
Waking Up as Naruto

Everyone dreams of transmigrating in the fictional world of their dreams. This is what happened to me. As one day, I suddenly woke up as Naruto, and this is the story of my journey as Uzumaki Naruto. A journey to the top of the ninja world as the strongest. Disclaimer: I don't own the rights of Naruto and its franchise. I also don't own the cover of this story.

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9 Chs

team 7

"Sasuke!... Do you know happened to Naruto?! ... Can you see anything?!... Should we pull the wire that is attached to his right foot?!.."

"I can't see anything just like you, Sakura... The smoke is too thick... Also the wind has died down so, it will take longer for the smoke to disipate... I think that we should pull the wire and wish that he managed to snatch the bells awa-"

Before Sasuke could finished speaking, Naruto pierced through the thick cloud of smoke and headed towards them. His body moved like a canon ball that was shot from a cliff, passed between Sakura and Sasuke. Before finally crashing heavily on the ground behind them, and causing dust to lift up in the air which surrounded all of them.


At his previous location in mid-air, the smoke was disipated by the gust created as Naruto flew away, and Kakashi could be seen with his right leg horizontally extended and his waist slightly twisted. He was slowly descending to the ground, and the sound of bells chiming could be heard in his direction.

He landed gracefully and immediately tried to open his teary eye, before quickly closing it again. He put his right hand into the right pocket of his pants, and took out a white handkerchief. He used it to wipe his eye and he slowly opened it once more.

'My sight is still blurry... It will take a couple of seconds for it return to normal... But those brats got me good... I was too careless and underestimated them too much...

The result is that I temporarily lost my eyesight in the middle of battle and was also overwhelmed by them in the last minutes of the showdown... They even forced me to use my full strength briefly in the kick for the last attack...

Since it was taken by Naruto who has an enhanced regenerative ability from what I read in the information provided by Lord Third... It should be fine.

I should have taken all the information that I read about them into consideration and have been more serious... Instead of judging them from my opinion of them after only one meeting, the information clearly showed that all three of them has great potential, special the two boys.

Even without those information, for someone that have known and interacted with the close relatives of the two boys, I was stupid... After all the apple don't fall to far from the tree.'

As Kakashi was still lost in his thoughts, the cloud of dust surrounding the aspiring shinobi settled down. At that moment, Sakura and Sasuke could be seen helping Naruto to get up.

[COUGH.... COUGH...]

Naruto coughed repeated for a few seconds as he stood up weakly on his feet with a pale complexion, but after a minute he was back to his usual self. He handed a bell to Sasuke and stared at them with depressed expression.

"Sorry guys!!!... I could not snatch both of the two bells from Kakashi-sensei... He managed to react at the last second, as expected of a ninja of his calibre..."

"Don't worry about it, Naruto!... We still have a lot of time left and we have one bell... I think that we should somehow be able to take the other one from him... Also, if your guess about the purpose of the test is right, it might not be necessary... Right Sasuke!.."

"Yeah... It is not over yet!.."

"Thanks guys!... Let's do i-"


Kakashi suddenly appeared before the three youngsters without them noticing him even though they were looking at him attentively. He had a dead serious expression plastered on his face, and he was surrounded by a menacing aura.

"YOU BRATS!... HAVE PASSED THE TEST!!!!...Congratulations for taking one of my bells with your flawless strategy... I will be expecting a lot from you from now on... Welcome to my team, the team 7.... I promise to help all of you become outstanding ninja with all my strength... From now on, you will be officially recognized as genin of Konoha... "

Sakura and Naruto could not contain their joy, and jumped with joy, while Sasuke only displayed a faint smile. Then, Naruto turned towards Sasuke with a smirk on his face.

"Sasuke just you wait, I will definitely surpass you and force you to acknowledge me as your equal... Mr. Number One Rookie."

"Try it... I admit that I underestimated you a lot, Naruto... But it is over... By the time that you reach my current level, I will be on another level... I will become so strong that no one in our generation will be able to hold a candle against me.."

"Oi!.. Don't forget about me, I will become very strong too... And I will make Sasu-... Anyway, I will make all of you recognise my worth as Kunoichi!!!!!!"

Kakashi stared at his protegés talking to one another and couldn't help, but remember his times as a genin in Team Minato.

' Rin... Obito... Sensei... I have finally formed a team that will be able to surpass ours... Sakura is smart and pretty like you, Rin... She is also very talented...

Obito... Naruto is your spitting image... He is very friendly and always smiling like you, and it is clear that he loves his teammates... Unlike the cold me of the past...

Sasuke, on the other hand, is arrogant and cold like my past self... I wish not... I must help him overcome the darkness that his brother has left in his heart...

Minato-Sensei... I might not be half as good of a teacher as you, but I will do my best to make them strong enough to not suffer the same fate as our past teammates..'

"Okay!... Guys, you are dismissed... We will be visiting the office of the Hokage in five days, to obtain our first mission... So, rest well and prepare yourself."