
Watcher of Reality

The memories one possesses can define someone's very existence. Yet for one being, it is he, who gives definition to memories. Having spent eternity, viewing the lives of billions of entities, some could be young, others old. Many were the lives of Humans, yet others could be any manner of beast. It wasn't long before the beings true self was lost. He no longer knew who he was, how much time had pasted, or what had happened to his body. All he remembered was sealing away all but one set of memories in an attempt to regain some form of identity. The identity the being suddenly found himself in, was that of a normal human boy, by the name of Nathan. Yet as a repercussion of sealing so many memories, the only set he didn't seal, belonging to the human child, became jumbled. Now rather then stuck with to many memories, he found himself with a lack of memories, including the way to unseal them. In a last ditch attempt to protect the final spark which defined him, he sealed his soul within a miniature world, a world of dreams, which would hopefully allow him to restore some of the jumbled memories. Slowly time passed and his plan was working, however, one of the beings in charge of judging souls took interest in him. Breaking him out of the world, and granting little Nathan's wish. Something which he believed he could have done without. Yet will look back on, and be grateful for. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Douluo Dalu. I claim no rights to the ownership or credit or pre-existing characters or content. Author's Note: This is a Douluo Dalu fan-fic about a young boy reincarnated, with op cheats, due to the whims of a powerful being. This book will be the main anchor which connects the universe im hoping to create so i hope you all enjoy, and thanks for your support!

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12 Chs

Character Sheet


MC x Ma Xiaotao (Human, Fire based Spirit)

MC x Tang Wu Tong (Half Human+Spirit Beast, Light + Tool Spirit)

MC x Snow Emperor (Spirit Beast, Ice based Spirit)

MC x Ice Emperor (Spirit Beast, Ice based Spirit)

MC x Wang Qiu'er (Spirit Beast, Golden Dragon)

Huo Yuhao x Chengzi and/or Ling Lou Chen

(Author's Note: Alright lets see how op we can make him)

Name: Tian LeiYu

Also Known As:

Archer God Emperor

Storm God Emperor

Eyes Of The Watcher

Spirit Beast Prince

Almighty Womanizer


Species: Unkown

Age: Unkown

Gender: Male

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Purple (originally)

Purple, Blue, Gold (Spirit Eyes)

Personal Status:

Relatives: Heavenly Snow Woman (1st Wife, Reincarnated Heavenly Snow Women)

Ice Jade Empress Scorpion (2nd Wife, Reincarnated Ice Jade Empress Scorpion)

Ma Xiaotao (3rd Wife)

Wang Dong (4th Wife)

Wang Qiu'er (5th Wife, Reincarnated Three Eyed Golden Lion)

Master: Mu En (In name only)


Star Shooting Bow: (A bow that can pierce even stars)

Storm God Thunderbird: [Lei Niao] (Variant of both Ice, Fire and Lightning)

Cosmic Spirit Eyes: (Opens 3rd eye, only visible if user desires) (Eyes that can see all things in the universe)

Spirit Rank: Tri-Spirit God Emperor - Rank 150^ (x3)

Spirit Rings:

[Star Shooting Bow]

11 Purple-Gold (+1 Billion)

1 Ring of The Watchers (+10 Billion)

[Storm God Thunderbird]

11 Purple-Blue-Red- Gold (+1 Billion)

1 Ring of The Watchers (+10 Billion)

[Cosmic Spirit Eyes]

11 Purple-Blue-Gold (+1 Billion)

1 Ring of The Watchers (+10 Billion)


Control System (Bow + Spirit Eyes)

Power Attack System (Bow + Thunderbird)






Shrek Academy

Shrek Seven Devils

In Depth Descriptions:

1. Star Shooting Bow- Tool Spirit (a bow that can pierce even stars)

(Work in progress, will fill in when needed)

2. Storm God Thunderbird- Beast Spirit (Variant of both Ice, Fire and Lightning)

Name- Lei Niao

(Work in progress, will fill in when needed)

3. Cosmic Spirit Eyes- Body Spirit (Eyes that can see all things in the universe)

1st ring: Eyes of Illusions- This ability enables him to put others under illusions.

Restriction- Only can effect beings in line of sight

2nd ring: Eyes of Truth- This ability enables him to see through all things.

Restriction- Can only be used on things his eyes can see.

3rd ring: Eyes of the Elementals- This ability allows you to see and interact with the 9 elements. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Light, Dark, Life, Destruction.

{3rd ring does not give 'control' over those elements rather just the ability to see and interact with them. Elemental control is within his Thunderbird spirit.}

4th ring: Eyes of Space- This ability allows for the control of the unique Space Element.

5th ring: Eyes of Time- This ability allows for the control of the unique Time Element. Can view the Past, and Future of an object or person. {Not the Present}

6th ring: Eyes of Karma- This ability allows you to view another person Karma level, as well as view their thoughts to a certain extent. {View the Present}

7th ring: Eyes of God- This ability boasts his eye sight to the level of gods. He can see even the surface of other planets and stars when concentrating, let alone every inch of this planet.

8th ring: Eyes of Death- [Unknown]

9th ring: Eyes of Life- [Unknown]

10th ring: Eyes of Knowledge- WARNING: Do not use without proper preparation. Grants user the knowledge of all things. If not used properly, can destroy users brain. Focusing on one individual point of knowledge would be advised.

11th ring: Eyes of The King [SEALED]

12th ring: Eyes of The Watcher's [SEALED]

I think we did a good job at making him a broken as possible. The beginning of this novel will be rather confusing, as it deals with memories and the lack of them. Everything will connect though later on. Use this page to through some idea's my way, and I might add them in down the line if I think they will fit, as always I appreciate the support!

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