
Water Bending In Marvel

Jared Parker, an assassin from a different world, finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel Universe. Instead of becoming a familiar face, he has been inserted as an unknown character, specifically as the elder brother of the fan-favorite Peter Parker (Tom Holland). With his new identity, Jared embarks on an exciting journey full of action, adventure, and self-discovery. This story promises a unique blend of sci-fi and fantasy elements, all set in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe. Experience the thrill of the Marvel Universe through the eyes of a newcomer, Jared Parker, in this captivating NO HAREM tale.

lazarus898 · Película
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39 Chs

The Troubled Principal

While Professor Morris and the principal were arguing in the office, Jared and Hannah had reached the school. Hannah parked her car on the opposite side of the road and they began searching for May and Peter. 

"Jared…over here." Jared heard Peter's voice. He looked in the direction from where the voice came from and saw Aunt May and Peter standing with a few others. They were standing at the side of the gate keeping a little distance from those who were still trying to force their way in. 

"Hannah…you came as well." Aunt May said as Jared and Hannah walked towards them. Hannah was about to reply but then her attention was caught by Peter. She walked in front of Peter and pulled his cheeks "It's been a long time since I have seen you, Peter. I didn't think that I would meet you today or else I would have brought you donuts like always."

Embarrassment was a small word for what Peter was feeling right now. Hannah might not know it but the others in the group right now were Peter's classmates and their parents. Ned was accompanied by both his parents while Liz brought her mom with her. All of them were now looking at Peter and trying to control their laughter while Peter was trying his best not to look at them. 

Jared realized what kind of a situation had happened right now but he didn't want the others to forget why they came here. The other parents were giving the reaction Jared expected but his own aunt and a few others were calm. 

Jared nudged Peter and said "Show me what aunt was talking about. What has the school hidden?" Peter nodded and handed over his phone to Jared which had the message and a few other articles already open on them. "Show me as well." Hannah said as she was about to look into Peter's phone but Aunt May handed over her own phone to Hannah. 

"Here…read it." Aunt May said as she gave her phone. Jared and Hannah continued to read for the next few minutes. Jared tried to keep a serious and worried expression on his face but from the inside, he was extremely happy. Ryan had gotten through with his task and he had done it remarkably. 

Jared decided to fan the flames a little and said "Aunt May…is it really that terrible that the parents are trying to force their way in or are they just overreacting to these articles. Liz's mom who was quiet until now quickly stepped forward and said "It is very terrible what this man has done. Using homeless people to conduct experiments and fool the people by faking the results, that led to even more deaths. Only a monster would do something like this. I can't believe I send my Liz to such a place every day."

 "Yes you are right Mrs Allen, it is the school's responsibility to do their due diligence and check the background of everyone who takes a job at the school. The school must answer our questions and take steps to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again." Ned's mom said. 

"EVERYONE...THE PRINCIPAL WILL ADDRESS EVERYTHING IN THE BASKETBALL COURT." A staff member shouted and made way through the barricades. "Please move toward the basketball court in orderly fashion. The principal is coming in a few minutes as well." 

The parents who were just trying to topple the barricades now started walking huffingly toward the basketball court. 

"Let's go in…let's see what the principal has to say." May said as she looked at the crowd of parents going inside the school in an orderly manner. After a few minutes, all the parents were now gathered in the basketball court and a few staff members were supervising this. They knew that even if a single parent loses his cool, there could be brawl right here in the court.

After a minute or two, the old Principal walked in the school. A few parents stood up to ask him questions but he took a mic from a staff member and said "I know all of you have a lot of questions but please give me a minute to speak." 

Seeing that what the old principal was requesting wasn't much, the parents also didn't oppose it. Jared didn't know if the principal was a good or a bad person since he was never mentioned in the mcu so this was his chance to gauge what kind of a person this old man was. 

"Ahem… I would like to clarify two things to all of you. Firstly, we do not know who has sent the message to all of you and if the sent information is even legit or not." Before the principal could even talk about the second thing, one of the parents stood up and said "What are you talking about? The articles are on the official websites of reputable websites. How can everyone be wrong about the same thing?"

"Yes he is right…the information must be true or else why would all these articles exist." Another parent shouted. The principal quickly said "As I said we have someone working on the checking the authenticity of the information. Second thing I wanted to say was that neither I nor any of the staff members had any knowledge about Professor Morris' I mean Mr Morris' bad past or else we would have never let him teach at this institution."

"How can something that is publicly available slip from the school's eyes? Did you not do your background checks when you hired him? It hasn't been even 2 months since he was hired." A parent questioned to which the principal said "He was hired as a temporary teacher and so we didn't look into him as much as the other staff. But I am sure that whatever he must have done, he has paid the price for it or else the justice system wouldn't let him out on the streets. I have been the principal of this school for nearly 20 years, and I would never let some criminal near the kids."

Jared understood that the principal was steering the topic away from core issue but just then Ned's father stood up and asked "If he has truly repented for what he did then where is he now? Why don't we see him here apologizing for hiding something like this?"

The principal looked around at his staff to see if anyone would stand up in his support but a few of them already had the kids enrolled in the same school just like the basketball coach and they wouldn't say but even they weren't happy with someone like Professor Morris becoming a teacher.

'The Principal isn't someone who would let a teacher get employed in the school without running a thorough background check so I am sure that he must have known about Professor Morris's past. But then why would he allow him in the school?' the basketball coach thought. He saw as the Principal continued to speak calmy and try to resolve the parents' anger and to a certain extent he was successful as well.

Jared who had created all this mess just sat there with a smile on his face. He didn't care if Professor Morris was there or not. The only thing that mattered to him was that Professor Morris won't be a teacher in the school anymore.

'I am truly tempted to go in front of Professor Morris and the Principal and look them in the eye and tell them that it was me who did this but there is no need to garner any kind of hatred from them and put myself and Peter in danger.' Jared thought.

While all this was happening, Professor Morris had worn a janitor's uniform and a baseball cap and was walking friskly towards his home. As he reached his house, he pulled out an empty suitcase from above a cupboard and started throwing his clothes in it. He also took out a few files and notebooks from his study table and slammed them onto the suitcase.

"I am not going to forgive whoever did this. I will kill him…kill him." He murmured in anger as he finished packing his things. As he came outside his bedroom, he saw that the front door was open.

'I had closed the front door when I came in just a few minutes ago." Professor Morris thought. Just as he took a step forward, he got a gut feeling that was telling him to turn back and he was about to but he suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of his head.


Within the next 2 seconds, he started to lose consciousness and fell on the ground.

(Please send us power stones if you like the Fanfic.)


Extra Chapters available on Patreon.
