
Waitress in the day, Vampire at night

*Excerpt* "Argh..." Ellie forced herself to stop moving, and she pushed the man dragging her away by her arm with all the strenght she could muster. "Aren't you listening to me? He's only a child. Please." she pleaded. The man was as solid as a concrete wall, and although he barely moved a step away despite the force she used in pushing him, her actions seemed to have made him stop dragging her. Or maybe not. Because the next second, she heard the sound of the sole of a shoe hit the ground, then another, and another... Turning around in apprehension, she realized the painter had finally turned from his painting and was walking toward her. Her bones froze instantly. His face... She had no words to describe how beautiful he was, even though his skin was almost white. His dark brown hair fell over his forehead, almost covering his dangerously cold dark grey eyes. His steps were slow and majestic, making him look like a top ranked demon walking out of hell with just one agenda — to end her miserable life. He reeked of bloodlust, and the aura around him radiated death and destruction. The hairs on her skin stood up in reaction to the threat approaching her, and knowing she couldn't outrun him, she fell on her knees. "P-please, I-im s-sorry for disturbing you a-and pushing him. My brother is only a child. He's sick and I'm the only one he has. If you must imprison me, then I beg you to at least take him to an orphanage." Ellie pleaded, stuttering for the first time in her life, her eyes fixed on the floor. A moment later, she felt a cold finger touch her chin, pushing her head. When that was done, he took off her mask, exposing her face. Ellie's heart was beating wildly by this time. There was no trace of warmth, neither did any emotion register on his face upon seeing her complete facial features. It was just plain, cold, blankness. "You are in no position to make demands." His lips finally moved, and the words that came out of his mouth crushed Ellie's heart. "It's not a demand. Just a request. I don't want him to die." She persisted. "What makes you think I would grant such a request?" "Because it's the right thing to do." Ellie gave the obvious answer, but his face twisted like she just spit poison at him. "Do I look like someone who gives a fuck about doing the right thing?" "No!" Ellie answered truthfully. "I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Saving my brother is not the right thing. It is the wrong thing. In fact, I can assure you it is the wrongest thing to do." She made a quick U-turn, and the painter's brows flew up in surprise for just a second, before his next order jumped out of his mouth. "Take her away." *** Life dealt Ellie Sander a cruel blow when her parents suddenly died in a car crash, leaving her to cater for her five year old anaemic brother, whose ability to walk was affected by the same crash. With no money, no stable job, and no help coming from anywhere, she was forced to take advantage of the insecurity in their town to fend for herself and her brother. Being a waitress in the day and a fake Vampire at night, she raised enough money and all went well until one night when she met with the real vampire, and her freedom was taken away.

Veekee_Lee · Fantasía
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148 Chs

I like her

"But… but… who will bathe me, and feed me, and give me my medicines, and take me to the toilet, and hug me, and play with me, and tell me stories, and… and…" Nicholas trailed off, trying to remember other activities he enjoyed engaging in with Ellie.

"Who does all these things for you?" Storm probed.

"Ellie," Nicholas answered.

"This is a doctor. He will take you to the hospital and do all he can to help you start walking again. He will make sure you don't lack all these things you mentioned. Once you're on your feet again, your sister will be here waiting for you. Is that okay?"

"Okay." Nicholas nodded, moving his attention to the doctor, who had a pleasant smile on his lips.

Storm stood up from the bed, giving room for Ken to carry Nicholas. As soon as Nicholas was securely in his arms, Ken started toward the door.

"That boy's life is worth ten. For your sake, make sure nothing happens to him. No visitors are allowed to see him except me. Not even Elfin. If at any time you see Elfin anywhere around him, let me know immediately." Storm spoke, halting Ken.

"But Master, Elfin can come there looking like you and I wouldn't know it isn't you." Ken reminded Storm of a very crucial information he may be forgetting.

After the warning Storm just issued, he needed no one to tell him this was a situation he wasn't supposed to joke with or take lightly. He still wanted to live, so he wanted to eliminate anything that could put him in trouble even without his knowledge.

"He used to be able to do that but he can't do it anymore. He won't come looking like me." Storm put Ken's mind to rest. He narrowed his eyes a second later, sensing the presence of the person he was talking about in the room.

"I repeat, Ken. Elfin is forbidden from being anywhere close to the boy. Even if you see him around the hospital environment, alert me." Storm repeated, before moving his eyes to Nicholas.

"Do you remember that man with black eyes you saw yesterday?" Storm questioned, and Nicholas nodded. "Good. If you see him around you while you're at the hospital, raise an alarm. Scream for help with all your might. Alright?"

Nicholas gave another nod.

"You may leave." Storm dismissed Ken.

A corner of Elfin's lips curled up slightly before he vanished from the room without a word.


"She's pretty."

"Whose daughter do you think she is? I've never seen her at any of our parties."

"Yeah…Her face is not familiar. I would have remembered her if she had attended any of the parties."

"Maybe she's not part of our circle. I don't think her parents are rich. Maybe an average."

"Why would he bring an average here? Have you forgotten why we are here?"

"What are you saying? Some averages are well connected to people at the top. Some of them just like to keep their children out of the light. I think she's one of those."

"Shhh… Stop talking. I think she's waking up."

These were the words Ellie heard when she regained consciousness. The voices had been echoing inside her head, forcing her to leave her unconscious state.

At first, she couldn't make out what they were saying as the words were not clear to her. The words gradually became clearer as she became aware of her surroundings, but still, she couldn't understand what the people were going on about.

Her brows pulled together and she opened her eyes, only to see three pairs of eyes staring down at her.

The door opened, and the pairs of eyes moved away from her toward it.

"What is happening here? What are you all doing here?" Ellie heard a different voice – one that sounded familiar – ask a question.

"She's awake." One of the girls spoke, avoiding answering any of the questions that were thrown at them.

Ellie scanned the strange faces which had returned their gazes to her, before she saw the one that just entered. It was that girl, Mary. She had a small, worried smile on her face this time.

"Hello," Mary spoke, looking intently at her eyes.

Ellie didn't respond. She darted her eyes around the room and realized she was in a different place, not the metal cage.

"Do you feel alright now?" Mary probed again, and that was when Ellie returned her gaze to the girl.

Ellie pushed herself up and flung her legs out of the bed. Once more, she looked at the strange girls around her, who were also staring at her curiously. One was even smiling at her.

"I need to use the bathroom." She finally spoke, her voice coming out as a broken whisper.

"Let me take you there." Mary offered, then moved to assist her off the bed.

Ellie didn't resist. She followed Mary, who led her out of the room, and through the plain corridor until they arrived at a different door.

Mary pushed the door open and they stepped inside. It was a public bathroom, having about eight stalls inside.

"This is the bathroom. I'll go get you a towel, soap, and a fresh set of clothes." Mary spoke, then turned around and walked away.

Ellie leaned against the wall and looked around. She let out a sigh as everything that happened up until she blacked out in that cage, returned to her.

Was this her new reality? Was there really no escape from this place? What about Nicholas? There were a lot of things she still didn't understand. But if given a choice, she would rather go very far from this place than understand anything.

Back in the room, the three girls surrounded Mary when she returned.

"Who is she?"

"What's her name?"

"Will she be assigned to the kitchen?"

At the third question, the others turned to look at the one who asked it. She was the one smiling at Ellie earlier.

"What?" She asked defensively. "She's beautiful. I like her already."

"I don't know who she is yet. I also don't know her name yet. And no. She will not be assigned to the kitchen. She has been assigned to the main palace and Master Storm's room."

"WHAT?!" The three girls chorused in shock, their eyes as wide as saucers.

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