
Walker survivor

DROPPED!!!! Started out as an idea, but I soon lost interest. Might make another story in the future

Michaela_9156 · Película
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

- King county, Georgia.

A young woman, seemingly in her early twenties, could be seen walking along the sidewalk while carrying a shopping bag in her right hand after a recent trip to the nearby store.

She had wavy mahogany brown hair reaching just past her shoulders. Her skin, having a tanned hue to it, complimenting her hazel eyes. Her facial structure somewhat resembled a twenty year old Emma Watson. She stood at an average height of 5 foot 4 inches, or 163 cm. She had a slim, yet fit build. She had a c-cup chest which was held back by the black tank top she was wearing with a pair of grey sweatpants and black sneakers.

This was Lily Carter.

What noone knew about Lily however, was that she was not originally from this world. She was a reincarnated soul that entered this world 22 years prior. And while the two worlds are similar in many aspects, there was one big difference between her original earth and the one she now inhabited.

"Hey Lily! Heading home from the store?" Came a voice from behind her. She turned and smiled at the man the voice belonged to. Seeing a well built man leaning towards the passenger window of a cop car.

"You know it Shane. You still on the clock? I was just heading home to get a cup of coffee."

Shane Walsh, an officer of the local police. They had known eachother for years and had a pretty good relationship, often leading to the two spending the night together.

He was also the one that introduced her to the one that confirmed Lilys suspicion of her current location, his best friend and partner, Rick Grimes. She knew after that meeting that she had been reborn in a world that would one day become filled with the walking dead.

She had since that day spent time learning anything that could be useful for when the world would eventually turn to shit. She studied as a mechanic, eventually getting a job at the local garage. She often studied basic medicine as well as trained in different types of weapons, thanks to Shane that is. She just used the excuse that she was a young woman living alone and was often feeling like some creep would jump her one day. After 22 years of living in that world, she still felt barely ready for the apocalypse.

"Nah, I still got to meet up with Rick in a bit for a meeting at the station. But if youre still up for it later, I can drop by for that cup?"

"You are always welcome Shane." She laughed a bit while covering her mouth with her free hand.

"Just make sure you get to that meeting on time, you hear me?"

"You got it. See you later then."

"See you Shane." She replied while wawing at the man as he drove off.

She had spent a lot of time with Shane over the years, and while he was 16 years older, she still enjoyed their friends with benefits relationship. It also seemed to have the unexpected side-effect of Shane not pining after Lori like in the show.

While Lily hadnt met Lori during all this time, she had met Carl when Rick had brought him along before. She had also babysat him a few times and was called the funny auntie Lily. While she hadnt had any relationship with Lori, she still got a few homemade dishes as a thank you gift for watching over the boy. She still didnt like her from the show, but hoped with all her heart that she wasnt the same now that this world had become reality.

Shaking her head free from her thoughts, she finally reached her house. It was a two-story house with a garage on the side. It was a house she had inherited from her parents some years prior, but couldnt stay in due to her age at the time, being only 15. She was placed in foster care, but kept the house until she became 17 when she felt ready to move back in.

It had taken a bit of work to clean and work on what needed fixing, but with the help from both Shane and Rick it had been done a lot faster than if it was only her.

During the next few years, she spent her time working at the garage and studying all that she needed when the world went under. She had with the help of Shane aquired a liscense to own guns and had bought a few that she kept locked away at home. She had also stocked up on multiple things that she might need with time. It helped a lot that her parents had left her quite a bit of money when they died.

But reaching her kitchen, she started to put away all the groceries she had bought. She often bought things that could be stored, just in case something happened earlier than what she knew. After all, she only knew that it happened shortly after Rick was shot and ended up in a coma. A week at most.

Lily sat down in her recliner after putting away her groceries and getting herself a cup of coffee. She put her legs up and put a laptop on her thighs, searching for sites that sells different vehicles. One of the reasons for her working at the garage was so that she would be able to build and prepare a vehicle for when the time was right, which was coming up fast.

Lily had some knowledge about the timeframe. She knew that Carl was 12, Rick was 40 and Shane was 38. This was giving her a tight schedule since it was Recently Shanes birthday, making him the last one to celebrate before doomsday.

She was almost out of time.

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*Boom!* *Ratatatatata!*

"SHIT!" Lily yelled at the air after hearing the sounds of gunfire from the street.

It had been two months since she finally got her new vehicle delivered and she had spent all her free time working on it.

She had bought a double decker sleeper bus. The first floor contained a storage and kitchen area that she had filled with her guns, ammo and whatever food she had at her house. The upper floor was a living area that had a generator hooked to solar panels on the roof. There was a television and a sleeping area. She had also refitted the windows so that they could be used for shooting the walkers.

She had to rush her work a week earlier after she heard that Rick was shot. She hd also finally met Lori. Yeah, still not a fan. Lily just thought of her as a whining baby that couldnt even see past her own nose. From what Lily had heard before the shooting, was that she still considered divorcing him, yet when he was in the hospital, all she could think of was of her own sadness that she couldnt yell at him anymore.

But after that day, she had sped up her efforts on the bus, trying to get it ready. Just earlier that day, Shane had come by to get her to come along to Atlanta.

- Flashback.

Lily was working harder after hearing a few gunshots. She was nearing completion, but she still had plans to raid a few stores before leaving.

While working on the engine, she heard a few footsteps running towards her. She grabbed the gun at her side and aimed at the incoming noice.

"Woah woah. Its me, Shane!" Came the voice from the now know person. Lily sighed and returned the gun to her hip.

She was wearing her usual grey sweatpants, sneakers and a sports bra for easier movement. She had also put a gun belt across her hip which held her handgun.

"God damnit Shane! Dont run up to me like that when there is literally an apocalypse going on." She said in an exhausted voice as she went back to the engine.

"Sorry, but as you said yourself, there is an apocalypse going on! What are you still doing here? Come on. We are heading to the safe zone in Atlanta." He said quickly while looking around to make sure that he wasnt attacked.

"I cant come. Not yet." Lily said while still having half her body inside the engine.

"And why the hell not!?"

"This bus. After this whole apocalypse thing, I am working on the bus so that it can be secure against whatever those things are."

"The... bus....!? Are you crazy!? Is the bus more important than your life?" He whisper-yelled.

"No it isnt. But I plan to finish it to ensure more safety in these times. I will meet you in atlanta if that helps. I assume you are taking Lori and Carl, so make sure to keep them and yourself safe until I arrive, okay?" She spoke as she turned back to Shane. He could only sigh.

"Fine, but you better make sure to reach the safe zone."

"You know it." She said and gave him a small kiss on his cheek.

"I got a CB installed, so I will contact you when I get there." She winked. Shane just chuckled.

"You better make it." He whispered and started to run back to his car while Lily just watched the man drive off.

- Flashback end.

She had spent hours after that on the bus to get it ready as fast as possible, but she knew that there was still a few days of work left before then.

After working for so long, she decided to end for the night and return the next day.

This went on for a week.

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