
Chapter 3: Azora

"You're going to regret that." Hermes says. I stare at him. "Okay. No, you won't. But keep in mind that Ares will be angry for a couple of centuries. Not unless Aphrodite keeps him together."

"I guess that is the only useful thing about her. She keeps Ares from plotting against Zeus." Hermes smirks.

"His every attempt failed."

"Mhmm..." I muse. Achilles is off to a side doing all manner of warm ups before the actual training.

"When was the last time you genuinely acted like your age?" Hermes asks out of nowhere.

"Good question..." I mutter. Hermes ruffles me hair, causing me to growl in surprise.

"Have a little fun for once!" He laughs and places his arm on my shoulders. I stare down at my feet. Two weeks ago, things were a lot easier. I did not have to sit in a room with four other immortals and a demigod to get lectured by Zeus. Two weeks ago, I was not a killer. The gods and goddesses crowded me then. They filled me with gifts to the brim that by the time they realized their mistake, Loki had gotten his hands on me. Zeus fears me.

"...okay?" I raise my head slightly and notice Achilles watching me while Hermes starts to pat my cheek. I smack his hand away and shrug his arm off.

"We have training to do." I say, mostly to myself.

"You weren't this uptight weeks ago!" Hermes pouts dramatically.

"There was not a war weeks ago." I grumble.

"Weeks ago, you weren't this grumpy?" Hermes says has he walks up to me.

"That was because there was no war or much to worry about, Hermes." I respond in a warning tone.

"You're young and have a lot to live for." Hermes punches my shoulder not so kindly.

"Was never a choice." Hermes grabs my shoulders.

"You were just a baby two weeks ago, Azora! They made you into a weapon! Azora—"

"Do you not have a hero to favor?" Hermes nods and backs away, taking his hands off me.

"Yeah, yeah...I'll be causing trouble with Poseidon if you need me." I nod and turn away. I hear the sound of the wind catching onto his wings as he speeds off. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I was always a weapon. Nothing new, nothing old.

"How old are you exactly?" Achilles asks. I turn and look at him.

"It is impolite to ask any female about their age?" I respond.

"Excuse it." I guess he knows I will answer either way.

"Nineteen days." Achilles' eyes widen. He stares at me. Great. "Immortals age differently."

"Wait, wait. So you had one day each day to be a kid?" I shake my head.

"I did not have time for that. Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena had nothing else to do anyway." Achilles looks around.

"So, what are you...going to do?" I growl.

"End this ridiculous war."

Night has fallen. Achilles and I sit around a small fire I built. I stare up at the sky, watching my mother guide the moon. Achilles stares at the flames, every now and then glancing at me. I sigh and spread my wings around me. I reach into the fire and move the logs around. Achilles' eyes widen in surprise. He relaxes and looks slightly annoyed.

"Tell me... about your childhood." I say.

"What can I tell you? You probably already know." Achilles responds. I nod.


"Why don't you tell me about yourself?" I shake my head.

"What is there to know? I was born nineteen days ago in an unknown land across the ocean. I have some odd birthmarks that only spell my grandmother's name on both arms. I... I am not sure."

"What about the way you fight? I've noticed that it's foreign." I nod.

"There has been many civilization before the ones now. The same way you would see different strategies of war, you would see plenty of fighting styles. Given that I have only been alive for less than a full moon cycle, I had only a few days to master all the fighting styles in existence. Normally, and immortal would not mature as fast as I did. But with the increase of heroes and wars, Zeus and multiple other deities gathered and forced me to grow using a small portion of themselves.

"With the energy, their knowledge and wisdom was filtered into me. So, imagine all the civilizations that you can think of and their religion. I got it all flowing through me."

"If that's the case, wouldn't you be overpowered and can literally take on the deities that have you power?" I nod.

"Yes. But I chose not to abuse my power. It is sickening."

"But couldn't you end this war now?"

"I could. But this war is not my problem." I respond.

"Not your problem." Achilles stands. "Women and children are getting killed! Innocent lives! Over and over! You have the power to protect us! But you won't and I as you why!" I stare up at him as he pants.

"What...are children?" Achilles seems to realizes that he just yelled at someone who can kill him without a blink of an eye.

"I'm an adult. Children are offspring. You know, sons and daughters. Just like you're your mother's daughter. You're her child." I nod.

"Oh." Achilles frowns.

"Have you ever seen children?" I shake my head.

"I am too busy with this futile war."

"Well, there's plenty of children out there. We could always see children in villages. Though..."

"Plague. I know about that." I sigh.

"Yeah...You'll most likely find corpses at this rate." I pause.

"What?" Achilles smiles nervously.

"Plague kills everyone." The fire starts to burn bright blue.

"ZEUS!" I roar. The wind picks up and rain suddenly starts to pound on us, but the flames do not die. Lightning flashes followed by angry thunder.

"Azora! Azora!" Achilles yells as he claws against the ground. I take a deep breath and sit.

"Enough." I mutter. Everything goes back to normal. Achilles sits up, panting.

"You...are...VACCA STULTA!"

"Compare me to a cow again and I will turn you into mush!" Achilles starts to laugh. I stare at him.

"My apologies." He wheezes. I stand and kick him in the side. It's hard enough to make him lose his breath.

"So, innocents are suffering from this plague. The outskirts are suffering the most." I sigh.

"Last I checked, the royals were starting to get affected. A heir was killed, too."

"I will take a look tomorrow after a meeting we must attend."

"Meeting?" Achilles stares at me curiously.

"You will meet four other deities at my command. You will want to get to know them and at least be tolerated if you expect Thetis to see you alive by the end of this war." Achilles nods.

"Is there else anything I should know?"

"Do not look at Zagreus in the eye. And expect to hold Leon." I respond.

"Zagreus... Isn't he—"

"His parents are questionable. Do not address it in front of him." Achilles gives me a jerky nod. I sigh.

"This war. It started with your parents. Discord, Paris, Aphrodite...So many deities...So many stupid decisions."

"You don't like war, do you?" I smile.

"Being able to destroy mankind and the Olympians does mean I want to do it. Frankly, I would prefer to be left alone."

"Oh." Achilles stares at the calm fire before us.

"Sleep. You will need energy." With one of my wings, I distinguish the fire. Achilles lies down, facing away from me. For the rest of the night, I stand guard.