
Wayfarer — Multiverse

I DONT OWN ANYTHING EXCEPT MY OC(S) Genderbent?! Female MC?! Another story to read in the midst of boredom?! Well, welcome to yet another story. One about a young bastard, trying to find their place in the world amongst a war for a throne that had brought both some of the darkest of times, and some of the most prosperous of times to Westeros. With not a lick of royal blood, and no ambition for the Iron Throne where will this story lead…?

White_Dog · TV
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30 Chs

Unnamed (Name Me)

Robert groaned as he finished writing Helena's legitimation paperwork… A request from Theobald, and one he would have done himself at a later date if not for the woman pressing the issue…

To think she'd kill a number of Lannister men, within the Red Keep… Was this why she had accepted his terms so easily…? Did she hold a blood feud that they were unaware of…? Was this truly a childish, poorly thought out, short sighted retaliation as Theobald assumed…? Or was this simply the beginning of a well thought out plan…?

Robert knew naught, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't excited to see how Helena would deal with the consequences… He could see to it that she avoided execution, solely on the fact that she was encircled, and wasn't the first to draw a blade… Why the Lannister men had carried sharpened blades in the Yard, Robert knew naught nor did he care…

Nonetheless, in a moon's time Helena would be presented to the court in shackles, as Helena Koblya… Why Theobald had insisted on the woman taking his name, Robert did not care, for all he knew the old maester wished to leave what little inheritance he held to the young woman, the very same who he'd taken as his apprentice…

Robert had personally chosen a few of his more skillful men to act as champions for Helena, though Theobald doubted she'd even allow them to act in her name. Robert seconded that opinion, but he found it better to have them prepared and not need them than need them and not be prepared.

Yet, the confusion that surrounded Helena was forced to deepen… A woman thought to be a bastard of the Tully family, now taking the name of a forgotten Noble Family of the Reach. One without any known holdings, and practically unknown within the social circles within the Red Keep, and those that knew of the Koblya name didn't have much to say… They had thought that the family had gone extinct when their holdings were returned to Highgarden's halls and that was nearly 80 years ago…

Who was it that sponsored her so…? Who was the true power that backed this woman who announced her arrival to the Capital with such disgrace, that thought herself worthy enough to become Queen of the Seven Kingdoms…

Sadly, there were only a few that thought much the same, but were more focused upon if the woman was worthy—brillant enough to be at the King's side… Yet, not even a few hours later, as Helena was locked in her room, Pycelle spoke of the woman being Theobald's; A Well Established Maester's, apprentice…

Which sparked another cycle of the rumor mill, and as people wished to learn more instead of just assume about the woman… They learned of her actions in the Rear Encampment, and the Red Keep was abuzz with whispers, schemes, and slander.

As for Tywin, he let out a sigh as he shifted a paper to the edge of his desk for his aide to gather, while he was angered by such an action against his family, the woman made him curious.

A Lion wouldn't lose its thoughts over emotion. A Lion treasured its pride, but wouldn't go hunting himself unless it was against a worthy opponent.

Whether this woman had any worth, he would soon learn, as he had called upon his mightiest—cruelest hand. If she was to survive…? Well, Tywin had a few thoughts stored away in case such a thing were to happen.


Helena took her imprisonment with stride, as she swiftly downed the gruel that Theobald had personally delivered, as the old Maester had decided that her meals would be prepared by him personally. Not that Helena particularly minded, despite looking wholly unappealing, the gruel itself was rich with flavor and spices, loaded with meats and vegetables while also carrying a heavy medicinal scent.

Helena spent her time locked away beating her knuckles, forearms, and shins into a bloody mess intent on continuing her tempering training that she had slowly begun to devise. Though it was based on Theobald's knowledge, it was only truly put into use by Helena; a woman who cared little for pain, for how could it compare to the memories of death she held…?

Yet, even Helena knew that she would need to allow her body to rest, or all the work she'd put into would become her downfall. Though, how could she relax, when she'd been informed that she'd be fighting The Mountain… Lord Tywin Lannister's most feared hunting dog, and chosen champion for the slight against his Family Name.

Whether she could survive, was not a thought in Helena's mind… If she was to die, it would be done with all the eyes of the Kingdom on her corpse, it would be spoken about for decades… Helena may very well not be the first woman to invoke a Trial by Combat, but she would be the first to withhold her right for a Champion, and to fight in the Trial herself.

Thus, Helena continued to temper herself, if she was to defeat the behemoth known as The Mountain… She needed to be stronger…

For days, Helena's will to grow stronger kept her from sleeping, and unknowingly a week had passed without a moment of sleep… Her mind began to draw shapes in the shadows, and dissonant whispers slowly began to fill her mind, blending with her rampaging thoughts… Yet, Helena did not rest. Not until she was forced…


"Pycelle, If you ask why I am pouring a Lullaby Brew into Helena's food once more, I'll switch out your stimulates for a Bowel Blocking Brew."

Pycelle quickly fell silent, damn well knowing that Theobald would definitely do such a thing, and Pycelle quickly shuffled away to brew himself some more antidotes. One can never be too sure with Theobald, especially when he was pouring all those strange brews into that woman's meals…

He couldn't help but think if he should go and find himself an apprentice… Nope. Pycelle was happy with being able to wait out the last of his days alone. In a room filled with gold. Inside a castle that known knew better then him… Pycelle had been here quite the while after words, something that brought Theobald much a challenge. Something to pass the time before he continues onto his final journey.

Theobald sighed as he added some rabbit and oats to his apprentice's thick chunky medicinal gruel… Theobald shook at the sight, but Helena had offered any complaints, so he began to concentrate on it further increasing the amount of nutrients he can shove in a single meal before Helena starts to show signs of posioning…

Then, and only then could he truly focus on her body.

It was time to begin his final experiment.


As the days passed, Helena found herself finding it more and more difficult to eat the gruel as they grew thicker and thicker, the bowls heavier and heavier yet never growing larger.

She found herself lacking the energy, her stomach painfully churned, and from that moment forward she began to reject the meals. Sending Theobald a sharp glare as he stood between two heavily armored guards, a wide smile upon his face…

Yet, as the days continued to pass, with Theobald's arriving every day forcing what seemed to be a brew of shattered steel, and when she grew weak and her vision began to darken he coated her in a thick gravely salve… Then, the sense of her body faded from her mind, leaving her in complete darkness…

Little did Helena know, she wouldn't wake till she only had a few days before she was to be brought before the court.

When she did awake, Helena's mind desperately grasped at the sensation that filled its 'emptiness'. Helena gasped for air as if she hadn't breathed for ages, and every moment was so vivid in her mind her thoughts becoming increasingly conscious of the faint rising her her chest with every breaths, each twitch in her face as her eyes roamed… The rush of wind against her chapped lips as she drew in breath, and the softening of her lips as she exhaled… Her heart rhythmically beat in her chest, and while it 'felt' loud, it didn't sound in her ears…

For a long moment she laid there, as if forgetting how to sit up in the flurry of familiar sensations that her mind had grown used to operating in the background.

Though the oddest of them all, was the fact that she could see her nose, it was always present in her vision, but it was akin she only noticed it now…

A single thought rang through her mind…

What had he done to me…?

With that thought, her mind rang clear and she slowly sat up, only to find her laying in the nude, on a table in the middle of the room. Only a cloth draped over her torso, one that barely reached her thighs, that had fallen when she had sat up, and it would just be Helena's luck that the door would be opened and she would find herself staring through the slits of two helms at a pair of emerald, and pale blue eyes…

Atleast they were somewhat familiar, lessening Helena instinctual embarrassment harnessed from her Mother… Though, the act of it lessening was from her Father…

Haa… Moments like these really warmed Helena's heart… Though that gave way to a simmering rage, such a wonderful familial sensation buried as there were consequences—

Haa… He'll die anyway. Helena deflated, having decided to left the old coot die on his own. She wouldn't bully a man older than dust.

Helena pulled the cloth to her chest, and turned in the table so her legs hung off, crossing them to further viel her modesty, she faced Theobald as he rounded the table as the door closed and the two Kingsguard stood there menacingly—

Helena nearly giggled, but stifled it with a steady frown—


Helena's frown deepened, "What did you do to me?"

"Hmm…? Are you so dull that you can't feel it yourself… Truly such a shame, it seems my apprentice is useless as I feared…" Helena's eyes narrowed as Theobald continued, "I allowed your body to rest and recuperate, though I had to poison your body with excessive sustenance so that you would succumb to weakness and wither away when your body fell to its instincts, the need to survive. I coated you in a porous salve made from a rare assortment of medicinal 'stuff', I uhh… 'Gathered'…"

Theobald paused as Helena's stared deepened, a frown washed across his face, "Bah! Damned ungrateful apprentice!" Before he stormed off, taking the Kingsguard with him…

Leaving Helena to her thoughts, as she digested his words… Though they linger for a long while in the fact that he had indeed poisoned her… "Worthless Maester, can't even heal people right…"

Helena slowly rose to her feet, slowly growing more familiar with the sensation that seemed to be screaming into her mind, though the noise was little more than a whisper compared to the torrent of thoughts that lingered within.

As she rose to her feet, she found herself sturdy and planted, even after standing for a long while she hadn't swayed. Sliding her feet apart, Helena dropped into a deep squat, only to raise one leg and push her back into a standing position…

It was far easier to remain balanced… She barely had to shift her weight, she did the same with her other leg finding much the same. Drawing two circles in the air with her fingers, she found a rhythm before abruptly shattering it as one hand began to spin the opposite direction.

Smoother… Faster…

Helena furrowed her brows as she looked down at her body, finding that while it had begun to pale from the lack of sunlight it was hardly enough to be noticed… Yet, she had…

Then she threw a punch, feeling her body snap into position, as she threw her left in a wide hook, before catching her imaginary opponent and landing another with her left as she straddled his frame and stared down at the illusionary construct…

Her brows furrowed deeper… Were these always so vivid, they were more akin to the shadowed memories of her Parent's final moments rather than mere constructs of her mind. Had the extended period of suspended consciousness brought such a thing to her mind… Was this what Theobald had planned, or was this simply a coincidence…?

Helena's mind rampaged with thought, having fully forgotten she was nude…


(A/NStats -

Main Level: -

• Basic Special Knowledge [Indepth First Aid]

• Synthetic Mutation [False Immortal's Brew]

Strength: 13 [||||——————] -

• Moderate Knowledge [Leverage]

Agility: 10 [|||||||||||||||||||-——] -

• Basic Knowledge [Breathing]

• Basic Knowledge [Flexibility]

Vitality: 15 [||——————-—] -

• Minor Uncommon Illness Resistance

• Heightened Physique

Combat -

Defense: 3 [|||||||||||||||||||||—---] +

Warfare: 0 [||||||||||—-—-——] +

Axe: 5 [||—-———-——] +

• Basic Knowledge [Edge Alignment]

Bow: 0 [———————] +

Hammer/Mace: 0 [||||||—————-] +

Spear: 4 [|||||||||||||||-—-—-] +

Sword: 3 [|||||||||||————] +

Unarmed: 7 [||||||———-——] -

• Basic Knowledge [Stance]

Skills -

Alchemy: 7 [||||——————] +

• Basic Knowledge [Natural Remedies]

Blacksmithing: 8 [|||||||||-————] -

• Basic Knowledge [Iron]

• Special Basic Knowledge [Damascus]

Bowery: 0 [———————] +

Carpentry: 7 [|||||||||-——-——] -

• Basic Knowledge [Rough Building]

Drinking: 5 [||||————-——] -

• Tempered Gut

Herbalism: 14 [|||———-——-] +

• Moderate Herbology Knowledge [Riverlands]

• Meticulous Picker

Horsemanship: 2 [|||——————] +

Houndmaster: 0 [———————] +

Hunting: 0 [———————] +

Lockpicking: 0 [———————] +

Maintenance: 10 [|||||||-—-———] -

• Basic Knowledge [Tools]

• Basic Knowledge [Weapons]

Pickpocketing: 0 [———————] +

Reading: 15 [||||||||||||————] -

• Moderate Westerosi Language

• Basic Calligraphy

• Mindless Reader

Tailoring: 9 [|||||||||||||———-] -

• Basic Knowledge [Linen]

Stealth: 3 [|||||||—————] +

Total Level:

[Synthetic Mutation (False Immortal's Brew): Your body has been subjected to a number of brews, poisons, and preserved flesh of those long passed. A mutation, not of nature, but of man has been grown inside of your body, increasing your lifespan and loosening the shackles of Humanity.]

[Basic Knowledge (Flexibility): Through forceful methods, your body has forcibly come to understand the importance of fluidity even in rigidity. Thus, minorly increasing your flexibility, while also imparting a basic understanding of one's malleability.]

[Heightened Physique: Your mind has come to forcibly gain a greater understanding of your body's limits, and thus allows your body to maximize its strength, endurance, and agility. (All Main Stats Increased by 1%)]


(A/N: Yea… Late Chapter, and another short one [~20?? Words]. Was/Am in the process of moving, and didn't realize how much I truly own, until I was forced to begin to pack it and haul it away.

Anyways, until next time,

