
Chapter 4: Achilles

She was right. I would need all the energy I can get. It started with leaving my stomach at camp by the goddess as she abruptly yanked me into the air by the ankles. I wasn't tossed down as I was before. But I did notice some kind of negative aura surround Azora.

Now, we sit at a stone table in a temple with four other deities. A baby sits on my lap, laughing and pulling on my armor. I only recognize one deity: Zagreus. He has long black hair with dead plants for a crown. His black eyes glare at me. His skin makes him look dead. He's wearing black robes with gold accents here and there. His face is a bit gaunt with the black ash stuff on his face.

The woman sitting beside him drums her long nails on the table and smiles at me. Her green eyes glow and her skin reminds me of an oak tree. Her auburn hair has been adorned with all type of flowers and vines. She wears a green dress that compliments her eyes. Compared to Azora and the other woman sitting to Azora's right, she is by far the most beautiful.

The woman sitting beside Azora stares at the table with her fiery eyes that remind me of Ares. She has thick lips just like the other woman. Her skin is by far the darkest color I have seen. Her long black hair spills out of her helmet. She wears armor. Even her hands hide under armor.

Leon has curly black hair, skin a bit lighter than mine, and eyes as brown as mud. A white robe does him little justice ashe squirms around. Besides he and I, everyone towers over us.

"How useful is this warrior to us that you must bring him to us?" The goddess seated next to Azora asks.

"Affra, you and I bear the same question." Azora responds calmly.

"Zeus sent him to us?" The beautiful goddess asks.

"Neera, do not make him your prey." A low growl emerged from Azora's throat.

"Your uncle's daughter is yet to join us." Zagreus says. I was wondering who was the owner of the empty seat next to me. Azora nods.

"I believe she participates in battle as we speak." Zagreus nods. They way he gazes at Azora isn't as menacing as the one he's been giving me. I makes next to no eye contact with either of the other woman and regards Azora with respect.

"We heard you had an 'episode' last night." Neera says. She smiles. She reminds me of a snake. Graceful and taunting.

"Zeus is up to another of his schemes." I watch Azora speak. She by far looks the most unique. Her eyes never stop at one person.

"When isn't he? He never leaves the innocent alone and just stands aside while his wife unjustly punishes them." Affra grumbles.

"When isn't he?" Zagreus says. "Nothing he's doing is anything new to us. Not besides the human holding Leon."

"Zeus' methods have always been odd. This is the first time he's had you watch over a human." Affra frowns. "What if this is a test of some sort?"

"What would he be testing? Another rebellion?" Azora asks. "While Zeus holds the right to fear, my loyalty should not be questioned!"

"You're loyal to few." Neera comments. "You could care less about most. None of us have been alive for long. Yet, you're by far the coldest amongst all of us."

"And you, the most deceiving." Zagreus and Affra say in unison.

"The plague has spread to the innocent." Azora glances at me.

"Zeus said those not involved in the war would be spared." Affra straightens, surprised by Azora's words.

"That's Zeus for you. We should've never trusted his word." Zagreus slams his fist on the table angrily. Neera smiles.

"So, what do you plan to do? End this plague? You started it after all." Wait. Azora spread the plague. I stare at Azora.

"I indeed spread it. However, Zeus was the only one besides the deities directly linked to disease and medicine who can control its course."

"How are we to solve this? Descend and change the currents to the soldiers?" Affra asks.

"No. The soldiers cannot be picked off this easily. Achilles and I will descend and change the current towards Poseidon's domain. There, the water should be able to eat through it and destroy it." Everyone nods at Azora's response.

"Theseus' soul was found by the way." Zagreus changes the subject.

"I will take I look into it later." Azora says as she stands. Everyone stands with her. I stand up last, not sure if I was supposed to stand with them.

"I warn you. He's not in good shape." Azora nods.

"Achilles, you will come with me to show me the areas most plagued by the disease." I nod. Zagreus takes Leon from me. I feel something pierce my chest. I gasp and reach up. The spot's cold.

"Zagreus." Zagreus and Azora stare at each other for what seems like forever. Zagreus finally bows his head. At the same time, the cold spot disappears. Azora turns to leave. I follow close behind.

"So, how exactly are you going to deal with the plague?" I ask. Azora glances back at me.

"I can reverse it on my own. There's two immortals protecting it and keeping anyone who tried to stop it away from the main core. I need you to make sure everyone's cleared away."

"Main core?"

"Every plague, disease, or even a minor fever has a core. Kill it and it seizes." I frown.

"How does the core look like?" Azora pauses and looks at me.

"Athena and Ares will make it obvious what it is when we get there. The core has all shapes and forms. It can be a person, animal, or even a head of wheat. So, let me tell you now. If the core is any of those things, it is not real. It hides to the human eyes. So, when you see it, do not get in my way."

"I'll try not to." I mutter. Azora nods. She suddenly morphs into a giant wolf with brown fur. The wolf lowers itself and looks at me with its big grey eyes that seem to shift colors. I hesitantly climb on. Azora stands and jerks into a run. I try my best to not fall off or scream.

Azora suddenly stops, nearly throwing me off her. I sit up and gaze down at the village a couple miles from the woods. Its poor and mostly inhabited by women and children. All the men have been sent off to war. The houses are about to collapse. There's no grass around the area anymore. You can hear the cries from here drowned slightly by the children's yelling.

I climb off of Azora before she throws me off. She quietly morphs back. She looks different now. Her eyes and facial features remain the same, but her hair is now black and loosely braided back. She's dressed in rags just like the people in the village. Her skin is slightly lighter though it's dirtied by grime. She's shorter and looks starved. A sad expression seems to have permanently veiled her.

"Seeing a soldier might scare them. Even more so, if a deity walks with you." She explains. Together we walk down into the village. Children probably younger than five run around us. Slightly older children or babies just sit against their mothers who sit at their footsteps in defeat. They stare at as mournfully. Older woman cry and slam their fists on barricaded doors. Coughs, cries, and vomiting can be heard. The air reeks of feces, vomit, and herbal remedies that have gone bad.

A bigger house has been built in the center of the village. Azora walks straight towards it, faking a limp as she does. Even amongst these people and the disguise, a powerful aura sets Azora apart. She still remains quite beautiful. I stare at my surroundings. The mud houses are falling apart. Straw litters the ground.

"Where are we going?" I ask. Azora doesn't say anything. We walk straight up to the huge house's front door. Sitting at it's clean marble steps, a little girl dressed in fine clothes. Unlike all the people around her, she's perfectly fine. Two guards dressed in fine armor stand on either side of her small golden throne. She smiles at us smugly.

"Achilles, take everyone to the edge of the forest where we just were. Tell them that their city must fall and be rebuilt if they want to heal. Tell them to take the sick and the old first. Take the women with children second. And widows last and any religious figures last. Tell them not to look back until they are at the edge of the forest. If they do, they will die of the plague at a quicker pace. Go."

I only hesitate once. When Azora starts moving towards the girl and the guards, I run off to do as she said. I started yelling, instructing everyone to do as it has been told. Whether they were desperate, scared, or had any other motive, they did as told immediately. The old took out their horses and chariots while the women loaded the sick onto the chariots. As soon as all the sick had been mounted, the sick and old left.

The women and children followed. Mother carried their babies on their backs and held their children's hands. The children started to sing a chant. As soon as their voices could barely be heard, the widows continued the chant.

"Over the hill past the plague we go, our home must be destroyed! A soldier unknown, tells us to go! The unnamed goddess, unsheathes her for us she will fight! Strangers we do not know, for us they fight. A town must kneel, for us to heal! We pray high, for them to unleash their might..." On and they chanted until their voices couldn't be heard. I was left standing there in shock. Once I gather myself, I turn and run back to Azora.