
Warhammer - The Wheels of Change

When survivors of a caravan cargo from a foreign country reach her castle with their cargo intact, Boyar Tomaš sees a big opportunity but also a large threat... What consequences will her actions or lack thereof have on her realm and on her nation?

Nikola1941 · Otras
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11 Chs

First Caravan

It was the first month of the year and the time when most of life in Kislev settled down for the winter. It wasn't different in Vukograd as most people remained in doors unless they had business or something to attend to. Town streets being cleared up from snow, workers going to their workplaces, guards making their watch over the town walls. For Vukograd, it was a winter day as usual.

As winter terrain made it difficult to traverse across the frozen Kislev terrain, very few visitors were coming to the town. And yet, there was traffic coming through the eastern gate. A small caravan of newly arrived merchants was among them. Two merchants, dealing in exotic animals and alcohol, saw an opportunity in the realm up north.

After passing through the gate, the small caravan went through the town's cleared streets and reached the main square where the town's only inn, the Merchant's House, was located. While the caravan was registering and disembarking its cargo, a member of the city watch arrived with a request to the convoy leaders. Hearing about the new arrivals, Boyar Tomaš invited them to visit her castle. It was a known habit of hers, inviting merchants from far away to her home as a way to connect to the rest of the world. A habit she made after studying in the Empire of Man.

Knowing that was a great chance to impress the person in charge of the region, the merchants, a man hiding his face under a hood and a young woman wearing a fur coat, took no time agreeing to this request. After a short talk, the man left together with the watchman while the woman stayed behind taking care of the rest of her affairs  before eventually joining them.

Slightly away from the main square, the Tomaš mansion wasn't anything impressive compared to what you would find in other cities, but it certainly stood out in a town like this. A yellow three-story house with white decorations. It was clear that someone important lived here, at least in this town.

After being let through into the mansion, he was escorted by the servant up to the second floor where her throne room was. Once escorted to the door of the room, the servant told him that the Boyar was waiting for him and then left. After removing his hood, revealing brown hair, olive skin and pointy ears, the man knocked on the door and, after getting the answer, entered it. There, a blond woman in her thirties awaited him. While bowing down to her, he said: "Greetings, Your Highness.  I believe you have summoned me?" The woman answered: "Ah, yes. Come in, come in." She then motioned for him to sit down on one of the two chairs.

The Boyar's throne room was lightly decorated. Several paintings of her ancestors, weapons that those ancestors wielded, the throne where the Boyar sat during important meetings, two chairs and a door that led to a storage room with more chairs when they were needed to hold meetings. Right now, those two chairs were prepared for her guests.

The man sat down. "May I know why I was summoned?" The woman also sat down. "Of course. As I understand it, this is the first time you have been here, correct?" The man answered: "That is correct, milady." The woman then continued. "Well, I have a habit of inviting every new trader into my home to hear their stories. As you could have seen on your way here, the settlements in Kislev have some distance between them, making it difficult to see new faces. Especially foreigners. I am sure you yourself have some stories to tell."

The man tilted his head. "I see, milady... What would you like to know first?" The noblewoman made herself comfortable in her throne. "Well, anything really. Even minor details would suffice. You can start with your name."

The merchant nodded and answered: "My name is Charsopir Bohlen The Honest, although most call me Charsopir The Honest, foregoing my middle name."

The Boyar smiled. "Well then, Mr Bohlen. Tell me more about yourself. It's quite rare to see a knife-ear in these lands."

Charsopir's eyes illuminated. "Well, milady, I think you will find that I actually share half of my blood with your kin.

The noble gasped in surprise. "Oh?" She leaned in a little closer with a clear look of interest on her face. Knowing that he had caught her attention, Charsopir leaned back. "May I know your name first, milady?"

She dismissively hand-waved. "Oh, where are my manners? I am Snježana Tomaš, the noble in charge of this city and the surrounding area. I think you would call me Baroness by other nations' standards. My family has ruled this land ever since it was settled down nearly a hundred years ago."

Charsopir relaxed further. "Very well Baroness Tomaš. As for my own family history, my father is originally from the County of Sylvania. My mother is an Asur of Ulthuan. 

That said, my father's blood is also mixed with that of the Araby. One of the nomadic tribes. The Nazir, they are called, the Lions of the Desert..." 

Snježana nodded, wishing to hear more.

"My grandmother was from the Nazir clan, one day her and a few other women who went to forage for food in a nearby Oasis were beset by a group of pirates from Marienburg. They, being from a fierce warrior clan however, managed to overpower and kill their slavers in a mutiny alongside the other slaves already on the boat.

Of course they didn't know how to sail, and so ended up drifting ashore on the Empire's shores. As you might know, the Empire outlawed slavery and was at the time still in a struggle for Sylvania with the vampires..."

Snježana nodded, "Yes, I recall hearing about such issues back when I was in the Empire."

Charsopir continued. "Well, the Emperor in all his wisdom decided it would be a good idea to go colonise a village that had been wiped out by the vampires. Of course this went as well as you'd expect, with Von Carstein coming around and effectively enslaving my grandparents again. 

At around this time, my grandmother was forced to marry a man native to Sylvania, a nearby village to the one colonised I believe...From their union my father was born. Although I am not sure what happened to the rest of the family or if he has any siblings. He refuses to talk of it, I imagine it must be quite traumatising to live under the rule of a dreadlord..."

Snježana took a mournful expression. "Pray to the gods that they have perished by now. Nobody needs such a grim fate. Anyway, what is a man with such an interesting story doing in these lands?"

Charsopir grinned. "Oh, but it is not over milady...In fact it has only begun...My father escaped from Sylvania, but he himself got captured by pirates like his mother before him, is it not ironic?"

Snježana widely opened her mouth, not expecting this turn of events. "Are you at least a free man then?"

Charsopir shrugged. "Of course I am, here is the most interesting part. My father was sold to the Asur and was put to do menial work in one of the minor nobles' families. There he met my mother. First he was resentful about being made a slave, but slavery to the Elves was better than slavery to the vampires. 

Soon enough, he and my mother grew very close, so much in fact, that they ended up falling in love. My mother gave him enough money to pay for his freedom, and then, much to her family's disgrace among the Asur, eloped with him to Bretonnia."

Snježana quickly retorted: "What happened next?"

Charsopir smiled   "Well, I was born...And now here I am..."


Feeling satisfied, Snježana leaned back. "Alright. So what is a man with such an interesting story doing in these lands?"

Charsopir knew he achieved the desired effect. "Seeking my fortune milady, while my mother's family was more fortunate, similar to yours, hers was not exactly accepting of my father...And so I am left to pick up the slack for them and my siblings."

Snježana nodded "I hope you have good fortunes then. What is it that you seek here?"

Charsopir's eyes flickered, he thought she would never ask. "I wish to buy certain animals that I am sure will be much appreciated in Bretonnia. Not much contact comes from your realm Baroness, and thus people view your people as highly exotic..."

Snježana cracked a smile at that and sarcastically answered: "I wonder why? It is almost as if we are some sort of weird cousins or something." She then continued. "In any case, my realm has two distinct animals on offer. A local species of wolves and the snow leopards we grow for the kingdom's purposes. Which one interests you?"

Charsopir smiled too.  "Why limit myself if profit can be found?" Snježana cracked an even bigger smile to that answer. "Don't get over ambitious, Mr Bohlen. You never know how well your stock will behave until you sell them."

Charsopir disagreed humorously. "I do know that Bretonnian nobles are quite ughm... let's say... pompous..."

Snježana shook her head.  "That's not what I am implying, Mr Bohlen. Tell me, how well are you aware of the Kislev wildlife?"

Charsopir reluctantly consented to his ignorance. "Well...This is the first time I am here... So...  Not well..."

Snježana tilted her head. "Are you aware of how well known our snow leopards are?"

Charsopir frowned. "What are you trying to get at milady?" 

Snježana continued. "I would suggest making sure leopards and wolves are distanced from each other if you decide to buy them both. You see, snow leopards are quite beloved in the lands of Kislev. So much so that even nature might acknowledge it.

Wolves are far less common compared to our beloved battle cats and keeping the animals near each other is usually a recipe for trouble. In fact, the two stanitsas, or villages as you know it, that raise the animals are practically as far apart as they can be. So, be careful on your way back. And with that in mind, which one do you wish to know about first?"

Charsopir scratched his chin. "Even though the wolves are rarer, the leopards are more exotic as nothing like them exist in Bretonnia. They are the better investment I would say... So I would like to learn more about them."

Snježana nodded. "Alright. Our praised battle cats. They say that when the Tzar or Tzarina commands it, even they will follow orders. They are vicious beasts, capable of handling even monstrous  creatures such as trolls and minotaurs should the need arise for it. They are herbivores by nature, but like all that lives in these lands, hunger can convince them to search for other sources of food.

Their farm is west of here in a village called Miletina. You will deal with a man called Slaven for the sale of the animals. Anything more?"

Before Charsopir could answer however, a servant entered the room. "Excuse me, milady. There is someone waiting for you outside."

Snježana looked at her servant. "Ah, this must be your partner. Let them in."

After the servant left, a young lady poked out of the doorway. "Excuse me, I believe I was summoned here."

Snježana nodded. "Yes. Miss-"

The woman curtsied and presented herself. "Evelina Stromer, Your Highness."

Snježana smiled. "Well, Miss Stromer, I invited you for a nice conversation. Please, have a seat. I was conversing with your partner."

Evelina cracked a smile. "An interesting man, isn't he? I am glad I snagged him quickly."

Snježana raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Charsopir blushed. "Not the partner in that way though milady...I don't want to be caught by cultural shock now..."

Snježana chuckled.  "I didn't consider it like that either. Many people join up on trade expeditions this far north. Easier to finance and safer too. I always assume the people I meet are in business partnership unless stated otherwise. Oh, that reminds me, I should introduce myself to you too. Snježana Tomaš, ruler of the city and the land surrounding it."

Evelina lowered her head again. "It is an honour to meet you personally, milady."

Snježana nodded. "Now then. Am I to assume you too deal with exotic animals like your partner does?"

Evelina shook her head at the question. "No Milady, I am here to deal with exotic drinks. The one known as vodka. I heard it is a very popular drink out in the North. It is an exotic drink for the Nobility back in the Empire and even for some of Bretonnia. It will be a profitable affair." 

Snježana nodded. "Ah, yes. Votka. Not exactly exotic around these parts, hehe. Though, if you reached my fair city in hopes of acquiring it, I am afraid you are headed for a world of disappointment. Unfortunately, we don't have a distillery around these parts. Most of the alcohol is imported from other cities and few people can make it for personal use."

Evelina was clearly disappointed at that answer. "That is really disappointing, milady. I really had high hopes of acquiring some around these parts. The prices for export in the southern Kislev cities are much higher so I came here on a tip from a trusted person."

Snježana nodded compassionately. "Yes. Sadly, unless you go further north into Iaryn, the fastest way of acquiring some from these lands is by basically starting from scratch. Thankfully lands are fertile for production, otherwise mines would be abandoned during winters."

Evelina's eyes widened. "Really?"

Snježana smiled. "Yes. I would love to invest in production to expand the town's capabilities, but in the end, this city exists for mining and weapon production. I would need to see actual interest in order to act."

Charsopir chimed in with a chuckle. "Will you not ask her about her origins? Or am I special?" 

Snježana looked at him. "Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt the conversation by changing it back to personal stuff."

Evelina ignored the elf's remark and continued. "Hmm.. If I can get workers to help me start a distillery along with someone who knows how to make Vodka, about which I have little to no knowledge of except its taste. I can assure you that it will be a really profitable venture."

Snježana repressed a smile. "Oh? You would be willing to do so?"

Evelina nodded confidently "Yes, I do, milady. As long as I can keep the operating costs low, an investment like this could easily become profitable."

Snježana held her hand on her chin, thinking about her proposal. "Would you be willing to stay here for some time? To ensure that the venture would start on the right foot? I do not wish to keep you around if you don't want to stay, I just want to make sure that you have a full understanding of the proposition that you have made."

Evelina smiled. "Of course, milady. I intend to stay for a while until the venture can start properly."

Snježana extended her hand. "Then I believe we have a deal. I will try to upfront most of the early costs. For instance, I am sure we can find some empty plots to raise potatoes."

Evelina shook it. "I am really fortunate to come to your city, milady, and I thank you for your support."

Snježana retracted her hand and said: "Of course. Please return tomorrow to discuss further details. I should have a contract prepared by then. Anything else you wish to discuss? If not, then please, stay for dinner. Of course you can also return to your inn if you like."

Evelina's answer came swiftly, as she was unwilling to anger her host. "Of course, we will graciously accept your invitation milady."

Charsopir showed his best Asur manners and bowed. "It is our pleasure, milady. We will return here shortly."

After a quick trip to check on their caravan, Evelina and Charsopir returned to the mansion where they had a pleasant dinner with the Boyar while hearing and sharing many stories. After saying goodbye, they returned to the inn and turned in for the night, happy at the potential that tomorrow would bring.

Little did they, Boyar or anyone else, know that this wasn't the only caravan meant to arrive into town that day. One that would bring dangers and potential benefits in the future.