


Adam leads the way up the porch steps and to the front door. He knocks then peers back at me. I stand like a child who has been called to the principal's office. I'll do whatever they want as long as I'm not in trouble. I'll agree to anything as long as things can continue between Adam and I. Hollow footsteps sound inside and grow louder. Through the fogged and distorted glass window on the door, I watch a figure reach for the handle and push down. A woman is revealed on the other side. /"Adam,/" she says, her voice unwavering.


I take in a sharp breath. Her gaze glides to me. /"Hello,/" I say, trying my best to sound relaxed. /"I'm Wrenley./"

/"Of course,/" his mother says, not overtly obvious about her distaste, but the hints are there, hidden in the layers. /"Come in, I want this to be quick. I think that's what's best./"