhere. His smile turned into a frown.

"Oh shoot, I forgot I need to go..."


A soft voice echoed in the dreams of Eligio. Despite being soft there is a sense of laziness behind it. After the voice traveled through the depths of his dream, a silhouette of a child appeared.

[Eligio, I am the Prince of this domain. You will never understand my words but do tell Paner you had a dream.]

"So this is a dream? You can talk in dreams? So cool! Hey, we have the same height. Ahahaha"

As he jumps around like the child that he is, the tone of the voice became irritated, then turned back into his normal voice.

[Child calm down! The last time that I was dreaming, I saw you. You'll be the first...]

"Sorry. Hello?"


"Okay now, who among of you had a dream?"

"A dream?"

"What's that?"

The children reacted similarly to each other except for two.

'Oho, I expected for him to get picked again. That girl? Interesting.'

"Ok, the three of you stay, Nato, Eleta, and Eligio."

"Huh? Eligio? That weird kid who can hear the trees?"

Paner can feel the bad air within the kids and that day, he showed his true self.



"When did I taught you to be this low?"

The children shiver in fear and made their lips frozen sealed.

"Never right?! Those who think ill about others are always the ones that will catch a cold. Remember that kids! Those who had ill-thought will only eat bread tonight."

The other kids are still shivering in fear while the others passed out.

"Now take the kids that passed out and reflect on what happened today."

Paner will always wear a smile on his face whenever he's in front of the children, even there are times that some children would do some mistakes in doing chores. He treats all of them equally, he never thought that this would be the result of tolerating them.

"Ah, I should've been a little strict. Now, you three follow me."

As Eligio, Nato and Eleta followed Paner which leads them to his house.

Eligio and Eleta were surprised at how different the house that the chief lives in. Nato on the other hand is keeping his eyes on Paner since he also felt the cold nature of the chief.

"Now listen children. You were picked by the Gods!"

Paner showed an expression that looks both terrifying and disgusting, as his eyes rolled over and his hands twitching with excitement.

"Oh, sorry about that. I serve the one that governs this domain. The Sleeping Prince."

Eligio raised his hand because he thought the chief would get angry when he speaks without his permission.

"Go on."

"I met him on my dream. He said..."

[I dreamt about you. You'll be the first...]

"Ooohhh, strange. I'm sure my lord just woke up in his dream. Don't mind it. Any more interruptions before I explain everything?"