
We Are The Vikings

Hedninger... a large landmass located at the farthest east from Atlas was a land filled with danger. Its location and existence is unknown to the masses of Remanent, and it was for a good cause. The Grimm were never really a problem there, because it the people that inhabited that land were the most dangerous creatures there. Vikings... That's what they call themselves. Descendants of the seven great warriors of old. Worshipers of pagan Gods and in simple terms the most barbaric humans in Remanent. For thousands of years Ozpin had frequently tried make contact with the Vikings, asking for help against his war against Salem. But it was almost impossible to do so, because the vikings were divided into many clans, and not every clan were in good terms with each other. Years later he received a message that all the Viking clans were united and are are willing to send four of their young Vikings from four different clans to study at his Academy. How will these four young Vikings fare in a land completely unknown to them. And what kind of Adventure will they face... Read my story to find out. ( The Vikings in my story are loosely based from the Vikings in '' For Honour'' and from my wild imagination. And also the cover picture is not mine. I found it on Pinterest. )

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21 Chs

Chapter 2

One year...it has been a year since the eagle with the data chip arrived at Beacon.

And since then there has been no new information about the young Vikings.

Ozpin began to lose hope, he moved about his office restlessly. Did they lied?

He highly doubt that. But why have they not arrive yet.

He had patiently waited for a year but there was nothing.

At that moment, his scroll rang. Glynda called him.

'' Glynda, is there any problem? ''

'' Professor, please come to police station immediately, I think you want to meet these two. ''

A photo was sent to Ozpin. In that photo there was a young girl wearing a cape, and a large young man showing off his dagger to the young girl.

The young girl was the silver eyed girl, Ruby Rose, and the large young man was Olaf, one of the four Vikings from Hedninger. If he is there then the others are very likely to be there as well.

He was extremely ecstatic on seeing these two. Could his day get even better.

Now was the time to kill two birds with one stone.


[ Two hours before ]

At the docks where the smell of fish reeked, there was silence except for the sound of waves.

From the distance, something was arriving from the sea, the moonlight showed what it was and it was not alone.

There were four boats made from wooden debris, the four people boarding each ship had arrived at Vale. All of them were exhausted from the long journey, well except for one.

'' Oh! Land! I love you so much! Muah '' The young man knelt to the ground and kissed it. He ignored the dust and sand stuck on his lips and kept kissing it. '' The sea can go fuck itself, I love land more. ''

'' Alright knock it off Olaf. '' Said the oldest one from the group.

'' Just let me enjoy this moment Tor. '' Olaf spoke back. '' We have been rowing our boats for way too long, and I'm sick of the sea. ''

'' Same here, '' replied another one, '' And I'm starving can we get some food first. ''

'' I agree with you Havard. '' Said the shortest one among them, '' Eating fish and coconuts are so boring, I want meat now and that too lots of it. ''

'' Like what Ragnar said, I also want to eat some meat. '' Said Tor. Digging to his pockets, he dug out a worn out map. It was a man of vale, it does not contain too much detail, just the location of various shops and there was a X mark on the map, it was Beacon, their destination.

'' There are many good places for food near us, we are going to the nearest one. ''

'' You guys go ahead, I'm gonna get some supplies first. '' Olaf said as he dugout a worn-out map of vale from his pocket and began to walk the opposite direction to where they were going.

'' Wait! '' Tor called out Olaf.

'' Yes Tor.'' Olaf replied as he turned his head.

'' Like I said before, and an hour before that, Don't- '' Tor was interupted mid sentence, and Olaf said the rest.

'' Don't kill anyone for no reason and don't do anything Stupid. I remembered alright. Sigh.... Just make sure you ordered for me as well and don't let Ragnar steal my food. ''

'' No promises. '' Ragnar cheekily replied.

'' You're lucky your left eye is blind, otherwise I would have gouged your other eye. '' Olaf threatened in a friendly manner. '' But if I did that, you would go completely blind. ''

Ragnar returned with a hearty laugh, '' You're not the first idiot, who said that to me. The last guy who tried that, I chopped him in to ten different pieces. But you're lucky you're on my team ''

'' What ever. '' Olaf brushed it off. '' See you in a bit you asshole. ''

They shared another hearty laugh, and went their separate ways.

'' I like that guy. '' Ragnar commented on Olaf, '' he funny. ''

'' I don't find a single thing about your interaction with him funny. '' said Havard.

'' Meh, you guys are no fun. '' Ragnar said. '' You two have no sense of humour. ''

'' Your, sense of humour is cringe worthy. '' Tor said adding salt to wounds.

'' I miss Olaf already. ''


There was one thing that Olaf loved the most, it was not about crushing his enemies with his barefist nor was it splitting their skull in half with his axe.

And he could find them all in this shop. '' From Dust till Dawn. ''

As he entered the shop, that was by bending his head to avoid banging his head on the door frame. Sometimes being tall is a curse.

The inside of the shop was moderately furnished, with rows of shelves containing supplies for your weapons, and this is what he came here for.

He took a deep breath, taking the scent of all the weapons in this shop. Although it smelled like lavender. Just like how every shop should smell like.

Weapons, there was nothing more exciting to Olaf than weapons, guns to be more specific.

Guns was a rare commodity back in Hedninger. Since they had no access to dust refining, guns were basically useless to the vikings.

He doubt they would even use guns, those old vikings geezers always say that guns are for cowards, who attack from a distance.

At one point what they said was true, but you have to see how devastating they can be, especially at short range.

So instead of just standing at a distance and shoot your enemies, why not bring it to close combat. You cut and destroy your enemies with your sword and gun simultaneously.

When he said that, the other viking look at him, as if he an idiot.

Well that that over a year ago. Now that he has a chance he was not going to waste it.

'' Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to buy some thing ? '' Asked the old shopkeeper.

'' Sorry sir, but I'm here to buy a gun. ''

'' What kind? '' the old Shopkeeper asked.

'' I'm not really sure what I want. '' Olaf replied shamefully while scratching the back of his neck.

'' Sigh. Ok, just go there, '' the shopkeeper pointed to a corner of a room, '' there are some gun catalogs there. There is also a girl there, who knows about guns more than I do. Go and ask her. ''

Ask the expert it seems, not a bad advice.

Walking towards the pointed direction, he was greeted with a short girl wearing a cape. The girl was reading a gun magazine, while listening to some music on her headphones, it was loud enough for him to hear the song clearly and it was a a genre he had never heared of.

'' Excuse me, miss can you help me a bit? ''

Nothing... as if she was ignoring him. But he knew otherwise, that the headphones was responsible.

He tapped her shoulder, in response the girl took off her headphones and looked at him.

'' Yes, can I help you with anything? ''

' Damn! She's cute! ' Olaf thought, ' let's see...

short hair, check!

petite, check!

Cute face, check!

and most importantly, she is short! LETS GOOOOO!!! WOOO!!! '

These were a check list of the kind of girls he like. He was into short girls and was not a lolicon.

Back in Hedninger, people would call him a loli lover or worse a pedophile. YUCK!

He was neither of them, he just likes short petite girls. There are many reasons as to why he like them, but that will be too many words for this chapter.

'' I'm looking for a gun for myself, and I have not use a single gun in my life, so can you give me some recommendation. ''

The young girl looked at him incredulous, ' how is that possible? ' she asked herself.

Olaf on seeing her shocked face, was confused. Did he said anything stupid? he was not sure.

'' How is that you have not use a gun in your life? '' the girl asked.

'' We don't really use guns from where I come from. And since you're the gun expert here, can I get a recommendation. Please? ''

'' Gun expert ? '' the young girl felt proud on hearing those words.

'' You came to right person! '' the young girl exclaimed, '' First of all, let me see what kind of weapons you use. ''

'' What for? '' Olaf asked.

'' Well depending on your weapon your gun can also be different. Take mine for example. '' Then young girl then took out a complex looking rifle, and Olaf was at awe.

'' Is that high-impact sniper rifle?! ''

'' Yes. ''

'' With a 3x scope with laser sighting ?! ''


'' With 7.62 mm rounds?! ''

'' Yes! ''

The young girl's yes became more and more high pitched. It the first time she meet someone with a good eyesight for weapons. All he said about her weapon was true, and this kinda shocked her.

'' Wow, for a guy who had never use a gun, you sure know a lot about them. ''

Olaf felt good about that compliment,

'' Well what can I say. I'm like a walking encyclopedia when it comes to firearms. ''

'' Well I bet you don't know about this then. '' With a pull of a pin, the gun morphed itself into a giant Scythe.

It was soo beautiful, how can such a beautiful weapon existed. With an elegant red colour just like like a bea?utiful red dress, and the blade which is sexily sharp.

'' It's beautiful.~ ''

'' I know right. '' the girl finally met someone who appreciates how beautiful her weapon is without calling her crazy.

'' I may have just gone a little overboard while designing her, hehe. '' the girl admitted with an akward chuckle, hoping not to sound weird.

Olaf eyes went wide opened, '' You made this?! I made my own weapon too. ''

Ruby gasped, '' Showmeshowmeshowme! ''

Olaf chuckled, his hand went behind his back and from there, he took out his dane axe.

It was simple looking dane axe with av wooden handle and an axe head, but one thing that caught the girl'attention, was the axe head itself. It had the most indicate engravings she had ever seen.

'' Well, beautiful isn't she. '' Olaf said.

''Howdidyoumaketthiswhatkindofmetaldidyouusehowdoyoumakethose- " the girl spew out some super fast words Olaf could not catch, so he silence her by placing his index finger infront of her lips.

'' Easy there, I could not catch what you were saying.''

'' Oh sorry. '' the girl apoogized, '' How did you get those engravings on your axe. ''

'' Those are not engravings. They are made by using an advance top secret technique, and these kind of steel are called damascus steel. Aside from the beautiful design, they are hard and flexible while also keeping a sharp edge for a long time. ''

'' But you didn't tell me how you made it. ''

'' Oh that's a secret. '' Olaf gave her a playful wink.

'' That's so unfair. '' The girl pouted cutely. It melted his heart a bit, maybe he should tell her a bit.

'' Cheer up, there is more things my axe can do. ''

'' Huh? '' the girl was confused.

He dug his hand inside his pockets and pulled out a small fire dust crystal. Taking his axe, he inserted the crystal inside a hole on the back of his axe.

'' You're ready? ''

Using his aura, he activated his weapon. The axehead was engulfed in fire, but then the fire expanded and took the shape of a large axe head.

'' Its an elemental axe!!! '' The girl exclaimed. '' It's soo cool! ''

'' Well I made it so yeah, which means I'm the cool one. ''

The girl giggled at his softcore bragging.

Olaf smirked and used his aura again and his fire axe turner into a fire war hammer, then to a scythe.

'' You can do that too! '' the girl exclaimed. '' You're like the coolest guy I know. ''

'' I have named my weapon Crescent Rose. What's yours called? ''

'' Helvetesskrik. ''

'' Huh? ''

'' Helvetesskrik, or Hellscream in your language. ''

'' Are you not from Vale? ''

'' Well I'm from a far away land. ''

'' How far are we talking about? ''

'' I'm not sure either. ''

'' Oh, Well my name is Ruby, Ruby Rose. '' the girl now identified as Ruby extended her hand.

'' Olaf, just Olaf.'' Olaf took her hand and gave a gentle shake, '' Never knew my parents, so just call me Olaf. ''

'' Oh I'm sorry about that. '' she said in a sad tone.

'' Don't worry about it. '' Olaf shrugged it off.

'' So what brings you here in Vale. '' Ruby shifted to another topic. '' Are you here to enter into Beacon? ''

'' Well yes, are you also going to enter into beacon? ''

'' Well I have two years in Signal before I can enroll into beacon. ''

'' Well that's a bummer. '' Olaf was dejected. '' And here I thought, I found a fun friend with the same interest to enjoy my time beacon. ''

'' Well you have to wait for two years before that then. ''

'' Oh, that will be the most painful two years of my life. '' Olaf faked a wounded face.

'' Haha, you're funny. ''

'' Well there's nothing funny about spending two years reading books in school. I excell in the field not in the academic stuff. ''

'' True true. '' Ruby agreed, '' I prefer practical lessons over theory. ''

As Olaf and Ruby were engaged in their conversation, they were completely ignorant what was happening inside tge store.

Well in short, the store was getting robbed... Well not exactly robbed.

Roman Torchwick was there to take some dust. Well that '' some dust''  happens to be the entire stock inside the shop.

One of his thugs, searched for anything valuable inside the store, when he noticed Olaf and Ruby chatting away, not realising that the store was getting robbed.

' Are these kids dumb or what, are they not realising how fucked they are? ' the thug thought.

'' You have a pet wolf! '' Ruby squealed, '' I want one too! ... But Zwei will get jealous. ~ ''

' Ok that's it I had enough of this. '

'' You two, put down your weapons and keep your hands in the air.''

But his words seemed to fall to deaf ears, as the two just kept, chatting away.

The thug went towards them poked his sword at the boy, '' Drop your weapons and keep your hands in the air. Now! ''

'' Are you robbing us? '' both Ruby and olaf said simultaneously.

'' What does it look like then? ''


This was supposed to be just like any other night, for Roman. Enter a shop with a few of his thugs, scare the owner and the owner himself will freely gave all the dust he needs.

But not this night. Apparently, his thugs  served no purpose in combat other than intimidation.

One of his thugs were sent flying out of the shop by two kids. One was girl with a cape dressed in black with a red scythe, and the other was giant with way more muscle than him or any of his thugs.

''Okayyyy... Well get them. '' Roman ordered.


"You take the one in the left, and I'll the one in the right? '' Olaf asked.

'' I don't have a problems with that. '' Ruby replied.

Two thugs charged at Ruby with ther swords raised, but she shot a bullet with ice dust on the ground. The ground froze creating a slippery floor for the two thugs to step on.

The end result was hilarious, the two idiotic thugs slipped and fell on their asses.

As they struggled to get up on their feet, Ruby launched herself towards them, by firing a gravity dust bullet. The recoil propelled her towards the two thugs.

With a cute war cry, she swung he scythe towards her targets. Her weapon connected and sent the two thugs flying.

Meanwhile Olaf charged at his target, his target had machine gun on his hand.

Olaf inserted an ice dust crystal, and created a thick round shield made of dense ice.

The thug let his machine gun loose as the bullets came onto Olaf, but the ice shield protected him.

During the entire time, Olaf did not stop his charge and once he was close enough, he lifted the thug and rammed him into a wall with a thud.

But Olaf was not finished there, to send the thug to sleep, he delivered a vicious knee to his face.

Olaf then took a horn that was hung round his waist. With a deep breath, he blew into the horn.

The deep and loud horn rumbled though out the entire location. The sound was very likely going to be heard even from a long distance.

'' What ever you did with that horn, I'm not interested to see what happens next. '' Roman raised his cane which turned to be a gun and aimed at both Ruby and Olaf.

'' Well, see you later Red and big guy. '' Roman fires his gun which sent out an explosive dust  round towards them.

'' Get behind me! '' Olaf pulled Ruby behind him. He raised the ice shield infront of him and braced for impact.

The round exploded on impact with his shield. The explosion pushed the both of them a few feet away from their previous location.

The explosion shattered the ice shield and numbed Olaf's left arm.

'' You ok ? '' Ruby asked.

'' Except for a numb hand, I'll live. ''

'' You don't have to do that you know. ''

'' What kind of man would I be if I let cute girl like you get hurt. ''

Ruby blushed at his response, no boy had ever called her cute. So this is her first time hearing that. Boys would usually call her weird, and quirky at best, eventually to be punished by Yang for calling her weird.

'' D-did you just call me cute? ''

'' Well you're the only cute girl around here, so yeah you're cute. ''

' He called me CUTEEEEE! '

'' Well I don't want to interfere with your flirting session, but that guy is getting away. '' The old shopkeeper interupted and pointed at Roman who was climbing to the roof of a building by a ladder.

'' Oh right. ''


'' Olaf is late. ''  Tor said. '' He should be here by now. ''

'' Relaxxx...'' Rangar said as he took a huge chunk of meat from his plate. '' Olaf is a big dude, who would dare to fight a human battering ram like him? ''

'' Ragnar is right, they must be exceptionally brave or stupid to even try to fight him. '' Lavard added. '' Lets just enjoy our meal. ''

'' I guess you're right. '' Tor picked up a chunked of meat and tossed it in his mouth.

But their happy meal soon turned into a sour one, when they heard a distinct sound.

It was the sound of horn, it was not just any horn, it was Olaf's battle horn, and he was fighting at that very moment.

They then began to devour their meals very quickly, it was done in such a manner that it looked like how a beast would devour his prey and it scared the other customers in the restruant.

A waiter carefully approached the group cautiously . '' Excuse me sir, but can you please calm down and eat normally? ''

Tor and his group ignored the waiter and focused on their food.

Finishing their meal, Tor took a thick golden coin and slammed on the table.

'' Keep the fucking change. ''

They then rushed towards the exit, and left the restaurant. But Ragnar came back and drank a glass full of water. With a loud burp he left the restaurant.


'' Well this sucks. '' Olaf said completely bored.

'' Why are we here again? '' Ruby asked.

'' Beats me. '' Olaf replied.

It's been half an hour since they were brought here. After chasing after Roman Torchwick, and letting escape via letting him fly away, they were both brought to the police station and were currently kinda locked in the interrogation room.

'' They even took all of our weapons away. '' Ruby pouted.

'' Well not every one of them. '' Olaf smirked. He took out a beautiful damascus dagger from his boots.

'' Never carry only one weapon. ''

'' How do you produce these kinds of patterns in your dagger! Please tell me. ''

'' Like I said it's a secrete. ''

'' You're such a meanie. '' Ruby tried her best to appear angry, but that only caused Olaf to burst into laughter.

'' You look soo cute when you're angry. ''

'' I'm angry at you! ''

'' And you'll look even cuter that way. ''

Ruby pouted again, looking at the ground trying to hide her face from Olaf, as she was blushing.

'' I'm not that cute. '' She whispered hoping Olaf did not hear that. But sadly Olaf did.

'' What? Who said you're not cute? ''

'' Well most boys from signal call me weird. ''

'' Well those idiots, are either dumb or blind. '' Olaf huffed, he then placed his hand oh her head and ruffled her hair.

'' All I see here is a cute girl wielding the  most beautiful weapon I have ever laid my eyes upon. ''

Ruby's poor heart could not take it any more, she was called cute way too many times, and his giant hand on her head made her feel very funny.

But Luckily for her, someone entered the interrogation room. It was the sane lady who saved them from the explosion while they were chasing after Roman.

Olaf took his hand away from her head, Ruby kinda wanted it to stay there a little longer, but she had to deal with something else at that moment.

'' I hope the two of you realised that your actions put yourself and others in great danger. ''

Well that soured the entire mood.

'' But they started it. '' Ruby complained.

''Sigh... It it were me, I would have sent you home with a pat on the back. ''

Well it looks like it won't go that bad... Or not.

'' And a slap on the wrist! '' Glynda slammed her whip on the table almost hitting Ruby's hand. 

'' Eeek! ''

'' But there is some one here who wants to meet you two. ''

'' Huh? '' Both Ruby and Olaf said at tge same time.

From the shadows came out Ozpin, with two plates of cookies on one hand, and his coffee mug on the other.

'' Ruby rose and Olaf. ''

'' Yes that's us. '' Olaf said. '' Need anything? ''

'' Ruby... You have Silver eyes. ''