
Wayfarer — Multiverse

I DONT OWN ANYTHING EXCEPT MY OC(S) Genderbent?! Female MC?! Another story to read in the midst of boredom?! Well, welcome to yet another story. One about a young bastard, trying to find their place in the world amongst a war for a throne that had brought both some of the darkest of times, and some of the most prosperous of times to Westeros. With not a lick of royal blood, and no ambition for the Iron Throne where will this story lead…?

White_Dog · TV
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30 Chs

Jon Snow

Eddard Stark stood with his family in the courtyard before the main gates of Winterfell, with his Lady Wife on his right and his most loyal men and advisers on his left a few steps behind, with his children standing in front… Only missing an adventurous young girl, and a young man who Eddard claimed as his bastard…

Eddard knew the young man would arrive soon, and would most probably linger amongst the Men—At—Arms stood at the side, Eddard was more worried that Arya; the adventurous young girl that she was, would arrive at the very last moment and no looking like a mess. 

Sending a glance at his worried wife, Eddard squeezed his hands and just before his words could roll off his tongue, a young girl ran into the courtyard a small branch of leaves sticking from her hair, and dirt staining her dress…

Caitlyn; Eddard's wife panickedly tried to fix the young girl's state of dress, but the gates swung open the moment she began… Revealing Robert, and the Crown Prince both of whom had rode ahead and from the fact that the King had exchanged a few copper with the prince, it seems he had lost a bet of some kind…

Though, most curious was the fact that the Crown Prince carried two swords upon his hip, and as a carriage rolled to a stop and its door opened the Queen, Princess, and Prince stepped out as the Crown Prince offered his hand to his betrothed who followed the Queen…

Ned knelt, his family following his actions alongside everyone else in the courtyard, only for the Northman to be pulled by his feet and clapped on the shoulders as the King stared him in the eye for a long moment, before guffawing, "You got old my friend!"

Eddard showed a wry smile, as Robert pulled back, "You've seemed to have gained a few scars."

Robert bellowed out a boisterous laugh, "Aye! Having a Queen as fierce as mine will do that to ya!"

Helena had mostly tuned out the vast majority of the surroundings, keeping her youngest children close and a hand on the dagger she kept at her waist, she found a young red haired girl staring at HER precious little boy… Brandon, who was too busy staring at the imposing castle, never noticed the intentful gaze of the young teen, but his sister did…

Her eyes narrowed in the same manner as Helena's, and yet the young teen was unaware… The children were at the young teens' side, and her mother was not so oblivious though… Helena's focus eventually shifted elsewhere, making sure to keep the most weight of her perception focused HER two youngest, as she watched Sullivan and Laenah share a few words with Eddard's oldest—

Helena frowned, spotting a gaunt face that didn't blend well with the strong northern features that filled the courtyard, and the fact that his gaze was akin to Robert's when they first met; as it greedily devoured her figure, it didn't create a good impression as he quickly averted his gaze… Luckily his gaze didn't fall, or Helena may have misunderstood and assumed the young man had been eyeing HER young, innocent, adorable daughter…

Theon would continue his day, occasionally leering at the Queen from the shadows, never knowing how close to death he was in the courtyard…


Helena was once again pulled into a feast, one she could not avoid, though it seems that Eddard had been careful enough to water down the wine and ale…

Helena didn't really care to start a brawl either, as Brandon clung to her side with his sister, unsure how to react when surrounded by rambunctious northmen—

"Love!" Robert called out affectionately, pulling her Helena away from watching HER two darling children towards Robert, "Why don't you allow the children to run off, you needn't worry about assassins in this lot. The Northmen know HONOR!"

The whole chamber lit up in cheers of affirmation, yet it was Sullivan's look that allowed Helena to listen to Robert's words, as Sullivan had Ser Barristan and Ser Lannister watch over the two exchanging his guards with a pair of Kingsguard who had just come off their rest in preparation for the night shift. Helena waved her Kingsguard away to follow the two children as well, before she made her way over to Robert and sat in his lap before everyone in the room. Uncaring of their reactions, and Robert's boisterous laugh as she used him to gain a clearer view of the whole room, so that HER children may never leave her eyes…

Eddard's children seemed to have been given the same freedom, as the eldest made his way over to Sullivan and Laenah, alongside the lecherous fellow who looked more akin to a lost puppy following Eddard's Eldest's backside…

Robert's hand squeezed Helena's thigh, and she opened her mouth to allow the man to slip a cranberry past her rosy lips, leaning into his frame Helena continued to watch her children, whilst being fed by HER king…

As for Sullivan… After a round of introductions and mild quick to the point pleasantries; which when coming from Robb; Lord Stark's eldest, actually sounded sincere, as for the Ironborn at his side… Sullivan held an amount of distaste for the fellow, feeling the man a coward beneath the boldness he liked to show…

"It's been a pleasure making your acquaintance, Robb Stark, Theon, but I've been wondering where your half brother is, I'd like to meet him for myself."

"The bastard?" Theon spoke before Robb could find his voice.

Sullivan sighed as Laenah tightened her hold on his arm, "Yes, as you say, 'The Bastard'."

Silently, Sullivan stared at Theon, who slowly began to shrink back his nerves clawing at his throat, only for Robb to save him from those piercing eyes, "He won't be far, Jon likes to spend his time in the Yard during occasions like this…" Robert's eyes washed across the room, as if to gesture towards the feast before opening a guiding arm towards the door, "If you'll follow me."

Sullivan sent the Young Lord a nod, and trailed his steps with Laenah following along, as Theon lingered behind.

Helena's gaze momentarily fell upon Sullivan's back as she caught him sneaking away alongside Eddard's eldest but a shared look with Laenah had Helena's gaze swiftly returning to find Brandon and his sister sitting amongst a table with a familiar face, whom she recognized as Lord Umber. Knowing that they were in good presence, Helena allowed her eyes to briefly roam the room, finding Eddard's eldest daughter working up the nerves to approach Brandon, while his youngest daughter eyed Helena with poorly veiled amazement…

Eddard's youngest sons seemed to be content in the presence of their Mother, who had been sneakingly glaring at Helena… Seemingly looking down upon Helena's open display of excessive affection, despite the fact that Helena was truly using Robert as a stool to get a better view of the chamber. 

Robert and Eddard were holding a conversation; that Helena didn't bother listening to, despite the difficulty upon Eddard's face as his eyes were damn near level with Helena's open cleavage. Though, as the respectful, and married man he was, Eddard kept his gaze locked with Robert's eyes, and when they strayed he closed them to keep his gaze off of Helena's chest before opening them to eye the room, before lowering them when the conversation led him to meet Robert's gaze. As she respected Eddard's attempts; Helena shifted her position upon Robert's lap, adjusting not only herself but Robert's member that pressed against her thighs so that Eddard would have an easier time, as she face her side towards the man, instead of having her back against Robert's chest, though his wife wasn't all that pleased…

Brandon was quick to pull a sheet of folded parchment out of a leather pouch at his waist as a moment of inspiration struck, while his sister seemed to have caught the eye of the young teen who had barely managed to build enough confidence to approach them… Only for that confidence to wither away the moment their eyes met…

Though she had come to decide upon a name, and as her gaze rose to the high table, she quickly found her Mother's gaze locked onto them, as she met those watchful blue eyes Aria smiled… Conflict free from her eyes… The smile upon her Mother's face was beyond radiant, and could seemingly melt away Winter…


Sullivan trailed behind Robb, as they stepped into the Training Yard, finding a dark haired youth tending to a young pup under the torchlight with a brush. The young man's gaze immediately rose as the pups ears twitched, and his slate—colored eyes widened upon seeing who had arrived. Quickly he moved to bow, but was stopped by a gesture from Sullivan as Laenah broke away from his side, "I don't come as the Crown Prince, so you don't need to worry about bowing before me… I've come to see you for myself. I've heard much about the Half—Brother of the Robb here, though I do have to admit that most of what I heard wasn't filled with the best intentions."

Seeing that Jon was momentarily lost for words, Sullivan rested his hand upon the hilt of his bronze sword; a habit gained from his youth, though before it could cause a misunderstanding, Sullivan spoke, "Do you wish to leave this castle…?"


Sullivan didn't allow Jon to continue, "If you wish to leave this place, I'll have my Father speak to Lord Stark about having you fostered at the Red Keep. Where you'll be trained by some of the best combatants in the Kingdom. Where you'll eventually become a knight in my service, and be granted a True Name. Whatever that name may be…"

Silence dominated the Training Yard for many long moments as both Robb and Jon were too stunned to speak, and just as Robb was about to urge Jon to accept—

"You—?! You can't be serious!" 

Theon who had followed from a distance seemed to have caught Sullivan's words, and quite obviously couldn't believe the sincerity held within them…

Seemingly puzzled by the accusation of his lack of sincerity, Sullivan tilted his head, "Pray tell why I wouldn't be serious, when speaking of such matters to somebody; who while may not have a solid claim to the title of Lord Paramount, is in the presence of the heir of that very same title who could easily attest to my words and by that point hold me accountable to them…?"

Sullivan stared at Theon, as every word he spoke seemed to dig the young man into a deeper hole, only for that hole to be dug even deeper by Laenah's following words, "It couldn't be that you; a prisoner in all but name, see yourself more deserving of such an offer… Would it…?"

Silence dominated the courtyard, as Theon found himself incapable of finding his voice as frustration began to cloud his mind, "He's a—"

"Yes, Jon here is a bastard, the same as my Mother, the Queen," Sullivan's sharp words; the very same words cut deep into Jon though the end brought his downcast gaze to widen, but they silenced any attempt at a debate, as there were few things Sullivan detested more than that very title… Bastard… 

Sullivan didn't know what he'd do if such a word had been uttered in Brandon's, or his little sister's presence… The word itself was a disgrace and a shame to whomever uttered such a word whilst looking at a child… To have one's whole childhood be marred by such a word…

Sullivan saw strength in Jon's eyes, a strength not all that dissimilar to that which his Mother's gaze wielded, yet Jon's had been neutered by that word. It was all too simple to see, as the moment Theon had utter such a word, Jon had sank into himself the strength in his eyes fading until Sullivan placed a hand upon his shoulder, staring directly at Robb, "Your Half—Brother here has the eyes of a warrior, it would a shame if such a gaze was squandered, forgotten, and left to rust…"

Like that, Sullivan left the Training Yard behind, sparing only a single glance behind to find the young white pup standing tall between Jon's legs… Hooking his arm with Laenah's, the duo left, intent on finding a quiet place to enjoy each other's company… Eventually stumbling upon a broken tower…


(A/N: Last Chapter I'm going to push out for a short while, the next shouldn't be too long.

If you're enjoying what you've read so far, wonderful.

If you're not, you must've been awfully bored to read this far. 

Anyways, until next time

- White_Dog
