
Fear (2)

Lavender's heart sank , his breathing was almost nonexistent . He closed his eyes and tried to escape the system .

[ Kill ' Mother ' to complete 'X 'Rank quest ]

[ Regret Of A Murderer ]

[ Will User consent to <view> details ? ]

But the notifications did not stop , he could not escape the light blue panel in his view .

Even if he closed his eyes and shut off his senses he could still hear and see the system.

He didn't want anything to do with this fear anymore . The fear of death , the immense pain , the emotions of regret .

This memory changed his father , his life , and the people around him . He didn't go to his father's or his mother's funeral because he didn't want to .

Isn't it disrespectful for the murderer to attend the funeral of the victims ? He pushed the funeral back as far as he could , until it became too heavy for him to not visit his parents.

He wanted to ask himself why he didn't come to his senses and just went earlier . A son who didn't even consider attending the funeral of his parents was a bastard .

But now the man he killed is breathing . There he was , in the flesh , his eyes meeting him once again .

Lavender did not like the dark , but he was in that cold basement for 16 hours by now .

It was pitch black , quiet except for the sound of his breath . He stood chained to the wall like a prisoner .

Then the door opened to reveal a blinding light . Many people were fooled by this light and thought an angel were coming to save them from the gates of hell .

What a complete fucking lie that was . A cold blooded serial killer was more of a demon than human .

This demon looked him in the eyes and smiled. " Hey honey come down here for a bit . "

No matter how hard Lavender tried to yell for his mother to stay away , he could not . He had not drank water for a day by now .

His mother came in and walked towards the light switch . " Why is it so dark here , dear ? "

" Turn on the lights , if you want ."

He knew how it would go from here . His mother turned on the lights and the father dashed behind her .

He closed his eyes , and prayed for it to be a dream . But what he heard the same thing and the notification he could not escape was beaming .

[ Mother is Vulnerable , killing her now greatly increases success rate ]

The bat hit the floor , and the demon screamed a chaotic chorus. It calmed itself down and chained her to the wall .

The demon walked off , his footsteps leaving a echoe in the basement .

It came back with water and crouched down in front of Lavender . He pushed the glass up to his son's mouth and sighed .

No words were exchanged from either party . Lavender was parched , and drank the water as fast as it came down to meet his mouth .

His father left again , closing the door this time .

Lavender was once again alone in the dark with his only his thoughts to keep him company .

[ User will die in 01 : 23 : 49.57 ]

[ User will die in 00 : 23 : 59.59 ]

Once again the blinding light came from the opening of the door . The demon turned on the light and his bloodshot eyes became visible .

Lavender could swear the demons were calling to him , but he refused to be seduced by the demons in his head , let alone the one standing right in front of him .

The demon was not sober , it was intoxicated with the most expensive alcohol money could buy .

It crouched down to his son's level again . The pain in the eyes of the demon was evident.

His wife cheated on him for months by now and she stopped talking to him . It drove him mad not hearing the voice of his partner , let alone show any affection.

In the eyes of this demon he owed it to himself to kill his wife for cheating on him. That was what was wrong about him , he refused to talk to her and have communication in their relationship.

The uncertainty of what he saw became in his eyes what he didn't want to see , he feared and so it became true .

And so looking into the eyes of this youth , his own son , he feared that he was a demon in his eyes , and so he became one .

Lavender swallowed his saliva and looked into the eyes of the demon . He grinned and shook his head violently as if he was possessed. He was scared shitless and was nearing insanity , this was no ordinary fear , this was trauma .

" I never believed in demons until I saw your devilish looking ass , never knew you had it in you ! Your not even fucking human at this point ! "

Tears were forming in his eyes for the first in years . His breath was heavy and he couldn't move an inch from being chained to the wall .

The concrete floor was freezing , and the basement was pitch black . He was there for two days and his psyche was giving out along with his body .

Every day he put a mask over his trauma and fears and came back to an empty home with nobody to hold him . He would drink with Luna often despite his age and refused to cry in front of her .

His mask held up for the most part , and no one pushed him around for answers because no one had the time of day to do so . So when no one was in the house he would sob until A-Yeong came home and he'd start to prepare dinner .

Ever since that day he never confronted another person again . So he stayed in his bubble of sorrow .

Life was beginning to look up with his sudden decision to become a Mercenary , maybe he would finally find help one day .

But here he was , in the same situation with the same faces he killed .

He was weak , fragile , and was broken by this event , only to be thrown back into the same place again .

"Kill me , Damn it ! I'm not going anywhere you demon ! I see that knife , make use of it , hurry ! " Tears were falling from his dead eyes , the same eyes he inherited from his father .

" If you have any mercy left just stab through my heart ! The demons are screaming my name , fucking do i-!! "

The demon acted swiftly , stabbing through the heart of his own son , tears were forming in his eyes .

Lavender coughed up blood , his irises widened , life entered his eyes again .

For the first time since he was imprisoned in that hell hole , the demons stopped screaming .

" Hey father , this the one good thing you will ever do . " He smiled , as the life in his body was draining away .

He couldn't keep his eyes open anymore , and he could swear he saw a light despite his eyes being closed .

He couldn't hear , feel , or see anything but this blue light .

His father looked at the dying body of his son , he was a murderer now .

It didn't sink in for him , but he felt a heavy burden being handed to him , the same one his son carried for years .

[ The Regret Of A Murderer ]

" Thank , you ." Lavender barely managed to say these words , and soon , his soul left his body.

[ User has cursed ' Father ' with ' The Regret Of A Murderer ' ]

[ User will be be Evaluated by <The Dungeon Master> ]

[ Evaluation results will return after a day ]

[ 'User' has ' Died ' | <The Dungeon Master> will revive 'User" if 'User' is ranked higher than 'Explorer'. ]

[ 'User' will remain dead until The Evaluation ]

' please shut the fuck up '

[ N0 ]

' Fuck '

[ u ]

' ... '

[ ... ]