
Chp 39: '3 Gods' Christmas

Location:Hogwarts Great Hall

Date: December, 24th 1992

Adam had been planning to go back for the Christmas break but he had received a message from Sirius saying that he was undergoing some kind of testing process for the career he had originally been intending to pursue after Hogwarts and that he couldn't leave the training till the end of the year. Consequently Adam had committed to just bunking it at Hogwarts over the Christmas break.

The castle was almost empty though cheerful with streams of holly and baubles decking the Hogwarts halls, the great halls Christmas tree lit up by flickering candle light.

The hall itself was relatively empty with only a few students milling around, quite pockets of laughter spilling from the three or four students on each table except for Hufflepuff which he was alone with, the Puffs being much to loyal to ever miss a Christmas with the family.

'Finally peace Calcifer'.

'Strange that wizards celebrate Christmas' replied Calcifer.

'Hhhmm I think it's pretty cool, though I'm really looking forward to next year to spend a proper Christmas with Sirius, I really wanted to see him again before the summer break, but obviously he's busy, with his ... secret training'.

'Uh-huh swear, I'm the only one that pays attention in history of magic, no what I mean is that this school was partly built to protect young witches and wizards against the persecution of witches and wizards by Christians in the 10th century, so celebrating a festival adopted from the group that killed your kind seems a bit weird'.

'Well I guess it goes to show how we forget our history, what was the saying in that book I read in the Sirius's library'.

'You're going to have to be more specific' replied Calcifer tiredly.

'The one about greed and corruption the history repeating itself quote'.

'Aaaaahhh, The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today by Mark Twain and Charles Warner, I think the full quote was "History never repeats itself, but the Kaleidoscopic combinations of the pictured present often seem to be constructed out of the broken fragments of antique legends"'.

'Well that's more complicated that I remembered ... but yeah maybe we will come full circle and go back to being persecuted by muggles it's certainly that way for witches in the Imperium' said Adam.

Above Adam a red feathered bird swooped down, dropping a note on the table in front of him.


Mr Potter if you wouldn't mind I would like to see you in my office I have something I thought best to give you in person. Not to worry.

- Albus P.W.B Dumbledore


'It seems you've been summoned' said Calcifer.

'It seems I have' said Adam in his head, getting up to make his way to the headmasters office.

'I wish there were internal floos in this place'.


Adam found himself inside the Headmasters office some time later after dragging himself to the top of the tower and let in by Professor Sprout who politely said "Hello Adam" before getting on with her business for the rest of the day. Coming to the top of the spiral staircase Adam saw a large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little noises. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tainted wizard's hat.

Sat behind that claw footer desk was the headmaster, who was waving Adam over.

"Ah Ha- Adam, come in ... come in take a seat" said Dumbldore jovially.

"How is the Christmas season treating you, not too bad I hope".

"It's been going okay, thank you Sir" replied Adam.

"Sherbet lemon" said Dumbldore offering Adam a sweet with a twinkle in his eye.

'Na-ah those sweets look highly suspect' said Calcifer slightly put off by the old man who otherwise looked harmless.

'He's eating them himself' replied Adam.

"Um yes, thank you Sir I'll give it a try, I've never really been much into sweets though".

"Splendid, here you go ... there are few who appreciate the youthful fragrance of sherbet lemon these days, you'll be joining an exclusive club" said Dumbledore handing a sweet over.

Dumbledore didn't say anything for a few moments, deep in thought.

"Tell me, how are you settling in at Hogwarts" asked Dumbledore finally.

"Oh it's great the puffs have been really welcoming".

'Ahaha-haha' mocked Calcifer.

"I'm sure its a big change transitioning from your previous living arrangements".

"Ah ... Yes it's certainly different Sir".

"In what ways, your godfather filled me in a little bit, but I was interested in having a first hand account".

'Sirius talked to Dumbledore? ... What, Calcifer how much do you think he knows'.

"I grew up mostly in the wilderness, subsisting on the land but it was mostly fine".

"Hmmmm ... well ... that's good to hear" said Dumbledore slowly, "What I really called you here today for Adam, was to gift you something ... something special your father left to me for safekeeping and I thought it only right to return it to you now".

Dumbledore reached into the draw behind him pulling out a paper wrapped package tied with cordage.

"There you are, you can open it now or wait till Christmas day" said Dumbledore handing it over.

"I think I'll open it on Christmas day Sir, just to keep in the Christmas spirit".

"I admire your self control Mr Potter, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, but remember, my door is always open to those who's minds remain is open".

Dumbledore gave his trademark smile and sent Adam on his way out of his office.

'Oh that wasn't so bad, now get downstairs I need my gears oiled' said Calcifer.