
We Are The Vikings

Hedninger... a large landmass located at the farthest east from Atlas was a land filled with danger. Its location and existence is unknown to the masses of Remanent, and it was for a good cause. The Grimm were never really a problem there, because it the people that inhabited that land were the most dangerous creatures there. Vikings... That's what they call themselves. Descendants of the seven great warriors of old. Worshipers of pagan Gods and in simple terms the most barbaric humans in Remanent. For thousands of years Ozpin had frequently tried make contact with the Vikings, asking for help against his war against Salem. But it was almost impossible to do so, because the vikings were divided into many clans, and not every clan were in good terms with each other. Years later he received a message that all the Viking clans were united and are are willing to send four of their young Vikings from four different clans to study at his Academy. How will these four young Vikings fare in a land completely unknown to them. And what kind of Adventure will they face... Read my story to find out. ( The Vikings in my story are loosely based from the Vikings in '' For Honour'' and from my wild imagination. And also the cover picture is not mine. I found it on Pinterest. )

SPECTER_BRO · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 3

Placing the plates of cookies infront of Ruby and Olaf, Ozpin looked at them with a smile.

'' Dig in. ''

Ruby hesitantly took a cookie and tasted it, the taste seemed to be good as she wasted no time and began to devour the cookies in her plate.

Olaf took one cookie, and inspected it thoroughly. '' So this is a cookie... huh, its smaller than I imagined it to be.''

Though the cookies were the size of Ruby's hand, it pales in comparison to Olaf's large hand.

He tossed the cookie into his mouth, and the sweetness immediately embraced his tastebuds.

'' Mmm, they're good, these cookies are good. '' Olaf complimented his first cookie. '' Ruby these are good! '' he pointed at the cookies.

'' Oi kno right.'' Ruby said with a mouthful of cookies.

'' You don't get treats like these back at home. '' Olaf grumbled, '' It's always meat with salt and porridge with some soup. ''

'' I see you're enjoying yourself. '' Ozpin said. '' But lets proceed to why I'm here shall we. ''

He took out his scroll and played a security video footage, which shows Ruby fighting a group of thugs.

'' So, where did you learn to do this? '' Ozpin asked.

Ruby swallowed the cookies in her mouth with a big gulp. '' Signal academy.''

'' So you're saying that they taught you to use the most dangerous weapon ever designed? '' Ozpin asked.

'' Well one teacher in particular. '' Ruby answered.

'' Ah, I see... It's just that I've only seen one scythe weilder of the same skill... '' Ozpin remembered a very particular man, '' A dusty old crow to be exact.''

'' That sounds like my uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. ''

Ozpin took a sip from his cup of coffee, '' I can see that he's a good teacher. ''

'' Yes he is! '' Ruby agreed, '' I was complete garbage before he took me under his wings, and now I'm like - '' Ruby proceeded to make cute karate noise while exaggerating her chooping hand movements.

'' I can see that. '' Ozpin commented.

Ozpin took a seat infront of her, '' so... What is an adorable girl such as yourself doing in a school trained for warriors? ''

'' Well...'' began Ruby, searching for a good answer. '' I want to a Huntress. ''

'' You want to slay monsters? '' supplied Ozpin

'' Well I have two more years left in Signal, then I'm going to apply for Beacon. You see my sister is starting this year, and she's also wants to become a Huntress. I want to become a Huntress cause I want to help people. My parents always told to help others, so I thought ' Hey, I might just make a career out of it.'

She chuckled, '' I mean police are fine and all, but Huntsmans and Huntresses are more romantic, exciting and cool! Oh my gosh! you know! ''

The response varied between the three people present. Glynda gave Ruby and deadpanned expression, while Ozpin chuckled at her enthusiasm

'' Now that's a cute reason. '' Olaf who was silently watching Ruby fangirling about Huntsmans and Huntresses, chuckled at her antics.

Ruby chuckled embarrassingly. '' Hehehe.''

'' So... do you know I am? '' Ozpin asked.

'' You're Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon academy. '' Ruby answered.

'' So do you want to cone to my school. ''

'' More than anything. ''

Ozpin looked at Glynda, who huffed at his decision.

'' Very well then.''

Ruby face brightened like the sun, she wanted to say thank you but she was too excited to say anything.

'' Ruby you heard that? you're going to Beacon! You're one lucky girl. '' Olaf who was silently watching the conversation as he ruffled her hair.

Out of impulse, Ruby hugged Olaf tightly. '' YAY!!!! I'M GOING TO BEACON!!!''

'' Haha, easy there tiger, you have a strong grip for a girl your size.''

Ruby realised that she was hugging Olaf, and quickly separated herself from Olaf, and covered her face with her hands, '' Soo embarrassing!!! ''

Ozpin smiled at such a development, ' These two a very interesting.'

'' Well I suggest you go back home and start packing. '' Ozpin said to Ruby.

'' Ok. '' Ruby got up from her seat and skipped towards the exit. '' Bye Olaf, see you at beacon. '' Ruby waved good bye to Olaf who chuckled in amusement.

'' See you tomorrow Ruby. ''

Ruby left the Police station happily skipping and then the interrogation room went silent.

The silence lasted for a few minutes.

Then a knock came, and in came a pissed off Tor, then followed by Havard and Ragnar.

'' Ah, we were waiting for you. '' Ozpin greeted the new guest.

Tor ignored the other occupants in room and went straight to Olaf.

Glynda was slightly annoyed at the lack of manners of this boy, he should have acknowledge their presence. But what he did next shocked her.

As Tor was walking towards, Olaf's face twisted to one of dread and despair.

'' T-Tor I can explain. '' Olaf begged, but that didn't stop Tor.

Tor grabbed Olaf's neck and applied pressure on it. The room became chilled and was immediately filled with a suffocating and oppressive aura.

'' What did I tell you not to do ? '' Tor's voice was emotionless, yet it harboured such violent intent that it shocked Glynda.

' How can such a child do this? '

Ozpin, on the other hand was simply surprised. ' I Guess it runs in the Family. '

This was what separated Tor's clan from other clans in Hedninger. It was not just about their ability to lead others, but also their ability to put fear in the hearts of not just only their comrades but their enemies as well.

'' I told you not to do anything stupid. Yet here you are disobeying me. '' Tor continued.

'' T-they s-started it ! '' Olaf pleaded with his neck almost to the brink of being crushed.

He may be larger and more muscular than Tor, but Tor's grip was nothing to laught at.

'' Shut you mouth Olaf ! '' Tor barked, then he lets go of Olaf's neck. The latter fell to his knees and was left wheezing

On the floor.

The oppressive and suffocating aura in the room immediately left, as if nothing had happened.

'' Lucky enough, you led us straight to the person we need to meet. '' He turned towards Ozpin and Glynda.

'' Sorry for my rude arrival and my idiotic team mate's actions. '' Tor apologized, '' My name is Tor, this idiot here is Olaf, '' he pointed at the still wheezing Olaf, '' he's Havard. '' he pointed at Havard, '' and he's Ragnar. ''

'' Thank you for introducing yourself. '' Ozpin said as he extended his hand towards Tor, '' My name is Ozpin, and this is Glynda. '' Ozpin introduced himself as well as Glynda.

Tor took and shook his hand. '' You look far younger than what my father told me. ''

Ozpin was a bit surprised at that, but soon composed himself. '' Well modern medicines can be miraculous. ''

Tor was not buying any of it. '' Right.''

'' Anyway, so what took you soo long to reach Vale? '' Ozpin changed the topic.

'' Well let me elaborate. '' Ragnar butted in. Clearing his throat he began, '' It was still a sunny day when we left the motherland. The bright sun graced us with her warm embrace. The day was perfect for voyaging, but the sea had other plans. Not long after we had set off a violent storm ambushed us. It's attack was so deadly, it shattered our boat and end up on a deserted island. Then - ''

'' I understood the rest of the story, you were struck by a storm and ended up on a deserted island. '' Ozpin interupted, '' But I don't understand, why didn't you build a boat. ''

Havard then continued, '' Well the main problem was the Grimm. That island was infested with those bastards. We had to deal with them first, and when we made a boat, the aquatic Grimm tore it apart. So we had to take the longer but safer route. ''

'' Well I'm glad that you all made it safe and sound. '' Ozpin said with a smile.

Tor looked around the room, looking for something. '' So, is this room sound proof ? ''

'' Yes. ''

'' So what's next Professor? '' Tor added, '' We are sent here assist you regarding Salem. What's your next move? ''

'' Sadly, we have no new information about her. '' Ozpin replied, '' Also our Fall maiden was attacked a few weeks ago. ''

'' Looks like we arrived a bit late. '' Tor added grimly.

'' Professor! '' Glynda raised her voice, '' Is it ok for them to know these kind of confidential information ? ''

'' Don't worry Professor Glynda, '' assured Tor, '' we are all well informed about your problems with the Grimm and the one who started it. All I fear is that we may not be strong enough to fight her. ''

'' Why is that so ? '' asked Glynda, '' Professor Ozpin had always praised your people about your strength. ''

'' It's because we are not old enough. '' Tor declared, which confused Glynda.

Ozpin decided to clear her doubts, '' A Viking's strength comes from experience and age, the older they get the stronger they become. But that does not mean just because one was born earlier he becomes stronger that the people born after him. ''

'' What does that mean Professor? '' Glynda was still confused.

'' Compared to us the Vikings are freaks of nature. I hope you are not offended by that '' Ozpin continued, then turned to Tor hoping that it had not offended him.

'' None taken. ''

'' So where was I... Ah yes. The Vikings have a ritual, a ritual of worth. Where young warriors of the same age take part in a ritual where they must show their Gods that they were worthy of their blessings. ''

'' The ritual consist of a one on one fights, '' Tor spoke, '' till you opponents is defeated, incapitated or the easiest, dead. And there are ten of these rituals all together that each Viking must enter. ''

Glynda was taken aback, '' So you're saying you had to kill people to pass this ritual? ''

'' Well, considering that I had my first kill when I was only five... So yeah. '' Tor confirmed.

'' Well we all had our first kill when we're five. '' Havard added.

'' True true. '' Ragnar agreed, '' I chopped that bastard's skull with my axe that time. ''

Glynda was disgusted at how these people were calmly talking about murder like it was just normal to them.

Ozpin saw the tensed Glynda, and he calmed her down by placing his hand on her shoulder giving her a defeated nod.

Ozpin then turned back to Tor, '' It's already late now, we shall meet you all tomorrow at Beacon. ''

'' Alright. '' said Tor, '' Lets go. ''

With that Tor and his group left.

Now the room was left with only  Ozpin and Glynda, who then sighed in relief.

'' I don't like this professor, not even one bit. '' complained Glynda, '' Did you see how calmly talking about murder ? ! ''

'' Yes I saw that Glynda. '' Ozpin said, '' But they are not even the scariest from their kind. ''

'' What do you mean ? ''

'' Remember about the ritual of worth? When a viking passed the ritual, they recieved a blessing from their Gods, the blessings include inhuman strength. And the more trials you passes the more stronger you get. And by looking at their age, Tor is the strongest among his group. He must must have passed through three ritual already. But know this Glynda that there are hundreds if not thousands of Vikings who have already passed through more than six rituals already. And if I'm not wrong there are seven Vikings, who had passed through all ten rituals, and those people are not to be messed with. ''

Glynda was horrified when she heard that, '' How can such people exist? ''

'' It because, they were fighting among themselves. '' Ozpin answered, '' For thousands of years they were waging wars among themselves, but now since they are all united for a short time, we must make use if this opportunity that has presented towards us. ''


Back at Patch, Tai was watching TV, he was just changing chanels after chanels searching for a good and entertaining one.

Yang was packing her clothes for tomorrow, while happily humming a tune.

'' Hey Yang ! '' Tai called, '' Why is Ruby not home yet? ''

'' She said she will back by eight. ''

'' Well that's the problem it's already nine. Go and bring her home, she must be at that Dust store. ''

'' Ok, give me a minute. ''

All of a sudden, the front door was swung open and a grinning Ruby appeared. '' Dad ! Yang ! YOU'LL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED ! ''

'' What happened? '' Tai asked.

'' I got accepted to Beacon! ''

'' What? How? ''

'' So you're saying you're comming to Beacon with me ?!! '' Yang was elated, '' It's going to so much better now. ''

Yang then tackled Ruby and embraced her in a tight hug. '' Me and my little sis are going to Beacon. ''

'' Y-Yang I can't breathe. ''

Yang then lets go of Ruby.

'' How did that happen? '' Tai asked.

'' Oh! This is what happened. '' Ruby then told everything from when she met Olaf, then how they fought against Torchwick and his goons, then how Professor Ozpin invited them to join Beacon.

'' That guy Olaf... he sounds like a strong guy. ''  Yang commented.

'' He's not just strong, he is also very good with weapons! '' Ruby added in excitement. '' Not just that, he even has a very cool weapon. He even managed to guess everything about Crescent rose. He's like the coolest guy I know. ''

'' Sounds like, he's just like you. '' Yang said in a sly voice, '' You sound like you kinda like this Olaf guy. ''

Ruby's face went beet red, '' Nonononono! It's not like that. ''

'' Oh my~ you're blushing, looks like my little sis got a crush. '' Yang teased in a sing song voice.

'' S-shut up! ''

'' You know what, I want to meet that guy. '' Tai said, '' no way I'm letting a random guy have my daughter. ''

'' Dad you're being overdramatic. '' Yang rolled her eyes. '' Any ways. '' she then turned to Ruby, '' How does he looked like. I mean is he good looking ? ''

'' Well... '' Ruby began, as she shyly poked her fingers, '' He does looks cute.''

'' Now that's a start. '' Yang commented, '' What about his physique? Is he muscular? ''

'' He is very tall, even taller than dad, '' Ruby began as she stretched out her hands to show how tall Olaf was. And sadly her arms was too short that even if she tried, it would barely reached his shoulders. '' And he is very muscular, way more muscular than dad. ''

Yang on hearing that began to laugh hysterically, '' How are you going to deal with a giant like that dad? Are you going to stand on a chair to fight him ? ''

'' Haha, very funny Yang. '' Tai said sarcastically, '' You should know better that you dad can easily beat that punk with his eyes closed. ''

'' I don't know about that dad, but he took on an explosion like it was nothing. '' Ruby added.

'' That's sounds hard core. '' Yang commented.

'' Look I don't want to about boys and crushes at this moment. '' Tai changed the topic, '' But, Ruby needs to pack up her stuff if she wants to leave for beacon tomorrow. ''

***************************************'[ The next day ]

As both Ruby and Yang boarded, the bullhead heading straight to Beacon, they were feeling very excited.

'' Oh my gosh I can't believe my baby sister is going to beacon with me! '' Yang gushed as she bear hugged ruby. '' This is the best day ever ! ''

'' Yang, please stop... '' Ruby pleaded or strained to under the crushing strength of her sister.

'' I'm so proud of you ! '' retorted Yang happily.

'' Really sis... it was nothing. '' denied Ruby, trying to feel unimportant, although she was very excited about it. But hey! Atleast she was trying to be humble.

'' What do you mean? '' disputed Yang, '' It was incredible, now everyone in Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees' ! ''

'' I don't want to be the bee's knees' ok!'' admonished Ruby, '' I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees! ''

'' Ruby! Is that you ? '' Someone shouted behind them, despite the bullhead being moderately crowded, it was hard not to notice the tanned giant among the people inside the bullhead.

It was Olaf, he was pushing and shoving people to the sides as he was approaching towards Ruby.

Ruby went straight to Olaf and hugged him. This caused Olaf to chuckle in amusement.

'' It's good that someone missed me that much, and here I thought I had to wait till we reach Beacon to meet you. ''

'' How come we are on the same bullhead ? '' asked Ruby. Surely it not just some coincidence.

'' What do you mean by that ? '' Olaf responded with an obvious pained expression on his face. '' You mean I had pulled some strings to be in the same bullhead as yours ? ''

'' So this is Olaf, you're bigger that I expected. '' In came Yang to the conversation. Ruby described him to be muscular, but she didn't expected him to be this muscular.

With a tanned skin colour, he looked like those muscular bronze statues she saw in some magazine.

'' Geez sis, I never knew you were into guys with muscles. '' Yang teased Ruby.

Ruby punched her sister's shoulder '' You're embarrassing me I front of him. ''

'' If you like muscles, I don't mind showing you mine. '' Olaf didn't help either as he rolled up his sleeves and flexed his arm. His arm muscles tensed showing the two sisters his muscular arm.

'' Those are some big guns you have them. '' Yang complimented.

'' Well thank you, but may I know who are you. ''

'' Well I'm Yang, this pipsqueak's older sister. '' Yang declared bringing Ruby close to her by putting her arm on her shoulder.

'' Sisters ? '' Olaf questioned, seeing that don't even look alike, he concluded that they were half sisters. '' I guess you both have different parents then. ''

'' Different mothers to be exact. '' Yang added, ''So I heard that you are from a very far away land. You came alone? ''

'' No, I came with my friends. They are also in this bullship. ''

Not a second later Tor, Havard and Ragnar arrived at the scene.

'' Olaf... Is this that Ruby girl you told me about. '' Tor scanned Ruby with his emotionless gaze, and Ruby could not help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

'' Hey can you stop that. '' Yang retorted, '' You're making her feel uncomfortable. ''

'' Chill out bitch, he was not doing anything suspicious. '' Ragnar butted in.

'' Well his creepy face said other wise, and did you just called me a bitch. ''

'' Yeah I did so what? '' Ragnar spoke back, one of Ragnar many flaws was his disrespectful behaviour to anyone he doesn't like, and unluckily for Yang, he doesn't like her.

'' For a short guy, you sure have big balls. '' Yang insulted his height, he was clearly shorter than her and seemed to be a good insult.

But... Yang just made a mistake. No one makes fun of Ragnar's height, and he was not going to spare her.

'' Shut up! I'm still growing. I'll be taller than you in a few months. Just you wait bitch. ''

'' In your dreams Shorty! ''

That last flipped a switch inside Ragnar's brain and he was pissed, '' Shut up you blonde Bimbo bitch!!! ''

A second later after he called her that, he was punched so hard he was sent flying and landed on the ground with a thud. Every one inside the bullhead looked at the one who punched him. It was Yang.

'' He deserved that. '' said Yang, as she turned to his friends.

They all had disappointed looks on their faces, '' He had that comming. '' said tor, '' I always told to watch his mouth. Maybe this will teach him a thing or two about keeping his mouth in check. ''

Ragnar slowly rose to his feet, he spat something on the floor, it was a tooth.

'' Ok that's it. '' He took out his axes and rushed straight towards Yang.

Yang also took out her Ember Celica and was ready for combat. But Ragnar could not reached her as Tor grabbed him from his waist.

Ragnar flailed wildly trying to escape from Tor's grip while wildly swinging his axes at Yang. '' Let me go Tor! I have to teach this bitch a lesson! ''

But Tor was not listening to him.

Yang on the other hand was smirking, '' See even your friends are on my side. ''

'' Not exactly. '' said Havard, '' We're just preventing him from doing anything stupid. ''

At that moment a blonde boy rushed past them trying desperately to hold his lunch in his stomach.

'' Looks like someone is not enjoying the outside view. '' Yang chuckled.

'' Ew! Yang you got some puke on your shoes! '' exclaimed Ruby as she looked down.

'' Grossgrossgrossgrossgrossgrossgrossgrossgrossgross! '' Cried yang as she desperately kicked off the puke from her shoes, some of it flew straight to Ragnar's face.

'' I'LL KILL YOU!!! '' Ragnar roared.

'' Welcome to beacon. '' Ruby said weakly, looks like her time in Beacon was going to be troublesome.

Olaf placed his large hand on her head as he tousled her hair.

'' Cheer up, you don't look cute when you're sad. ''

Ruby felt something funny comming from her chest and when she looked up to see his smiling face, her heart could not take it anymore.

'' P-please don't call me cute, I feel so weird. ''

'' Nope, no way. '' Olaf rejected.

'' Why?! ''

'' It's because you are cute. ''

Ruby stared at his face for what seems like a long time, he was not handsome, but she can't help but feel attracted to that smile of his.

But... Like all good things, it must come to an end.

'' Ruby! Go control you sister. '' Havard yelled. '' Those two are going to destroy something. ''

The brawl between Yang and Ragnar was reaching its peak, but it was  prevented with Tor holding the raging berserker, and a fiery Yang was being held by a group of students.

The two were yelling and cursing at each other, swinging their weapons wildly.

If someone did not stop them, the bullhead was at a risk of crashing before it even reached Beacon.

Well Beacon was going to be filled with a lot of drama.