
Warhammer - The Wheels of Change

When survivors of a caravan cargo from a foreign country reach her castle with their cargo intact, Boyar Tomaš sees a big opportunity but also a large threat... What consequences will her actions or lack thereof have on her realm and on her nation?

Nikola1941 · Others
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11 Chs

Second Caravan

As the cold winter night of Kislev settled in, there was nary a soul outside the warmth of their homes. While the stars shone beautifully in the night sky, the eerie silence and the darkness as far as the eye could see and only illuminated by a pale moonlight was all that the area outside the town could offer. It was an unfortunate job for the members of Wolf Guard to remain watch on the wall, but one that needed to be done.

Patrols on the town wall during long Kislev nights were never favoured among the guard, so as part of the rules it was specified that activities such as drinking were banned on the scheduled days and that all guardsmen had to participate without any exceptions. It might have been hated, but at least no one felt like they were cheated. They also had warm campfires and their wolf companions to keep them company.

Using the predators that stalked the land for their own benefits, domesticated wolves had proven their worth to the town. Their natural instincts and tolerance to the cold meant they were perfect for the task at hand. Their howling never failed to indicate that something was approaching.

So when the howling started that night, the guards broke from their stupor and immediately manned their position, checking to see what was coming. Something was barrelling down the eastern road so the guards prepared for any actions. To their surprise, a lone carriage was going as fast as the tired houses could run. It barely managed to stop before it slammed into the town gate.

One guard shouted from the wall while holding the carriage driver on gunpoint: "Hey, what is your purpose here?"

The driver looked up at the guards, blood running from his nose seen by those on the wall as well as dents in armour and his cape stained with blue and red spots all over it. "We were ambushed on the road. I need help down here!"

Guard was surprised at this. "On the road? In the middle of the night?" He wanted to say more, but his partner interrupted him. "Something else is approaching! Raise the alarm!"

The driver looked behind towards someone in the carriage. He made his plea once more. "Please, let us in! I have a wounded down here!" And so, while bells were ringing about a potential attack and the guards were shooting at the unknown targets moving in the darkness, the gate was opened for a brief moment, allowing the carriage to move in before its attackers caught up with them. Once in, the gate immediately closed.

Driver stopped once he saw a guard with a torch approaching. "I need a healer!" The guard approached the carriage, illuminating a young man with a clear bruise on his face and an armoured dwarf in the carriage, writhing in pain with two arrows sticking out of him. The guard asked: "What happened?" The young man answered: "Beastmen. Is there any inn nearby?" The guard hopped aboard and led the driver to the small hospital in the town centre.

The unexpected arrival caused a commotion as lights in houses across the town were lit and many stepped outside trying to figure out what happened. After getting confirmation that threat passed for now, the groggy Boyar and her officers ordered the soldiers to inform the citizens that they could go back to sleep as the threat had ended for the time being.

Meanwhile, the commander of the Wolf Guard arrived at the hospital to check up on the survivors. He first met with a healer that took care of the dwarf. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, it seemed that the dwarf wouldn't make the night as the arrows were poisoned and it was too late for antitoxins to work. Commander was not happy to hear the news. Now all he could rely on is the second survivor who was also getting treated.

The young man, who had identified himself as Alex, was getting helped by another healer while checking the extent of injuries on him in a mirror. A broken nose as well as bruises and cuts on his torso. At least his armour held up against the worst of the attacks.

Alex tried to crack some jokes to lighten the mood, but it was clear that events that transpired earlier  were on his mind. After the healer finished his work, he left the room with Alex's gratitude. After some discussion was heard outside, the Wolf Guard commander came in, clearly not happy for being woken up in the middle of the night. "So then, mind telling why I was woken up? What happened out there, mister?"

Alex made an over dramatized bow. "Alex von Kahlenberg, Sir. As for what happened, a Beastmen herd ambushed us. I don't know what else I can tell you."

The commander was not impressed. "You can start by informing me why you were out there in the first place. Also, did you post the lookout? It's already dangerous enough to camp in these parts in winter."

Alex shrugged. "No. Also may I?" He pointed at the bed next to him.

The commander nodded. "Certainly." The commander followed Alex's example, brought the chair that was in the corner closer to the bed and so both men sat down.

Alex stifled a groan of pain as he sat down. "We got lost on our way here. We tried to soldier on and get here as fast as possible. Unfortunately that made us easy targets for ambush because we were already tired."

The commander shook his head. "That was extremely dangerous and a poor decision at that, especially here in the winter."

Alex looked away. "We were trying to reach the town to get warm and safe."

Commander couldn't hide the clear look of disappointment. "I see. Sadly, as you can see, nature punishes mistakes up north quite harshly. Count yourself lucky for surviving."

Alex tried to sound convincing. "It is a skill. Maybe a small bit of luck, but mostly skill."

Commander chuckled at his answer and then with clear sarcasm in his voice asked him. "Well then. Mr Skilful. What exactly were you doing on the road? What is your mission?"

Alex looked back at him. "Delivering whatever was in the caravan. Didn't ask questions about the cargo itself and I doubt other mercenaries have. I am guessing weapons or something like that since our end goal was Fort Straghov.  The carriage I was assigned to was the lightest so that's how we managed to escape."

The commander raised an eyebrow. "Straghov? What exact business do you have there?"

Alex shrugged. "Should I know? It was the dwarfs' task to deliver something. I was hired by them to only protect the cargo. If you truly want to know, go and look for more caravan survivors."

The commander scratched his chin. "In the morning. Trying to send someone now would be suicide."

Alex sighed. "I see. Anything else you wish to know?"

The commander got up. "Nothing really. Rest up. We will see what to do about you in the morning."

Alex was surprised to hear that. "What do you mean, what to do with me? I am a free man, am I not?"

The commander smiled. "Yes, and I am sure Her Highness would like to know more about what happened earlier."

Alex tried to lighten the mood. "Her Highness? Just inform her of what I said already."

The commander's smirk widened. "Of course I will, but it's always good to be certain. After all, giving a horse to one that might have betrayed his employer is not a good look."

Alex raised his voice at that apparent hostility. "Betrayed? I would never. Does the word honour mean anything at all to you?"

Commander decided to back down. "Let's stop here before we make it worse. We are both clearly tired. And, if I am truly mistaken, I will make an honest apology in the morning."

Alex calmed down. "You better."

The commander closed the door on his way out. "I will leave you now. Rest up."

Alex crashed into the bed. "Thank you."

As the commander left Alex alone and left the room. Alex  rearranged himself on the bed, trying to get some sleep.



At the same time, a grumpy dwarf was being escorted to the Boyar's home. He wasn't happy for being awoken as he wasn't part of the local garrison. His main duty was that of the foundry chief, so the dwarf couldn't figure out why he was summoned. He ended up deciding to abide by the summons, if only to find out why.

He passed by the group of soldiers that finished unloading the carriage contents into the Boyar's home and were moving the carriage again. Ignoring their salutes, his interest was on the carriage itself. With clear signs of fighting on the cloth that covered the vehicle, he was sure that it had something to do with his summons.

After entering the mansion, the dwarf was escorted to the dining room where Snježana was looking at a paper, surrounded by stacks of them and enough candles to illuminate the room as if it were a day. Knowing that too much light would have been overkill, the dwarf's curiosity piqued as he spoke up. "So, lass, are you inviting me to a late night book party or what?"

His comment was met with silence from Snježana as she put down the paper she was holding and picked up. The dwarf wasn't amused by the lack of answer. "Okay, what is going on? Why did you call me here?" Again, silence. "Can you at least look up from that and talk to me or is that document that interesting?", Snježana answered with a simple "See for yourself.", and handed the papers over.

Dwarf muttered under his breath as he approached the table. "What's with her? What could possibly draw her attention like that?" He picked up one paper and started looking through it. As he realised what exactly was written on it, his jaw dropped. "Wait? Is this real? Is this an actual design for a breech-loading cannon? What is this doing outside Karaz Ankor?"

With a smile on her face, she informed him to check the details in the corner. The dwarf's gaze could have burned the paper with how much he stared at it. "So, who will go into the book for this transgression? These documents should never be seen by anyone but Dawi engineers. Depending on how bad it is, we might even see some Slayers in the making."

Snježana shook her head vigorously.  "I wouldn't go that far. Chances are they are already dead."

The dwarf frowned.  "How can you be sure? Wait, no. Let's start from the beginning. Where did these come from?"

Snježana sighed. "It seems there was an ambush by Beastmen that happened somewhere east from here. The carriage outside was the lightest so it managed to escape."

Both the dwarf's frustration and frown got worse.  "Any idea whose caravan it was?"

Snježana nodded. "All written down in an official letter somewhere in this mess. A caravan from the Engineer's Guild of Karaz Ankor with mercenary escort, travelling through Kislev to reach Fort  Straghov where they should meet up with your northern cousins."

The dwarf grumped curses beneath his breath. "Any idea why?"

Snježana looked back at the documents. "No. I can assume some details with everything I see here, but I need more information before I reach any conclusions and that will only happen in the morning."

The Dawi sighed. "I understand. So what now? You called me here for a reason."

Snježana took a deep breath then said: "I want to ask you something that might cause some issues down the line so be honest with me. Can you help me copy all of these designs?"

The chief of the foundry had quite a hearty laugh hearing Snježana's request. "Some? Lass, you would basically paint a massive target on this town. Those designs are the work of many generations of Dawi engineers who took pride in their work. The Guild doesn't give them out to outsiders without a considerable benefit to them. For this sin you, along with the ambushers, will go straight into the Great Book of Grudges. Tell me, is it worth it?"

Snježana took a moment to look around at all the paper before answering: "For all of this, I would go and personally sign my name into the book. Weapons and machines that do the work of many would be so beneficial in this land. Even with their internal conflicts, the Empire is still more developed than Kislev. Even now, gunpowder weapons are still seen with disdain across the country. How many lives can we save with all of these things under our control? I am given a unique opportunity and I wish to take it. So what do you say, my factory chief?"

It was the dwarf's turn to think it over. It was clear that Snježana really wanted to use the chance, but that might backfire in the future. Wishing to buy more time to think about that, he decided to make an offer. "Can you give me time to consider my options? In exchange, I will copy all the designs. I am better at it than you."

Snježana looked at him straight in the eyes. "Are you sure? I can help."

The old dwarf dismissed her. "You focus on dealing with the caravan itself in the morning. But, remember. This discussion isn't over yet."

Snježana acquiesced reluctantly. "Alright. But they better be up to snuff."

The dwarf put a hand on his chest.  "I swear on my ancestors that I, Voldrik Miheis, the Iron Dwarf of Vukograd, will accomplish this task without fail. I don't need to ruin the work of those that came before me and I certainly don't want to see the effort that went into these be for nothing. Now, may I have ink and paper? I have work to do."

And so, Voldrik spent the night copying the designs while considering what he would say to Snježana in the morning.