

In the Vast land of Abundance a continuous battle rages amongst kingdoms which does not show any signs of end, many lives of our fellow ants were taken, once lively cities and kingdoms was left into ruins; anger, sadness, mourning cries are everywhere, the bloody war killed thousands of innocent Antizens. A traveling warrior walk in the path of despair and vengefulness. let us travel together as the Warrior claimed back his Families glory in the land were the strong ants stands above all the others.

Saint_Rey · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs


"Lords and Ladies, esteemed guests, it is my great honor to stand before you today, to

celebrate the granting of a high noble status to a most worthy Warrior.

Throughout the ages, our kingdoms have been built on the strength and sacrifice of those

who have dedicated themselves to the betterment of their people. They have served with

distinction, with valor, and with honor, and have inspired us all with their tireless devotion.

Today, we gather to honor one such warrior, whose deeds have brought light to our

kingdom, whose service has been a beacon of hope, and whose unwavering loyalty has

earned them the highest of accolades.

This warrior has dedicated their life to the service of our kingdom, with valor on the

battlefield, wisdom in the council chambers, and compassion in their dealings with all they

encounter. They have shown themselves to be a true exemplar of nobility, and have earned

the respect and admiration of all who know them.

It is with great pride and joy that I bestow upon this warrior the highest of noble titles,

and welcome them into the ranks of our most esteemed lords and ladies. May they continue

to serve with distinction, and may their example inspire us all to greater heights of honor,

valor, and devotion.

Let us raise our glasses to this noble warrior, and to all those who have served with

distinction in our kingdom. May they continue to bring light to our world, and may their deeds

be remembered for all time.

Come forth, Haven Vagar, I bestowed upon you the High noble status in the kingdom of

Willow woods and have your sword be unsheathe for the protection of this kingdom." the

Queen stated as she stands in her Throne and point her sword towards the right shoulder of

Haven, with almost everyone in Willow woods come to witness this ceremony

"Thank you for your Grace your Majesty" Haven said, I wasn't expecting for this ceremony

to be this grand, only those who see things on one side expect it to be normal grandeurs for

giving a high noble status, the Queen is wise granting me the Status that everyone's wish to

have, this only mean one thing, By granting a high noble status to me, the Queen want to tie

me up and make me a Loyal follower of he, and for me to show unwavering loyalty to the

crown and the kingdom, the queen may be seeking to promote a sense of loyalty and

dedication among other nobles and subjects.

"for the next award, I the Queen, will grant you the title of Spry Scrapper, a warrior's energy

and enthusiasm, you are quick and lively in battle, a warrior's tenacity and willingness to

fight, you are not easily deterred by larger or stronger opponents" The Queen then again said

while pointing the sword on the left should, "Now for the final Award to granted to you, is Privilege of having a High noble status, I the

QUEEN OF WILLOW WOODS will grant you the a Privilege. As a mark of the highest esteem in

which our kingdom holds you, and in recognition of your noble service and dedication, it is

my pleasure to grant you a privilege befitting your high noble status.

From this day forward, you and your heirs will be granted the exclusive right to hold lands and

estates in perpetuity, without fear of confiscation or forced sale. You will be granted the right

to collect taxes, tolls, and duties within your lands, and to pass them on to your descendants.

Furthermore, you and your family will be granted the right to bear a coat of arms and to

display it prominently on your personal heraldry, to mark your distinguished lineage and the

honor in which you are held.

Finally, as a mark of our continued trust and respect, you will be granted an audience with the

Queen at any time, to discuss matters of import to the kingdom and to seek their counsel and


May this privilege serve as a testament to your noble service and dedication, and may it

inspire you to ever greater heights of honor and service in the years to come.

Congratulations, and may you continue to serve our kingdom with distinction." The Queen

said while she withdraw the sword that was resting in the head of haven.

after a Ceremony was finish Haven then rested to the Manor that was given to him

"Haven, what was that all about? with just that deeds you become a high ranking offi cial? Now

stand above everyone but second to the Queen, UGHHH this getting me all dizzy digesting all

that information!!!" - Lady bug said while flying around

"the Queen is wary of me and wanted to keep me in Willow woods watch, this might be for my

sake, since my potential and lineage is of that a Special Class, I have great potential to reach a

rank of a Radiant Blue, that would make the Vassal Kingdoms of Central plains to target me" I

said and drink a cup of wine

"But why would the Queen be so generous to you!! this is making me think that she has

something more in mind!!" -She responded

"That might be the case but the terms and privilege is safe for us to keep ourselves safe inside

willow woods Lady bug, tomorrow we will depart to the Sacred Mountain, that would be our

domain from now on!" I said and try to catch lady bug as she was flying non stop

"Naaah, well it is a good thing for us to have somewhere to live now! hmpf" she said as she rested on my Lap

"Your Majesty, the Court is not aware with all those extra awards and privileges you have

mentioned, PLEASE RECONSIDER THIS ONE!!" - a court elder said

"we agree your majesty please reconsider it!" - another court elder said

"The Award ceremony is done, all of those being presented will be take its effect immediately,

it is for our Kingdom's and our promised to protect all of the Talents that will emerged in our

Kingdom, Haven is a young warrior with great future waiting for him, having him roam around

will cause trouble to himself, having such strength will make him a potential target of the


"we can shelter him but the High noble status is a----"

"I don't want to hear anything about this again, I have made several calculations and

considerations upon giving the status. I am no fool to give to anyone who is not worthy for it,

Now this court dismissed!!" the Queen said, despite the conflicted thought of the court they

are more aware of the talent and potential of their Queen. despite their valid worries they

know their limits

"We hear and Obey your majesty" The court said and vanished the Throne room

In the Sacred Mountain, a huge estate is standing still having a Royal Sigil sculpt to its

marvelous and tall gates

Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush gardens, the Royal Estate is a stunning example of

grandeur and elegance. The estate's sweeping lawns and meticulously manicured gardens

provide a peaceful and serene environment that is perfect for royalty and their guests to

escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

The centerpiece of the estate is the magnificent palace, with its grand entrance hall, regal

ballroom, and opulent dining room. Each room is adorned with intricate details and luxurious

furnishings, creating an atmosphere of grandeur and sophistication.

The palace is surrounded by a moat that is home to a variety of wildlife, including swans and

ducks, adding to the natural beauty of the estate. The sprawling grounds are dotted with fountains, statues, and well-tended flower beds, providing a feast for the senses at every


In short, the Royal Estate is a magnificent and awe-inspiring property that offers a rare

glimpse into the world of royalty and aristocracy. Whether you are a history buff , a lover of

architecture and design, or simply looking for a peaceful and relaxing escape, the Royal Estate

is sure to impress and enchant.

" we will be living here? all alone?" -Lady bug

"You have arrived My lord!" **KYAAAAH** An old folk appear in front of the gate while

wearing a black suit, his appearance make lady bug screams