
Way of the Moon

He is the Guardian of the Night He is the Moon's Apostle He is the Leader of the Pack He is the Howling Blood He is the Skies killer He is Deleo Eon And this is his story The story of fangs aimed at those who wanted to steal the moon

TreeBriarWood · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Awakening to the Wild side.





Those were the dominant emotions plaguing Deleo as his mind was running wild.

'Why why why WHY WHY?'

Inflicted by the aura of a demon, every negative emotion that the demon was currently being punished from spread into the surroundings.

It was why every single demon was so feared.

Because even one of them could cause mass chaos from the aura of sin that they spread into their surroundings.

The Devils who spread them into the overworld in hopes of gaining a foothold in it and returning from undeath were no better either.

A good majority of the devils that successfully arrived into the overworld through the fully opened hell gates also caused the appearance of the undead race now residing in the wastelands.

But right now, in the presence of the seed of a hell gate and the appearance of the black winds in the cage shrouded in shadow, the appearance of the last survivor of the moon clan appeared.

Roaring loudly with madness frothing on his lips, the young boy roared his grievances to the world.

As the final survivor of the Moon clan Why!?

Why was the clan eradicated from the surface of the earth by the Ergold Empire!?

Why did he have to suffer so!?


Gnashing his teeth, unbeknownst to him, his arms bristled with fur as his finger nails turned into claws.

Eyes turning into slits, his mind was in chaos as other emotions alongside wrath rose up upon the fall of the demons attacking him.


His jaws crackled as their structure shifted and the dense taste of blood filled his mouth as the Lock Jaw screamed wildly in the pain of its body being ripped apart.


His nails transformed into claws as the hands they were on grew in size and grasped at the Screaming Bullies, making them scream even louder.


His hair turned silver in color as its iridescent shine filled the darkness all the while the gold coins surrounding the Gold Ring lost their shine much to the demons dismay.

Not that it could even reach it in the first place.

And finally, the last negative emotion of the bunch that was guaranteed to be around a upper middle level demon due to the excessive amount needed to move them to hell.


Staring at the Pride demon, the specific name for the type of demon slipped off of his mind as the sin of pride seeped deep into his bones.

Re enacting the phenomenon that occurs when the souls of the moon touched met the rays of the angry moon, his arms bristled with thick furs.

Snarling, Deleo was significantly far from human anymore.

Legs breaking down the middle to create the triple jointed legs of wolves, he rose higher and higher as his teeth grew into fangs.

Even his ears had elongated to become like those of a wolf.

But even he was unaware how beast like he currently look.

'Don't look down on me like that!'

Glaring at the red tinted demon carrying a thorny cane, the spiked accessories on the demons body drew blood with every step.

It was as if rivers of blood were parting ways to let the Lord of demons through.

And this was something that Deleo couldn't bear.

Because it reminded him all to well of the prideful prince that dared to kill not only his kin but tried to destroy everything he ever knew.

It made him remember that the Ergold kingdom was one filled with greed.

Rushing forwards in his new body, wrath filled his every limb as if they were lit on fire.

Lifting their spiked cane, irrespective of the potential harm that it could do, Deleo charged forwards and slammed head on to the spiked cane.

Fur ripping out in large clumps of torn flesh, Deleo roared directly into the demons face before using his other free arm.

Clawing at its face, the already ugly face of the demon turned even uglier as thin claw marks rose onto its body.

Continuing to charge forwards, the Pride demon's thorny crown was splashed with blood before red lines coursed throughout the plant.

Twisting their body, the thorned mace in their hands elongated as blood was seeped into it.

Consuming the blood in the name of growth, the Pride Demon became visibly paler.

Not that it mattered to Deleo whether or not his opponent was pale or not.

Like a rabid wolf aiming to attack a fellow predator and turn it into prey, Deleo gnashed his teeth before biting down.

And having seen the bite force of the jaws before they were fully transformed into full were wolf jaws, the Pride Demon didn't feel like testing their luck today.

Dodging to the side, Deleo didn't even let go of the Pride demon that had dashed to the side and twisted his body around to the side.

Using his tail to balance his body, his claws grasped at the stone as they forcefully pivoted him around and delivered a roundhouse kick to the face.

It could be seen that although he was currently in a state of madness, Deleo wasn't so far gone that he was unreachable.

If anything, the fact that his habits still showed meant that amongst all the madness there were trace factors of rationality.

The problem was how large those trace parts were in the dense sea of madness tinged with the aura of sin.


Roaring in humanely loud, the trees shook and leaves fell.

Arms moving wildly and widely, Deleo's wolf body moved quickly.

Gouging deep into the stone with even quicker movements, the Pride demon slammed their spiked mace downwards.

Grabbing at the mace, due to the rather inconspicuous form of the Pride demon that was around a head shorter than Deleo's werewolf form, the trace remains of logic told him that he was weak.

Thankfully his instinct took prevalence in this situation.

Triple jointed legs tensing strongly, the dense muscle culture took shape as it pushed against the ground, and meeting the mace, it was as if instead of pushing against the ground, he was being pushed into it.

Silver fur glistening, the altar of stone that served as their battlefield cracked apart.

It was a contest of strength that the Pride demon was confident in winning.

Grinning maniacally, the red skin of the demon bristled as purple blood dripped down onto the ground with high acidity, eating at the stone work.

But they really underestimated the extent of the power hidden in the moon clans blood.

Red blood spilt by Deleo shining with an unresolved blue brilliance that was nearly identical to that of the moons, a silver shine appeared in Deleo's slit eyes, joining his already stunningly blue eyes.

Roaring loudly, his body tensed as blood left his body in buckets.

Thorned mace sucking up the blood eagerly and turning even more red in color, the Pride demon grinned even wider until an ugly smile literally split his face.

Golden black eyes glowing in the dark, Deleo was brought back to the time five years in the past.

Thunder roared out in the night as the blood red rays of the blood moon spilled into the village hidden in the cliffside.

The sky split apart as the mountains were opened up to allow the angry moons rays to permeate every wooden log and stone brick.

And as if the source of the red moon, arrogant golden white eyes belonging to a shadow stared down at a small wolf pup trembling in the forest grounds.

Eyes that matched the golden black eyes of the Pride demon staring down at him.


An almost inaudible click resounded the area causing Erika who was fighting calmly by the side to snap her head to the source of it.


A terrifying howl filled the skies as Deleo's eyes turned silver red for a brief moment.

Filled with a brand new strength he pushed the demon back.

Almost flustered, they were caught by surprise when Deleo ripped the blood colored mace away from the Demon, making the bloodied mace land next to the black cage.

Slamming the Pride demon to the ground, he punched down at the Pride demon and broke both arms bones, something that wouldn't heal in a brief time.

And finally, the annoying demon that had looked down on him all this time was now looking up to him.

Crushing both arms with his foot, the Pride demon that had been bested in a contest of strength wailed loudly as he tried to escape.

What a joke, now that he was free from hell and now alive again, why would he want to return to hell where he would surely receive an even harsher treatment than before?

Grinning ferally, Deleo's silver blue eyes swirled around in a chaotic mix of colors before it went away.

Gripping the Pride Demon from both ends, with a sad but regretful wail, the Pride Demon felt their entire body be ripped apart.

Starting from the arms, the flesh was stretched apart as more and more pulling force was applied on the Pride Demon's body.

Now due to the innate factor of hells aura lingering on his body, the Pride demon was more resilient than normal beings.

It was the main factor that allowed the Pride Demon to survive so long underneath the onslaught of power that was the released energy of the ancient wolves bloodline.

And out of hell where they would be tortured on the basis of a strong body, the demon cursed the aura of hell once again as they felt every single thread in high definition.

Otherwise they wouldn't be facing a threat that not only wanted to kill him, but wanted to tear him apart.

Nearly going crazy from the pain, every thread of flesh slowly ripped apart, inch by agonizing inch.

Before sweet release.

Or what they wanted to be sweet release.

Wailing loudly, the other limp arm was embedded deeper into the stone as Deleo pulled the Demon up again.

Flying in two halves to the cage and to the forest, Deleo howled out his victory to the moon.


That was until his victory was oh so rudely interrupted by a certain someone.

Erika the Honored Visitor.

And his master that trained him to the point of breaking his body.


Clapping her hands, Erika was all set on congratulating Deleo for awakening the dormant bloodline within his body.

That was until said dormant awakened bloodline attacked her.

Rushing at her with incredible speed, she let out a sigh right before she slammed her fist right into the claw and sent shockwaves undulating all around.

Spinning around, the large wolf a head taller than her fell to the ground as Erika spun him around with nimble movements.

Holding his arm up and pressing down on his arm, the large furry arm of the werewolf that was Deleo howled loudly as his other arm pressed onto the ground.

"Deleo, its me, sister Erika, now snap out of it!"

Shouting loudly, she sighed when no response came to her.

"Not that I should be surprised."

Recalling the time when she was wandering aimlessly around the world and stumbled across the ravenous image of an out of control werewolf, she could only helplessly chuckle at the memories of that time.

But right now her duty was to take care of the out of control Deleo right now.

"Now if I recall correctly, the central nerve point of wolves is... right here."

Dropping the now limp body of the young werewolf to the ground, she rubbed her shoulders at the sudden excersize.

Ignoring the pile of twitching flesh that once was the summoner of the Pride demon now also pile of twitching flesh, Erika slowly made her way to the enshrouded cage.

Grabbing its smoky cover as if a fabric, she ripped it away and revealed the person within.

And seeing the person within, her eyes widened into two saucers.

